IDNameGenerationDelta ExclusiveDescription
1Stench3NoBy releasing a stench when attacking, the Pokémon may cause the target to flinch.
2Drizzle3NoThe Pokémon makes it rain when it enters a battle.
3Speed Boost3NoThe Pokémon’s Speed stat is boosted every turn.
4Battle Armor3NoHard armor protects the Pokémon from critical hits.
5Sturdy3NoThe Pokémon cannot be knocked out by a single hit as long as its HP is full. One-hit KO moves will also fail to knock it out.
6Damp3NoThe Pokémon dampens its surroundings, preventing all Pokémon from using explosive moves such as Self-Destruct.
7Limber3NoThe Pokémon’s limber body prevents it from being paralyzed.
8Sand Veil3NoBoosts the Pokémon’s evasiveness in a sandstorm.
9Static3NoThe Pokémon is charged with static electricity and may paralyze attackers that make direct contact with it.
10Volt Absorb3NoIf hit by an Electric-type move, the Pokémon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.
11Water Absorb3NoIf hit by a Water-type move, the Pokémon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.
12Oblivious3NoThe Pokémon is oblivious, keeping it from being infatuated, falling for taunts, or being affected by Intimidate.
13Cloud Nine3NoEliminates the effects of weather.
14Compound Eyes3NoThe Pokémon’s compound eyes boost its accuracy.
15Insomnia3NoThe Pokémon’s insomnia prevents it from falling asleep.
16Color Change3NoThe Pokémon’s type becomes the type of the move used on it.
17Immunity3NoThe Pokémon’s immune system prevents it from being poisoned.
18Flash Fire3NoIf hit by a Fire-type move, the Pokémon absorbs the flames and uses them to power up its own Fire-type moves.
19Shield Dust3NoProtective dust shields the Pokémon from the additional effects of moves.
20Own Tempo3NoThe Pokémon sticks to its own tempo, preventing it from becoming confused or being affected by Intimidate.
21Suction Cups3NoThe Pokémon uses suction cups to stay in one spot. This protects it from moves and items that would force it to switch out.
22Intimidate3NoWhen the Pokémon enters a battle, it intimidates opposing Pokémon and makes them cower, lowering their Attack stats.
23Shadow Tag3NoThe Pokémon steps on the opposing Pokémon’s shadows to prevent them from fleeing or switching out.
24Rough Skin3NoThe Pokémon’s rough skin damages attackers that make direct contact with it.
25Wonder Guard3NoIts mysterious power only lets supereffective moves hit the Pokémon.
26Levitate3NoBy floating in the air, the Pokémon receives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
27Effect Spore3NoContact with the Pokémon may inflict poison, sleep, or paralysis on the attacker.
28Synchronize3NoIf the Pokémon is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned by another Pokémon, that Pokémon will be inflicted with the same status condition.
29Clear Body3NoPrevents other Pokémon’s moves or Abilities from lowering the Pokémon’s stats.
30Natural Cure3NoThe Pokémon’s status conditions are cured when it switches out.
31Lightning Rod3NoThe Pokémon draws in all Electric-type moves. Instead of taking damage from them, its Sp. Atk stat is boosted.
32Serene Grace3NoRaises the likelihood of additional effects occurring when the Pokémon uses its moves.
33Swift Swim3NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Speed stat in rain.
34Chlorophyll3NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Speed stat in harsh sunlight.
35Illuminate3NoRaises the likelihood of meeting wild Pokémon by illuminating the surroundings.
36Trace3NoWhen it enters a battle, the Pokémon copies an opposing Pokémon’s Ability.
37Huge Power3NoDoubles the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
38Poison Point3NoContact with the Pokémon may poison the attacker.
39Inner Focus3NoThe Pokémon’s intense focus prevents it from flinching or being affected by Intimidate.
40Magma Armor3NoThe Pokémon’s hot magma coating prevents it from being frozen.
41Water Veil3NoThe Pokémon’s water veil prevents it from being burned.
42Magnet Pull3NoPrevents Steel-type Pokémon from fleeing by pulling them in with magnetism.
43Soundproof3NoSoundproofing gives the Pokémon full immunity to all sound-based moves.
44Rain Dish3NoThe Pokémon gradually regains HP in rain.
45Sand Stream3NoThe Pokémon summons a sandstorm when it enters a battle.
46Pressure3NoPuts other Pokémon under pressure, causing them to expend more PP to use their moves.
47Thick Fat3NoThe Pokémon is protected by a layer of thick fat, which halves the damage taken from Fire- and Ice-type moves.
