
1AmmoGeo PebbleA tiny pebble. When thrown; it flies high in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target for 10 damage. It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss and can be thrown at any angle.10 
2AmmoGone PebbleA Lookalike Item for Geo Pebble. This item has a nostalgic feel and causes the user to bring to mind a dearly held memory… tears begin to well up; and the user sobs and switches to Enduring status!10 
3AmmoGravelerockA rough rock. When thrown; it flies high in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target for 20 damage. It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss and can be thrown at any angle.25 
4AmmoGravelyrockIt is a Lookalike Item for Gravelerock. A bitter candy… Fills the user’s belly by 1. When eaten by a Bonsly or Sudowoodo; increases IQ by 10.25 
5AmmoGolestoneA hard stone! When thrown; it flies high in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target for 50 damage! It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss and can be thrown at any angle.50 
6AmmoGollystoneIt is a Lookalike Item for Golestone. It has silly puns carved on it. When used; it makes everyone in the room cringe and afflicted by the Flinching status. Even teammates!50 
7AmmoGigali RockA shiny; almost crystalline rock. When thrown; it flies high in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target for 10 damage; and a 10% confusion chance. It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss and can be thrown at any angle.30 
8AmmoRare FossilA rock with bones jutting out… When thrown; it flies high in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target for 50 damage; and it never breaks! It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss and can be thrown at any angle. It can be studied to unveil the remains of an ancient Pokemon.500 
9AmmoGolden FossilIt’s one of the Golden Items. A fossil somehow coated in a golden glow. When thrown; it flies high in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target for 100 damage; and it never breaks! It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss and can be thrown at any angle. It can be studied to unveil the remains of an ancient Pokemon.5000 
10AmmoLycanadeA rock that breaks into sharp fragments when landing. When thrown; it flies high in an arc to clear obstacles and strike a 3x3 area for 10 damage. It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss and can be thrown at any angle.100 
11AmmoA StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter A. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
12AmmoB StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter B. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
13AmmoC StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter C. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
14AmmoD StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter D. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
15AmmoE StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter E. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
16AmmoF StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter F. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
17AmmoG StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter G. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
18AmmoH StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter H. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
19AmmoI StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter I. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
20AmmoJ StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter J. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
21AmmoK StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter K. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
22AmmoL StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter L. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
23AmmoM StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter M. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
24AmmoN StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter N. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
25AmmoO StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter O. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
26AmmoP StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter P. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
27AmmoQ StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter Q. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
28AmmoR StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter R. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
29AmmoS StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter S. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
30AmmoT StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter T. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
31AmmoU StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter U. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
32AmmoV StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter V. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
33AmmoW StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter W. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
34AmmoX StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter X. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