48Early Bird3NoThe Pokémon awakens from sleep twice as fast as other Pokémon.
49Flame Body3NoContact with the Pokémon may burn the attacker.
50Run Away3NoEnables a sure getaway from wild Pokémon.
51Keen Eye3NoThe Pokémon’s keen eyes prevent its accuracy from being lowered.
52Hyper Cutter3NoThe Pokémon’s prized, mighty pincers prevent other Pokémon from lowering its Attack stat.
53Pickup3NoThe Pokémon may pick up an item another Pokémon used during a battle. It may pick up items outside of battle, too.
54Truant3NoEach time the Pokémon uses a move, it spends the next turn loafing around.
55Hustle3NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Attack stat but lowers its accuracy.
56Cute Charm3NoThe Pokémon may infatuate attackers that make direct contact with it.
57Plus3NoBoosts the Attack and Special Attack stat of the Pokémon if an ally with the Minus Ability is also in battle.
58Minus3NoBoosts the Attack and Special Attack stat of the Pokémon if an ally with the Plus Ability is also in battle.
59Forecast3NoThe Pokémon transforms with the weather to change its type to Water, Fire, or Ice.
60Sticky Hold3NoThe Pokémon’s held items cling to its sticky body and cannot be removed by other Pokémon.
61Shed Skin3NoThe Pokémon may cure its own status conditions by shedding its skin.
62Guts3NoIt’s so gutsy that having a status condition boosts the Pokémon’s Attack stat.
63Marvel Scale3NoThe Pokémon’s marvelous scales boost its Defense stat if it has a status condition.
64Liquid Ooze3NoThe strong stench of the Pokémon’s oozed liquid damages attackers that use HP-draining moves.
65Overgrow3NoPowers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low.
66Blaze3NoPowers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low.
67Torrent3NoPowers up Water-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low.
68Swarm3NoPowers up Bug-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low.
69Rock Head3NoProtects the Pokémon from recoil damage.
70Drought3NoTurns the sunlight harsh when the Pokémon enters a battle.
71Arena Trap3NoPrevents opposing Pokémon from fleeing from battle.
72Vital Spirit3NoThe Pokémon is full of vitality, and that prevents it from falling asleep.
73White Smoke3NoThe Pokémon is protected by its white smoke, which prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stats.
74Pure Power3NoUsing its pure power, the Pokémon doubles its Attack stat.
75Shell Armor3NoA hard shell protects the Pokémon from critical hits.
76Air Lock3NoEliminates the effects of weather.
77Tangled Feet4NoBoosts the Pokémon’s evasiveness if it is confused.
78Motor Drive4NoThe Pokémon takes no damage when hit by Electric-type moves. Instead, its Speed stat is boosted.
79Rivalry4NoThe Pokémon’s competitive spirit makes it deal more damage to Pokémon of the same gender, but less damage to Pokémon of the opposite gender.
80Steadfast4NoThe Pokémon’s determination boosts its Speed stat every time it flinches.
81Snow Cloak4NoBoosts the Pokémon’s evasiveness in snow.
82Gluttony4NoIf the Pokémon is holding a Berry to be eaten when its HP is low, it will instead eat the Berry when its HP drops to half or less.
83Anger Point4NoThe Pokémon is angered when it takes a critical hit, and that maxes its Attack stat.
84Unburden4NoBoosts the Speed stat if the Pokémon’s held item is used or lost.
85Heatproof4NoThe Pokémon’s heatproof body halves the damage taken from Fire-type moves.
86Simple4NoDoubles the effects of the Pokémon’s stat changes.
87Dry Skin4NoRestores the Pokémon’s HP in rain or when it is hit by Water-type moves. Reduces HP in harsh sunlight, and increases the damage received from Fire-type moves.
88Download4NoThe Pokémon compares an opposing Pokémon’s Defense and Sp. Def stats before raising its own Attack or Sp. Atk stat—whichever will be more effective.
89Iron Fist4NoPowers up punching moves.
90Poison Heal4NoIf poisoned, the Pokémon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.
91Adaptability4NoPowers up moves of the same type as the Pokémon.
92Skill Link4NoMaximizes the number of times multistrike moves hit.
93Hydration4NoCures the Pokémon’s status conditions in rain.
94Solar Power4NoIn harsh sunlight, the Pokémon’s Sp. Atk stat is boosted, but its HP decreases every turn.
95Quick Feet4NoBoosts the Speed stat if the Pokémon has a status condition.
96Normalize4NoAll the Pokémon’s moves become Normal type. The power of those moves is boosted a little.
97Sniper4NoIf the Pokémon’s attack lands a critical hit, the attack is powered up even further.
98Magic Guard4NoThe Pokémon only takes damage from attacks.
99No Guard4NoThe Pokémon employs no-guard tactics to ensure incoming and outgoing attacks always land.
100Stall4NoThe Pokémon is always the last to use its moves.
101Technician4NoPowers up weak moves so the Pokémon can deal more damage with them.
102Leaf Guard4NoGives the Safeguard status condition when under harsh sunlight.
103Klutz4NoThe Pokémon can’t use any held items.
104Mold Breaker4NoThe Pokémon’s moves are unimpeded by the Ability of the target.
105Super Luck4NoThe Pokémon is so lucky that the critical-hit ratios of its moves are boosted.
106Aftermath4NoDamages the attacker if it knocks out the Pokémon with a move that makes direct contact.
107Anticipation4NoThe Pokémon can sense an opposing Pokémon’s dangerous moves.
108Forewarn4NoWhen it enters a battle, the Pokémon can tell one of the moves an opposing Pokémon has.
109Unaware4NoWhen attacking, the Pokémon ignores the target’s stat changes.
110Tinted Lens4NoThe Pokémon can use “not very effective” moves to deal regular damage.
111Filter4NoReduces the power of supereffective attacks that hit the Pokémon.
112Slow Start4NoFor five turns, the Pokémon’s Attack and Speed stats are halved.
113Scrappy4NoThe Pokémon can hit Ghost-type Pokémon with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. It is also unaffected by Intimidate.
114Storm Drain4NoThe Pokémon draws in all Water-type moves. Instead of taking damage from them, its Sp. Atk stat is boosted.
115Ice Body4NoThe Pokémon gradually regains HP in snow.
116Solid Rock4NoReduces the power of supereffective attacks that hit the Pokémon.
117Snow Warning4NoThe Pokémon makes it snow when it enters a battle.
118Honey Gather4NoThe Pokémon may gather Honey after a battle.
119Frisk4NoWhen it enters a battle, the Pokémon can check an opposing Pokémon’s held item.
120Reckless4NoPowers up moves that have recoil damage.
121Multitype4NoChanges the Pokémon’s type to match the plate it holds.
122Flower Gift4NoBoosts the Attack and Sp. Def stats of the Pokémon and its allies in harsh sunlight.
123Bad Dreams4NoDamages opposing Pokémon that are asleep.
124Pickpocket5NoThe Pokémon steals the held item from attackers that make direct contact with it.
125Sheer Force5NoRemoves any additional effects from the Pokémon’s moves, but increases the moves’ power.
126Contrary5NoReverses any stat changes affecting the Pokémon so that attempts to boost its stats instead lower them— and attempts to lower its stats will boost them.
127Unnerve5NoUnnerves opposing Pokémon and makes them unable to eat Berries.
128Defiant5NoIf the Pokémon has any stat lowered by an opposing Pokémon, its Attack stat will be boosted sharply.
129Defeatist5NoHalves the Pokémon’s Attack and Sp. Atk stats when its HP drops to half or less.
130Cursed Body5NoMay disable a move that has dealt damage to the Pokémon.
131Healer5NoSometimes cures the status conditions of the Pokémon’s allies.
132Friend Guard5NoReduces damage dealt to allies.
133Weak Armor5NoThe Pokémon’s Defense stat is lowered when it takes damage from physical moves, but its Speed stat is sharply boosted.
134Heavy Metal5NoDoubles the Pokémon’s weight.
135Light Metal5NoHalves the Pokémon’s weight.
136Multiscale5NoReduces the amount of damage the Pokémon takes while its HP is full.
137Toxic Boost5NoPowers up physical moves when the Pokémon is poisoned.
138Flare Boost5NoPowers up special moves when the Pokémon is burned.
139Harvest5NoMay create another Berry after one is used.
140Telepathy5NoThe Pokémon anticipates and dodges the attacks of its allies.
141Moody5NoEvery turn, one of the Pokémon’s stats will be boosted sharply but another stat will be lowered.
142Overcoat5NoThe Pokémon takes no damage from sandstorms. It is also protected from the effects of powders and spores.
143Poison Touch5NoMay poison a target when the Pokémon makes contact.
144Regenerator5NoThe Pokémon has a little of its HP restored when withdrawn from battle.
145Big Pecks5NoPrevents the Pokémon from having its Defense stat lowered.
146Sand Rush5NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Speed stat in a sandstorm.
147Wonder Skin5NoMakes status moves more likely to miss the Pokémon.