35AmmoY StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter Y. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
36AmmoZ StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter Z. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; or 50 if the target’s species starts with the same letter.30 
37Ammo! StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter !. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 50!50 
38Ammo? StoneAn odd stone similar to an Unown; shaped like the letter ?. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and damage with an attack power of 25; and deal a random status condition!50 
39AmmoWooden StickA very wooden stick. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 10.10 
40AmmoWooden ThornA wooden stick; quite the thorny kind. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 15.20 
41AmmoWooden SpikeA sharp spike of wood. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 20.30 
42AmmoLeafy TwigA Wooden Stick; Thorn; or Spike that’s been hit by a Grass Type move. It has sharp leaves. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 10; and hits nearby foes as well.15Wooden Stick/Thorn/Spike + Grass Move
43AmmoFiery TwigA Wooden Stick; Thorn; or Spike that’s been hit by a Fire Type move. It has embers flying off. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 10; and inflicts a burn.15Wooden Stick/Thorn/Spike + Fire Move
44AmmoHydro TwigA Wooden Stick; Thorn; or Spike that’s been hit by a Water Type move. It has a whirlpool around it. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 10; and sends flying.15Wooden Stick/Thorn/Spike + Water Move
45AmmoCorsola TwigA pointy twig. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 20; and a 30% flinch chance. If eaten, it hits the user instead, but fills the belly by 10.20 
46AmmoCacnea SpikeA thorned spike. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 20; and a 60% flinch chance. If eaten, it hits the user instead, but fills the belly by 20.40 
47AmmoGold FangA glossy fang. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 20; and causes flinching. If eaten, it hits the user instead, but fills the belly by 30.60 
48AmmoPlatinum SpikeA mysterious; brightly glowing spike. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 100!1000 
49AmmoDeci ArrowA sharp arrow. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 30; and never misses.100 
50AmmoSkipping StoneWhen thrown; it flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 30. It has infinite range if thrown by a water type; along water tiles; or in rain.100 
51AmmoIron StickA thin iron rod. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 30.50 
52AmmoIron ThornA carefully molded rod with thorns. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 40.100 
53AmmoIron SpikeA metal spike folded several times. When thrown; it flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 50.150 
54AmmoBronze StickA stick quickly crafted from bronze. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 30; and never breaks! It also cannot be picked back up by whoever got hit with it.100 
55AmmoBronze ThornA thorn meticulously crafted from bronze. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 30; and never breaks! It also cannot be picked back up by anyone except the thrower’s team.200 
56AmmoBronze SpikeA spike perfectly crafted from bronze; only few can even grasp it. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 30; and never breaks! It also cannot be picked back up by anyone except the thrower.300 
57AmmoSilver StickA stick crafted from silver. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 40; and never breaks! It also has a 10% chance of lowering a random stat by 1 level.500 
58AmmoSilver ThornA thorn crafted from pure silver. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 40; and never breaks! Will also lower a random stat by 1 level.1000 
59AmmoSilver SpikeA rare spike crafted from pure silver; almost blinding. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 40; and never breaks! Will also lower all stats by 1 level.1500 
60AmmoGolden StickA brilliant stick crafted from gold. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 50; and never breaks! Will also scatter a few ₽.3000 
61AmmoGolden ThornA brilliantly shining thorn crafted from solid gold. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 50; and never breaks! Will also scatter ₽ everywhere.4000 
62AmmoGolden SpikeIt’s one of the Golden Items. A brilliantly shining spike crafted from solid; glowing gold. It is a fantastically precious item that gives its owner serious bragging rights. When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 50; and never breaks! Will also scatter a LOT of ₽ everywhere.5000 
63AmmoSnowballA funny funny snowball to declare war on your friends with! When thrown; flies in a straight line and deals damage with an attack power of 1, and Ice type properties.1 
64ArtifactAbsorption ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will regain HP after defeating an enemy.2400 
65ArtifactSeeker ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it reveals the number of items laying on the ground the Pokémon reaches a new floor.1600 
66ArtifactGravity ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon can traverse water; lava; and pits.3200 