148Analytic5NoBoosts the power of the Pokémon’s move if it is the last to act that turn.
149Illusion5NoThe Pokémon fools opponents by entering battle disguised as the last Pokémon in its Trainer’s party.
150Imposter5NoThe Pokémon transforms itself into the Pokémon it’s facing.
151Infiltrator5NoThe Pokémon’s moves are unaffected by the target’s barriers, substitutes, and the like.
152Mummy5NoContact with the Pokémon changes the attacker’s Ability to Mummy.
153Moxie5NoWhen the Pokémon knocks out a target, it shows moxie, which boosts its Attack stat.
154Justified5NoWhen the Pokémon is hit by a Dark-type attack, its Attack stat is boosted by its sense of justice.
155Rattled5NoThe Pokémon gets scared when hit by a Dark-, Ghost-, or Bug-type attack or if intimidated, which boosts its Speed stat.
156Magic Bounce5NoThe Pokémon reflects status moves instead of getting hit by them.
157Sap Sipper5NoThe Pokémon takes no damage when hit by Grass-type moves. Instead, its Attack stat is boosted.
158Prankster5NoGives priority to the Pokémon’s status moves.
159Sand Force5NoBoosts the power of Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves in a sandstorm.
160Iron Barbs5NoThe Pokémon’s iron barbs damage the attacker if it makes direct contact.
161Zen Mode5NoChanges the Pokémon’s shape when its HP drops to half or less.
162Victory Star5NoBoosts the accuracy of the Pokémon and its allies.
163Turboblaze5NoThe Pokémon’s moves are unimpeded by the Ability of the target.
164Teravolt5NoThe Pokémon’s moves are unimpeded by the Ability of the target.
165Aroma Veil6NoProtects the Pokémon and its allies from effects that prevent the use of moves.
166Flower Veil6NoAlly Grass-type Pokémon are protected from status conditions and the lowering of their stats.
167Cheek Pouch6NoThe Pokémon’s HP is restored when it eats any Berry, in addition to the Berry’s usual effect.
168Protean6NoChanges the Pokémon’s type to the type of the move it’s about to use. This works only once each time the Pokémon enters battle.
169Fur Coat6NoHalves the damage from physical moves.
170Magician6NoThe Pokémon steals the held item from any target it hits with a move.
171Bulletproof6NoProtects the Pokémon from ball and bomb moves.
172Competitive6NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Sp. Atk stat sharply when its stats are lowered by an opposing Pokémon.
173Strong Jaw6NoThe Pokémon’s strong jaw boosts the power of its biting moves.
174Refrigerate6NoNormal-type moves become Ice-type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.
175Sweet Veil6NoPrevents the Pokémon and its allies from falling asleep.
176Stance Change6NoThe Pokémon changes its form to Blade Forme when it uses a physical or special move and changes to Shield Forme when it uses a status move.
177Gale Wings6NoGives priority to the Pokémon’s Flying-type moves while its HP is full.
178Mega Launcher6NoPowers up pulse moves.
179Grass Pelt6NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Defense stat on Grassy Terrain.
180Symbiosis6NoThe Pokémon passes its held item to an ally that has used up an item.
181Tough Claws6NoPowers up moves that make direct contact.
182Pixilate6NoNormal-type moves become Fairy-type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.
183Gooey6NoContact with the Pokémon lowers the attacker’s Speed stat.
184Aerilate6NoNormal-type moves become Flying-type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.
185Parental Bond6NoThe parent and child attack one after the other.
186Dark Aura6NoPowers up the Dark-type moves of all Pokémon on the field.
187Fairy Aura6NoPowers up the Fairy-type moves of all Pokémon on the field.
188Aura Break6NoThe effects of “Aura” Abilities are reversed to lower the power of affected moves.
189Primordial Sea6NoThe Pokémon changes the weather to nullify Fire-type attacks.
190Desolate Land6NoThe Pokémon changes the weather to nullify Water-type attacks.
191Delta Stream6NoThe Pokémon changes the weather so that no moves are supereffective against the Flying type.
192Stamina7NoBoosts the Defense stat when the Pokémon is hit by an attack.
193Wimp Out7NoThe Pokémon cowardly switches out when its HP drops to half or less.
194Emergency Exit7NoThe Pokémon, sensing danger, switches out when its HP drops to half or less.
195Water Compaction7NoBoosts the Defense stat sharply when the Pokémon is hit by a Water-type move.
196Merciless7NoThe Pokémon’s attacks become critical hits if the target is poisoned.