67ArtifactReviver ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will revive a fallen ally when it reaches a new floor.4000 
68ArtifactAnchor ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon is prevented from being moved by a foe’s move or a trap.800 
69ArtifactBrawl ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon takes reduced damage from multiple attacks in a turn.1600 
70ArtifactGambler ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s attacks never miss; and always land a critical hit if the move is on its last PP.1600 
71ArtifactCelebrate ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will gain an extra turn after defeating an enemy.3200 
72ArtifactHipfire ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will be able to move around while charging attacks.2400 
73ArtifactRipe ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s HP is restored when it eats a food item.3200 
74ArtifactExplorer ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will find more Treasure Chests when exploring in dungeons.2400 
75ArtifactInstinct ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon is more likely to evade attacks from close up.2400 
76ArtifactClutch ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon is more likely to evade attacks when at low HP.1600 
77ArtifactWealth ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will find more Poke when exploring in dungeons.2400 
78ArtifactCounter ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will counter damage from regular attacks and thrown items.2400 
79ArtifactEnergy ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it restores the PP of all moves by 1 when the Pokémon reaches a new floor.3200 
80ArtifactDodge ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon is more likely to evade attacks from far away.2400 
81ArtifactBarrage ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it allows the Pokémon’s regular attack to strike twice.1600 
82ArtifactCombo ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it changes the Pokémon’s lunging moves into two weaker strikes.1600 
83ArtifactSturdy ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; prevents a Pokémon with full HP from fainting to Physical moves; leaving it with 1 HP.4000 
84ArtifactUnstable ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s moves are more intensely affected by type match-ups.1600 
85ArtifactErratic ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; moves used on the Pokémon are more intensely affected by type match-ups.800 
86ArtifactBurst ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will damage nearby enemies after defeating an enemy.2400 
87ArtifactDefuse ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will take reduced damage from explosions and splash damage.2400 
88ArtifactExplosive ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s regular attack explodes outwards with a slight splash damage.4000 
89ArtifactConnection ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon has a higher chance of recruiting wild Pokémon.800 
90ArtifactHealth ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s natural HP-recovery speed is boosted.3200 
91ArtifactGratitude ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon gives back recovered HP when it is healed by another Pokémon.1600 
92ArtifactRecover ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon is fully healed upon entering a new floor.2400 
93ArtifactStone ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; Hidden stairs become visible.2400 
94ArtifactUppercut ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will take reduced damage from counter attacks.800 
95ArtifactKnockback ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s regular attack will knock opponents back.2400 
96ArtifactSolid ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon can traverse lava without being burned.1600 
97ArtifactDash ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it changes the Pokémon’s regular attack into a dash that doesn’t damage foes.2400 
98ArtifactSurvey ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it reveals the floor’s lausert the Pokémon reaches a new floor.4000 
99ArtifactSharpshooter ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; items thrown by the Pokémon will pierce through enemies.1600 
100ArtifactMisfortune ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will more easily dodge attacks if its previous move missed.1600 
101ArtifactNinja ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokemon will throw three items at once in a fan when using Ammo.3200 
102ArtifactGuardian ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon cannot damage allies with its moves.4000 
103ArtifactVeteran ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it raises the critical-hit ratio of not-very-effective hits.800 
104ArtifactPierce ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokemon’s moves and items that hit in a straight line will pass through walls.3200 
105ArtifactStamina ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon gets an extra 5 PP to all of its moves.4000 
106ArtifactSwing ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will do increased damage if its previous move missed.800 
107ArtifactPressure ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will raise the PP usage of opponents that attack it.1600 