197Shields Down7NoWhen its HP drops to half or less, the Pokémon’s shell breaks and it becomes aggressive.
198Stakeout7NoDoubles the damage dealt to a target that has just switched into battle.
199Water Bubble7NoLowers the power of Fire-type moves that hit the Pokémon and prevents it from being burned.
200Steelworker7NoPowers up Steel-type moves.
201Berserk7NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Sp. Atk stat when it takes a hit that causes its HP to drop to half or less.
202Slush Rush7NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Speed stat in snow.
203Long Reach7NoThe Pokémon uses its moves without making contact with the target.
204Liquid Voice7NoSound-based moves become Water-type moves.
205Triage7NoGives priority to the Pokémon’s healing moves.
206Galvanize7NoNormal-type moves become Electric-type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.
207Surge Surfer7NoDoubles the Pokémon’s Speed stat on Electric Terrain.
208Schooling7NoWhen it has a lot of HP, the Pokémon forms a powerful school. It stops schooling when its HP is low.
209Disguise7NoOnce per battle, the shroud that covers the Pokémon can protect it from an attack.
210Battle Bond7NoWhen the Pokémon knocks out a target, its bond with its Trainer is strengthened, and its Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats are boosted.
211Power Construct7NoCells gather to aid the Pokémon when its HP drops to half or less, causing it to change into its Complete Forme.
212Corrosion7NoThe Pokémon can poison the target even if it’s a Steel or Poison type.
213Comatose7NoThe Pokémon is always drowsing and will never wake up. It can attack while in its sleeping state.
214Queenly Majesty7NoThe Pokémon’s majesty pressures opponents and makes them unable to use priority moves against the Pokémon or its allies.
215Innards Out7NoWhen the Pokémon is knocked out, it damages its attacker by the amount equal to the HP it had left before it was hit.
216Dancer7NoWhenever a dance move is used in battle, the Pokémon will copy the user to immediately perform that dance move itself.
217Battery7NoPowers up ally Pokémon’s special moves.
218Fluffy7NoHalves the damage taken from moves that make direct contact, but doubles that of Fire-type moves.
219Dazzling7NoThe Pokémon dazzles its opponents, making them unable to use priority moves against the Pokémon or its allies.
220Soul Heart7NoBoosts the Pokémon’s Sp. Atk stat every time another Pokémon faints.
221Tangling Hair7NoContact with the Pokémon lowers the attacker’s Speed stat.
222Receiver7NoThe Pokémon copies the Ability of a defeated ally.
223Power Of Alchemy7NoThe Pokémon copies the Ability of a defeated ally.
224Beast Boost7NoBoosts the Pokémon’s most proficient stat every time it knocks out a target.
225RKS System7NoChanges the Pokémon’s type to match the memory disc it holds.
226Electric Surge7NoTurns the ground into Electric Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
227Psychic Surge7NoTurns the ground into Psychic Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
228Misty Surge7NoTurns the ground into Misty Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
229Grassy Surge7NoTurns the ground into Grassy Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
230Full Metal Body7NoPrevents other Pokémon’s moves or Abilities from lowering the Pokémon’s stats.
231Shadow Shield7NoReduces the amount of damage the Pokémon takes while its HP is full.
232Prism Armor7NoReduces the power of supereffective attacks that hit the Pokémon.
233Neuroforce7NoPowers up the Pokémon’s supereffective attacks even further.
234Item Catcher3YesThe Pokémon has a 50% chance to catch and hold a thrown item. It can’t make a catch if it is already holding an item. It also can’t catch Seeds and drink items.
235Cheerleader3YesThe Pokémon cheers on nearby team members, boosting their Attack and Special Attack by 1 level. Works for adjacent allies. Two adjacent allies will boost each other if both of them have Cheerleader, but a Pokémon adjacent to more than one ally with this skill only receive one boost.
236Nontraitor3YesIf the Pokémon has a Confused status or a Cowering status, its wildly aimed attack will not hit friends. Also applies during Blinker status. Turning this skill off allows a Pokémon to target its teammates with certain beneficial moves like Role Play and Sketch when affected by these status conditions.
237Acute Sniffer3YesWhen it reaches a new floor, the Pokémon knows the number of items that are lying on the ground. This number includes buried items, which are normally inaccessible.
238PP Saver3YesThe Pokémon will occasionally use a move without consuming PP. 5% activation rate; ignores Pressure but not No-Charger. Conserves PP for all moves in a linked set.