108ArtifactNullify ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it causes the Pokémon’s regular attack to remove the target’s ability.3200 
109ArtifactCaring ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will gradually restore the HP of its allies when its own HP is full.3200 
110ArtifactCure ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon recovers faster from status problems.2400 
111ArtifactKecleon ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will find more shops when exploring in dungeons.2400 
112ArtifactSleepwalker ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon will be able to move when asleep.1600 
113ArtifactSpike ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon scatters Spikes when hit by a Physical attack.4000 
114ArtifactWind ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it reveals the direction of the staircase whenever the Pokémon reaches a new floor.2400 
115ArtifactMarching ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon cannot have its Movement Speed lowered.1600 
116ArtifactInsomnia ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon becomes immune to the Asleep status.2400 
117ArtifactMirror ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; status problems inflicted on the Pokémon are passed to the Pokémon that caused it.2400 
118ArtifactBrutal ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s regular attacks have a chance to inflict the Flinching status.1600 
119ArtifactCollyrium ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon gains the Eyedrop status after using a Status move.4000 
120ArtifactCleric ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s stat-changing moves are spread to allies.2400 
121ArtifactExpert ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it raises the critical-hit ratio of super-effective hits.2400 
122ArtifactTarget ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s regular attack cannot miss.800 
123ArtifactGrappler ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s regular attack will throw opponents back instead.3200 
124ArtifactBuster ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s moves will destroy traps.3200 
125ArtifactBulldozer ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it allows Not Very Effective moves to ignore type effectiveness.4000 
126ArtifactStab ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon’s regular attacks change to match its type.3200 
127ArtifactEscavate ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; some of the Pokémon’s moves will break walls.4000 
128ArtifactHomerun ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the effects of wands will fly in an arc when waved by the Pokémon.2400 
129ArtifactWizard ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the effects of wands will spread out like a fan when waved by the Pokémon.3200 
130ArtifactWarp ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it warps the attackers away when the Pokémon is hit with a Super Effective move.4000 
131ArtifactSwimmer ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon can traverse water.1600 
132ArtifactRecoil ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it inflicts a slight recoil on the attacker when the Pokémon is hit with a Super Effective move.4000 
133ArtifactSafe ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; the Pokémon is protected from weather damage.2400 
134ArtifactGlowing ArtifactA divine looking Artifact wrapped in glowing glyphs. When kept in the bag; it allows the Pokémon to see beyond fog and darkness.4000 
135BerryCheri BerryThis bright red Berry is very spicy and has a provocative flavor. It blooms with delicate; pretty flowers. It cures Paralysis when eaten.25[1 Spicy]
136BerryChesto BerryThis Berry’s thick skin and fruit are very tough and dry tasting. However; every bit of it can be eaten. It cures Sleep when eaten.25[1 Dry]
137BerryPecha BerryBecause of its hollow inside pocket; there isn’t a lot to eat. What can be eaten is very sweet and delicious. It cures Poisoned and Badly Poisoned when eaten.25[1 Sweet]
138BerryRawst BerryIf the leaves grow longer and curlier than average; this Berry will have a somewhat-bitter taste. It cures a Burn when eaten.25[1 Bitter]
139BerryAspear BerryThis Berry’s peel is hard; but the flesh inside is very juicy. It is distinguished by its bracing sourness. Eaten when frozen to thaw out. Make sure it’s equipped first!25[1 Sour]
140BerryLeppa BerryIt’s quite popular; although it takes a lot of time and care to grow. The smaller Berries taste better. It can be eaten to restore a move’s PP by 10.50Synthesis (Pinap + Nanab)
141BerryOran BerryNature’s gifts came together as one in this incredibly healthy Berry. It has a wondrous mix of flavors that spread in the mouth. It restores 100 HP.50Synthesis (Razz + Wepear)
142BerryOren BerryLookalike item for the Oran Berry. An Oran Berry with a blue stem instead of white. Instead of healing the user; it deals 10 damage. Be careful!50 
143BerryPersim BerryThe more this berry absorbs energy from sunlight; the more vividly colorful it grows. It cures a Confusion when eaten.50Synthesis (Bluk + Pinap)
144BerryLum BerryThis Berry’s gradual process of storing nutrients beneficial to Pokémon health causes it to mature slowly. It cures all status problems.50Synthesis (Nanab + Razz)
145BerrySitrus BerrySomehow came from the same family as Oran. It is larger and smoother tasting. Some Pokemon call it miraculous. It fully restores all HP when eaten.50Synthesis (Wepear + Bluk)
146BerryFigy BerryThis Berry is oddly shaped; appearing as if someone took a bite out of it. It is packed full of spicy substances. It restores 300 HP when eaten. Confuses Pokémon that dislike spicy flavor.50[2 Spicy] Synthesis (Cheri + Cheri)
147BerryWiki BerryIt is said that this Berry grew lumps to help Pokémon grip it; allowing propagation farther afield. It restores 300 HP when eaten. Confuses Pokémon that dislike dry flavor.50[2 Dry] Synthesis (Chesto + Chesto)
148BerryMago BerryThis Berry progressively curves as it grows. The curvier the Berry; the sweeter and tastier. It restores 300 HP when eaten. Confuses Pokémon that dislike sweet flavor.50[2 Sweet] Synthesis (Pecha + Pecha)
149BerryAguav BerryThis Berry turns bitter toward the stem. The dainty flower it grows from doesn’t absorb much sunlight. It restores 300 HP when eaten. Confuses Pokémon that dislike bitter flavor.50[2 Bitter] Synthesis (Rawst + Rawst)
150BerryIapapa BerryThis Berry is very big and sour. The juiciness of the pulp accentuates the sourness. It restores 300 HP when eaten. Confuses Pokémon that dislike sour flavor.50[2 Sour] Synthesis (Aspear + Aspear)
151BerryRazz BerryA small hint of spiciness lingers in the red granules surrounding this Berry. Their centers have a dry taste. If thrown at a Pokemon before throwing an Apricorn; they’ll be much more likely to join.25[1 Spicy 1 Dry] Synthesis (Cheri + Chesto)
152BerryBluk BerryThough this small; delicately skinned Berry is blue in color; it dyes the mouth black when eaten. If thrown at a Pokemon before throwing an Apricorn; they will level up right after joining.25[1 Dry 1 Sweet] Synthesis (Chesto + Pecha)
153BerryNanab BerryBitter; but with a trace of sweetness; the Nanab Berry was one of the very first to be discovered in the world. If thrown at a Pokemon before throwing an Apricorn; they’ll be Immobilized in case of failure.25[1 Sweet 1 Bitter] Synthesis (Pecha + Rawst)
154BerryWepear BerryThe potent mix of bitter and sour in this Berry seems to promote digestion. The flower is white and beautiful. If thrown at a Pokemon before throwing an Apricorn; they’ll be fully healed after joining.25[1 Bitter 1 Sour] Synthesis (Rawst + Aspear)
155BerryPinap BerryIt is said that when the sour skin is peeled; this spicy Berry can be crushed to make medicine. If thrown at a Pokemon before throwing an Apricorn; they’ll start with higher Connection when joining.25[1 Spicy 1 Sour] Synthesis (Aspear + Cheri)
156BerryPomeg BerryWhen this sweetly spicy Berry’s thick skin is peeled; many pieces of the fruit spill out. Drops HP by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.25[1 Spicy 1 Sweet 1 Bitter] Synthesis (Cheri + Nanab)
157BerryKelpsy BerryThis Berry can be eaten as is or boiled to obtain an extract that adds a dash of flavor to food. Drops Attack by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.25[1 Dry 1 Bitter 1 Sour] Synthesis (Chesto + Wepear)
158BerryQualot BerryEven in places of constant rain and high humidity; this Berry’s plant grows healthy and strong. Drops Defense by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.25[1 Spicy 1 Bitter 1 Sour] Synthesis (Pecha + Pinap)
159BerryHondew BerryThis somewhat-rare Berry projects an image of luxury; so it is favored as a gift item. Drops Special Attack by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.25[1 Spicy 1 Dry 1 Bitter] Synthesis (Rawst + Razz)
160BerryGrepa BerryOne bite of this very tender Berry fills the mouth with its sweet and tangy flavor. Drops Special Defense by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.25[1 Dry 1 Sweet 1 Sour] Synthesis (Aspear + Bluk)
161BerryTamato BerryThis Berry is large and spicy. If made into a sauce during the cold season; it warms and heals the body from inside. It’s quite expensive and sought after. Drops Speed by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.100[2 Spicy 1 Dry] Synthesis (Chesto + Figy)
162BerryCornn BerryIts dryness is quite strong. As a result; its true deliciousness can’t be appreciated by just eating one or two. It’s quite expensive and sought after. Drops Crit Chance by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.100[2 Dry 1 Sweet] Synthesis (Pecha + Wiki)
163BerryMagost BerryThe grown-up flavor and dreamy sweetness of this Berry make it a favorite of Pokémon everywhere. It’s quite expensive and sought after. Drops Accuracy by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.100[2 Sweet 1 Bitter] Synthesis (Rawst + Mago)
164BerryRabuta BerryEven though it is bitter; it should be eaten peel and all. The hair on the peel cleans the stomach from the inside. It’s quite expensive and sought after. Drops Evasion by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.100[2 Bitter 1 Sour] Synthesis (Aspear + Aguav)
165BerryNomel BerryThis Berry is quite sour overall; with the sourness especially concentrated at the pointed end. It’s quite expensive and sought after. Drops a random stat by 1 stage; but increases Connection and IQ by 1.100[1 Spicy 2 Sour] Synthesis (Cheri + Iapapa)
166BerrySpelon BerrySo spicy is the Spelon Berry that; Fire type or not; Pokémon will try to breathe fire after eating a single one. It’s quite expensive and sought after.100[3 Spicy 1 Dry] Synthesis (Cheri + Tamato)