239Bodyguard3YesIf a team member next to this Pokémon is in trouble and has low HP, and the user has full HP, the Pokémon will step in to take attacks aimed at the friend. Works for allies below 25% HP when an attack is used. Only works against single-target attacks. If an ally falls below 25% HP during a move with multiple hits, a Pokémon with Bodyguard will take the remaining attacks..
240Self Curer3YesThe Pokémon recovers faster than usual from status problems. Status conditions last for half as many turns (rounded up).
241Brick Tough3YesThe Pokémon’s body becomes tougher when riled up. Increases max HP by 1% for each stat boost.
242Quick Dodger3YesThe Pokemon starts each floor with Evasion boosted by 1 stage. It will reset when stepping on a wonder tile though.
243Type Advantage Master3YesThe Pokémon critical-hit rate is boosted by 1 stage when attacking enemies that have a type disadvantage.
244Power Pitcher3YesThe Pokémon’s throwing power is boosted, so thrown or hurled items inflict greater damage. Increases throwing damage dealt by 50%.
245Survivalist3YesThe Pokémon’s Belly fills up more than usual from eating. It may also resist the bad effects of eating Grimy Food. Increases Belly gained by 10% (rounded up). 50% chance to consume Grimy Food with no ill effects.
246Trap Avoider3YesIf a trap is visible, the Pokemon will be immune. Does not work on traps that are still invisible.
247Coin Watcher3YesThe Pokémon has a keen eye for money. Increases ₽ generated each floor by 10%.
248Gap Prober3YesThe Pokémon’s thrown moves and items pass through allies to hit foes.
249Wise Healer3YesThe Pokémon recovers more HP than usual if it uses an HP-healing move or item. Increases HP gained from Oran Berries, Sitrus Berries, and moves by 10% (rounded down).
250Wary Fighter3YesIf the Pokémon misses a move, it dashes backwards to distance itself from its target. Also applies to self-targeting moves like Protect, but not to line-of-sight moves. Triggers upon at least one miss. Absorbed/nullified moves count as a miss. Immediately ends status effects which prohibit travel. Pokémon that step into tiles they cannot normally enter (such as water or lava) will warp randomly.
251Concentrator3YesThe Pokémon is focused on making its attacks hit, so its accuracy is boosted by 1 level. Its evasion is reduced by 1 level, however.
252Deep Breather3YesWhen it reaches a new floor, the Pokémon breathes deeply. 1 PP is restored per floor. This affects a random move among those that do not have full PP.
253Practice Swinger3YesWhen the Pokémon fails to hit the target with an attack or move, its Attack and Special Attack get boosted for only the next turn. Attack and Special Attack are boosted until the Pokémon successfully deals damage or the next turn ends (whichever occurs first). In the case of multi-target moves or multi-strike moves, the boost only applies to a single hit.
254Aggressor3YesThe Pokémon becomes very aggressive, so its Attack and Special Attack are both boosted by 1 level at the start of a floor. Its Defense and Special Defense are both reduced by 1 level, however.
255Defender3YesThe Pokémon becomes very defensive, so its Defense and Special Defense are both boosted by 1 level at the start of a floor. Its Attack and Special Attack are both reduced by 1 level, however.
256Scanner3YesThe Pokémon can see the foe’s HP, stats and moves as if they are an ally.
257Energy Saver3YesThe Pokémon’s Belly empties slower. Belly lasts about 33% longer.
258Sharpshooter3YesBoosts the critical-hit ratios of the Pokémon’s moves and attacks. Increases critical-hit rate by 1 stage.
259Hit and Runner3YesThe Pokémon may avoid a counterstrike that the enemy uses in response to being struck with an attack or move. Ignores counterattacks 33% of the time.
260Counter Basher3YesWhen taking damage, the Pokemon has a 1% chance to activate the Counter status.
261Counter Hitter3YesWhen taking damage, the Pokemon has a 5% chance to activate the Mini Counter status.
262Quick Healer3YesThe Pokémon’s natural HP-recovery speed is boosted. Natural HP recovery speed is doubled. Gives the same benefit as the Heal Ribbon.
263Multitalent3YesThe Pokémon becomes so talented with its moves that it gets slightly more PP to spend on them. Increases maximum PP of all moves by 5.
264Elite3YesThe Pokémon earns extra Exp. Points after defeating enemies. Additive 10% bonus to experience gained.
265Erratic Player3YesThe Pokémon’s battle performance is erratic, so the positive and negative effects of types influence the power of moves more intensely. This affects the power of moves that the Pokémon uses, as well as the power of moves that hit the Pokémon! Type effectiveness of moves is increased by 50%.