167BerryPamtre BerryDrifts on the sea from somewhere. It is thought to grow elsewhere. It’s quite expensive and sought after.100[3 Dry 1 Sweet] Synthesis (Chesto + Cornn)
168BerryWatmel BerryA bounty of nature that is exceedingly sweet. This Berry’s sheer size makes it perfect for sharing. It’s quite expensive and sought after.100[3 Sweet 1 Bitter] Synthesis (Pecha + Magost)
169BerryDurin BerryThis Berry is tremendously bitter. Just one bite is enough to instantly stop hiccups. It’s quite expensive and sought after.100[3 Bitter 1 Sour] Synthesis (Rawst + Rabuta)
170BerryBelue BerryThis glossy and colorful Berry has a mouthwateringly delicious appearance. However; it is awfully sour. It’s quite expensive and sought after.100[1 Spicy 3 Sour] Synthesis (Aspear + Nomel)
171BerryOcca BerryThis berry is said to have grown plentiful in the tropics of the past. It boasts an intensely hot spiciness. It changes the Pokémon to the Fire type through the rest of the floor.75[2 Spicy 1 Sweet] Synthesis (Pecha + Figy)
172BerryPassho BerryThis berry’s flesh is dotted with tiny bubbles of air that keep it afloat in water. It changes the Pokémon to the Water type through the rest of the floor.75[2 Dry 1 Bitter] Synthesis (Rawst + Wiki)
173BerryWacan BerryEnergy from lightning strikes is drawn into the plant; making the berries grow big and rich. It changes the Pokémon to the Electric type through the rest of the floor.75[2 Sweet 1 Sour] Synthesis (Aspear + Mago)
174BerryRindo BerryThis berry has a disagreeable “green” flavor and scent typical of vegetables. It is rich in health-promoting fiber. It changes the Pokémon to the Grass type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Spicy 2 Bitter] Synthesis (Cheri + Aguav)
175BerryYache BerryThis berry has a refreshing flavor that strikes a good balance of dryness and sourness. It tastes better chilled. It changes the Pokémon to the Ice type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Dry 2 Sour] Synthesis (Chesto + Iapapa)
176BerryChople BerryThis berry contains a substance that generates heat. It can even heat up a chilly heart. It changes the Pokémon to the Fighting type through the rest of the floor.75[2 Spicy 1 Bitter] Synthesis (Rawst + Figy)
177BerryKebia BerryThis berry is a brilliant green on the outside. Inside; it is packed with a dry-flavored; black-colored flesh. It changes the Pokémon to the Poison type through the rest of the floor.75[2 Dry 1 Sour] Synthesis (Aspear + Wiki)
178BerryShuca BerryThe sweetness-laden pulp has just the hint of a hard-edged and fragrant bite to it. It changes the Pokémon to the Ground type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Spicy 2 Sweet] Synthesis (Cheri + Mago)
179BerryCoba BerryThis berry is said to be a new kind that is a cross of two berries brought together by winds from far away. It changes the Pokémon to the Flying type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Dry 2 Bitter] Synthesis (Chesto + Aguav)
180BerryPayapa BerryThis berry is said to sense emotions for the way it swells roundly when anything approaches. It changes the Pokémon to the Psychic type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Sweet 2 Sour] Synthesis (Pecha + Iapapa)
181BerryTanga BerryThe flower grows at the tip of this berry. It attracts Bug Pokémon by letting its stringy petals stream out. It changes the Pokémon to the Bug type through the rest of the floor.75[2 Spicy 1 Sour] Synthesis (Aspear + Figy)
182BerryCharti BerryIt is often used for pickles because of its very dry flavor. It can also be eaten raw for its provocative taste. It changes the Pokémon to the Rock type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Spicy 2 Dry] Synthesis (Cheri + Wiki)
183BerryKasib BerryConsidered to have a special power from the olden days; this berry is sometimes dried and used as a good-luck charm. It changes the Pokémon to the Ghost type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Dry 2 Sweet] Synthesis (Chesto + Mago)
184BerryHaban BerryIf a large enough volume of this berry is boiled down; its bitterness fades away. It makes a good jam. It changes the Pokémon to the Dragon type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Sweet 2 Bitter] Synthesis (Pecha + Aguav)
185BerryColbur BerryTiny hooks grow on the surface of this berry. It latches on to Pokémon so it can be carried to far-off places. It changes the Pokémon to the Dark type through the rest of the floor.75[1 Bitter 2 Sour] Synthesis (Rawst + Iapapa)
186BerryBabiri BerryThis berry is very tough with a strong flavor. It was used to make medicine in the past. It changes the Pokémon to the Steel type through the rest of the floor.100 
187BerryRoseli BerryA shockingly sweet berry that makes the most rigid hearts melt. It’s a great juice ingredient. It changes the Pokémon to the Fairy type through the rest of the floor.100 
188BerryChilan BerryThis berry can be cored out and dried to make a whistle. Blowing through its hole makes an eye-tearing sound. It changes the Pokémon to the Normal type through the rest of the floor.100 
189BerryChiliad BerryA lookalike item for the Chilan Berry. It causes a hostile Deoxys to warp next to the Pokemon eating it! But why!?100 
190BerryLiechi BerryThis Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of the sea. It raises Attack by 3 stages.100[3 Spicy 3 Sweet] Synthesis (Spelon + Watmel)
191BerryGanlon BerryThis Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of the land. It raises Defense by 3 stages.100[3 Dry 3 Bitter] Synthesis (Pamtre + Durin)