266Haggler3YesThe Pokémon can bargain with Kecleon merchants in dungeons, so it will get lower prices for purchases and higher prices for items it sells. Sell prices are 10% higher, and buy prices are 10% lower.
267Clutch Performer3YesIf the Pokémon’s HP gets dangerously low, its evasiveness is boosted by 3 levels. Activates below 10% HP. No Guard’s effect prevents this skill from working, even for the user.
268Collector3YesWhen an enemy is defeated by the user (not teammates), the chances that it will leave a treasure box behind are doubled.
269All Terrain Hiker3YesThe Pokémon gains the ability to cross water and lava and walk through gulleys. It still can’t move through walls.
270Trap Buster3Yes33% chance to destroy a trap instead of triggering its effect. Warning, this works on tiles as well.
271Stair Sensor3YesWhen it reaches a new floor, the Pokémon uses its intuition to know where the floor’s stairway is. Points towards one of eight directions.
272Sure Hit Attacker3YesThe Pokémon’s regular attacks never miss.
273Extra Striker3YesThe regular attack has a 10% chance to hit twice.
274Quick Dodger3YesThe Pokémon is focused on dodging foes’s attacks, so its evasion is boosted by 1 level. Its accuracy is reduced by 1 level, however.
275Fast Friend3YesImproves the chances that defeated enemies will want to join the team. Boosts recruitment chance by 5%.
276No Charger3YesThe Pokémon charges then unleashes any move that normally requires 2 turns in only one turn. Powering up these charge-up moves so quickly consumes 2 PP, however. When the Pokémon’s attack frequency is boosted by Unburden, Swift Swim, or Chlorophyll, the second instant use of an affected move will cost an additional 1 PP, consuming 3 PP total.
277Map Surveyor3YesThe Pokémon is able to sense the layout of the dungeon floor. Does not reveal the location of the stairs.
279Trap Seer3YesIf the Pokémon is on an undiscovered trap, upon taking a step it will make the trap visible without setting it off. Stepping on an exposed trap will still have an effect, however. In combination with Trap Avoider, the danger of traps practically disappears.
280House Avoider3YesThe Pokémon senses nearby Monster Houses. It will shiver and stop in place for 1 turn when it detects one, 1 tile short of activating it.
281Pierce Hurler3YesPokémon’s thrown items pierce through walls and other Pokémon without stopping, but impact all Pokémon they hit along the way. Thrown items may still miss, unless the leader throws an item while holding Lockon Specs.
282Nature Gifter3YesThe effects of any Seed or Berry that the Pokémon eats spread to the whole party. This IQ Skill only works for the team leader. Does not include Blast Seeds, Dough Seeds, or Reviver and Reviser Seeds when eaten from the Treasure Bag. Seeds and Berries thrown at a leader with this skill are unaffected, even if the leader threw them at a Pokémon holding a Bounce Band or at themselves with a Curve Band.
283Absolute Mover3YesThe Pokémon gains the ability to cross water and lava, walk through gulleys, and dig its way through walls.
284Super Mobile3YesThe Pokémon gains the ability to walk on water, lava, and clouds. It can also dig its way through walls. Digging through walls with this skill does not increase belly consumption.
278Stairwind Seeker5YesThe Pokemon will use the wind to detect when a room next to the current one might have stairs.
285Nutritionist5YesThe Pokemon sometimes restores 1 extra HP, PP or Belly when drinking or eating food.
286Power Pitching5YesThe Pokemon’s thrown items will travel infinitely until they hit something, instead of falling after 10 tiles.
287Dimensional Scream5YesProvides a detailed description of what will happen on the next turn.
288Prevention5YesWhen the Pokemon has a status conditions, it’s teammates will be immune to the same status condition until it heals.
289Retaliating5YesIf a teammate faints, the Pokemon’s Attack, Special Attack, Accuracy, and Evasion are boosted by 1 stage.
290Second Chance5YesWhen a move misses, the Pokemon’s Accuracy is boosted by 1 stage for only the next turn.
291Shop Seeking5YesThe Pokemon will detect if shops are present after entering a floor.
292Sneaky5YesThe user does not wake up sleeping wild Pokemon by walking right next to them.
293United We Stand7YesActivates all teammates’s Form Changes.
294Precision7YesAll moves have their range doubled, except moves with a range of 1.
295Stimulation7YesAll stats are boosted by 1 stage when Belly is above half capacity; but it drains twice as fast.
296Chaaarge!7YesAlliances are replaced with a devastating Charge. All moves are always supereffective regardless of typing, but it consumes four times as much belly.
297Synced Breathing7YesAlliances do not consume Belly.
298Surprise!7YesApricorns, gifts, and other recruiting items have 100% effectiveness on foes currently celebrating their birthday.
299Squad Up7YesApricorns, gifts, and other recruiting items thrown by the user have a 10% higher chance of recruiting Pokemon for each teammate close to the user.
300Grand Finale7YesCan use multiple Finishers. If a teammate uses a Finisher; it becomes an Alliance
301Divided They Fall7YesDisables all foes’s Form Changes.
302Yin7YesDoubles nearby Reshiram’s Speed
303Yang7YesDoubles nearby Zekrom’s Speed
304Bon Appetit!7YesFills the room with food items if a teammate is starving
305Warmth7YesIf a teammate with maxed out Connection is nearby, the Pokemon’s Belly does not deplete.
306Holding Tears7YesIf a teammate’s connection faints; they get an extra Finisher.
307Shared Happiness7YesIf a teammate’s status condition is healed; it also heals the same condition to the entire team.
308Squeeze Out7YesIf all moves have 0 PP and the user lands a regular attack, it squeezes an extra PP to a random move.
309Strike Back7YesIf anyone in the team is attacked from behind; the foe’s AT and SA is lowered.
310Fallout7YesIf the user’s HP is below 10%, all moves cause Badly Poisoned.
311Army Of Two7YesIf there’s only one teammate; that teammate gets a big stat boost.
312Steamroll7YesIgnores types and abilities lowering a move’s damage.
313Rapid Bullseye7YesIncreases accuracy by 1 stage while using multihit moves.
314Recoil Boost7YesMoves that recoil do 2X damage. The recoil will also be doubled, so be careful!
315Mugenono7YesNullifies Mugen Genes
316Way Of The Dragon7YesOnly activates when a Human; or EXHuman; defeats Codd. Revives with Full HP; all hits cause Paralysis; AC and EV are maxed out.
317Paradigm Shift7YesRegular attacks have a 10% chance to become Assist.
318Smiles Go For Miles7YesSuccessfully completing all missions on the current dungeon gives the whole team a massive +3 boost on all stats.
319Black Glint7YesTeammates can use Z-Moves multiple times.
320Unyelding Bravery7YesThe Pokemon boosts all it’s stats by 1 stage when fighting a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon.
321Funnel Fun7YesThe Pokemon boosts it’s evasion by 1 stage when inside a corridor.
322Narrow Focus7YesThe Pokemon boosts it’s accuracy by 1 stage when inside a corridor.
323Forge A Path7YesThe Pokemon can break down walls using it’s regular attack. This lowers the Pokemon’s belly by 1.
324Evasive Rhythm7YesThe Pokemon dances to dodge multi-hit moves easier. Increases evasion by 1 stage if the foe is using a multihit move.
325PP Siphon7YesThe Pokemon has a 10% chance to drain PP from the foe when using a regular attack.
326Hand Catching7YesThe Pokemon loves fisticuffs and increases Attack or Special Attack by 1 stage for each time it lands a regular attack. This stack resets after a move is used, a regular attack doesn’t land, a turn is skipped, an item is used, or the foe faints.
327No U7YesThe Pokemon reflects regular attacks back to the sender. It doesn’t affect moves, items, or anything else.
328All Defying7YesThe Pokemon takes -10% less damage from Legendary or Mythical Pokemon.
329Wary Walk7YesThe Pokemon will shiver and freeze in place for 1 turn if it detects a trap nearby.
330Tight Formation7YesThe more team members; the lower the damage from wide-ranging moves such as Wide Slash.
331Link Boost7YesThe power of linked moves is boosted by 10%.
332Long Range Rescue7YesThe team can rescue a Pokemon just by being in the same room.
333Harem7YesThe user’s team is immune to Infatuation and Charm from foes
334Taiyou7YesThe whole team is immune to Curse; Grudge; and Perish Song.
335Food Finder7YesTiny Apples spawn twice as often.
336Not Quite My Tempo7YesWhen afflicted by a status condition, one random stat is boosted by 1 stage.
337Belligerent7YesWhen below 10% HP, the Pokemon’s moves do twice as much damage, but it cannot use any items outside of Ammo.
338Regik7YesWhen entering a new floor, Regik is substituted with a completely random ability.
339Mind Over Matter7YesWonder tiles will heal all status conditions.
340Lonely Courage7YesWhen the Pokemon has no nearby teammates, all it’s stats are boosted by 1 stage.
341Heartbound7YesGives the user and a close connection the Heartbound status, but only if they’re next to eachother