192BerrySalac BerryThis Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of the sky. It raises Speed by 3 stages.100[3 Sweet 3 Sour] Synthesis (Watmel + Belue)
193BerryPetaya BerryThis Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of all living things. It raises Special Attack by 3 stages.100[3 Spicy 3 Bitter] Synthesis (Durin + Spelon)
194BerryApicot BerryThis Berry is surrounded by mystery. It is rumored to be imbued with the power of spirits from the past. It raises Special Defense by 3 stages.100[3 Dry 3 Sour] Synthesis (Belue + Pamtre)
195BerryLansat BerryThis is said to be a legendary Berry. Holding it supposedly brings great joy. It raises Crit Chance by 3 stages.100 
196BerryStarf BerryThis berry is still considered a mirage to this very day. It was said to be so strong that it had to be abandoned at the world’s edge. It raises all stats by 1 stage.100 
197BerryEnigma BerryA completely enigmatic Berry. It apparently has the power of the stars that fill the night sky. What could be synthesized from it…?100 
198BerryEdigma BerryA lookalike item for the Enigma Berry. When eaten; the Pokemon will use Dig even if it can’t learn it!100 
199BerryMicle BerryThis berry has a very dry flavor. It has the effect of making other food eaten at the same time taste sweet. It raises Crit Chance to the max.100 
200BerryCustap BerryThe flesh underneath the Custap Berry’s tough skin is sweet and creamy soft. It gives the Protect status when eaten.100[4 Sweet] Synthesis (Mago + Mago)
201BerryJaboca BerryThe cluster of drupelets that make up this berry pop rhythmically if the berry is handled roughly. It gives the Counter status when eaten.100[4 Bitter] Synthesis (Aguav + Aguav)
202BerryRowap BerryIn days of old; people worked the top-shaped pieces of this berry free and used them as toys. It gives the Special Counter status when eaten.100[4 Sour] Synthesis (Iapapa + Iapapa)
203BerryKee BerryYou’ll be hit first by its burning spiciness; then its extreme bitterness. Its patterns grow as it ripens. It gives the Reflect status when eaten.100[4 Spicy] Synthesis (Figy + Figy)
204BerryMaranga BerryIts outside is very bitter; but its inside tastes like a sweet drink. It has a really strong and tingly scent. It gives the Light Screen status when eaten.100[4 Dry] Synthesis (Wiki + Wiki)
205BerryPumkin BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Freeze immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[2 Dry] Synthesis (Enigma + Chesto)
206BerryDrash BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Poison immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[2 Sweet] Synthesis (Enigma + Pecha)
207BerryEggant BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Infatuation immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[2 Bitter] Synthesis (Enigma + Rawst)
208BerryEggnant BerryA lookalike item for the Eggant Berry. When eaten; it causes infatuation towards the nearest compatible foe!100 
209BerryStrib BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Terrified immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[2 Sour] Synthesis (Enigma + Aspear)
210BerryNutpea BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Petrify immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[2 Spicy] Synthesis (Enigma + Cheri)
211BerryGinema BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives immunity to stats lowering when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[5 Sweet] Synthesis (Enigma + Watmel)
212BerryKuo BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Paralysis immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[5 Bitter] Synthesis (Enigma + Durin)
213BerryYago BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Burn immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[5 Sour] Synthesis (Enigma + Belue)
214BerryTouga BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Confusion immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[5 Spicy] Synthesis (Enigma + Spelon)
215BerryNiniku BerryAn extremely rare Berry synthesized from the Enigma Berry. It gives Sleep immunity when eaten; until the end of the whole dungeon.100[5 Dry] Synthesis (Enigma + Pamtre)
216Cloth EquipmentPlain RibbonAn item that has no effect even if held by a Pokémon.100 
217Cloth EquipmentCheri BandA spicy band that prevents the Pokémon from getting a Paralysis status. Plain Ribbon + Cheri Berry
218Cloth EquipmentChesto SashA dry sash that prevents the Pokémon from getting a Sleep status. Plain Ribbon + Chesto Berry
219Cloth EquipmentPecha ScarfA sweet scarf that prevents the Pokémon from getting a Poisoned or Badly Poisoned status.1200Plain Ribbon + Pecha Berry
220Cloth EquipmentRawst RibbonA bitter ribbon that prevents the Pokémon from getting a Burn status. Plain Ribbon + Rawst Berry
221Cloth EquipmentAspear RibbonA sour ribbon that prevents the Pokémon from getting a Frozen status. Plain Ribbon + Aspear Berry
222Cloth EquipmentLeppa BerryA popular ribbon that doubles every move’s max PP. Plain Ribbon + Leppa Berry
223Cloth EquipmentOran BerryA gifted scarf that makes Oran Berries appear 50% more often in dungeons. Plain Ribbon + Oran Berry
224Cloth EquipmentPersim BerryA colorful band that prevents the Pokémon from getting a Confused status.1500Plain Ribbon + Persim Berry
225Cloth EquipmentLum BerryA natural scarf that makes all status conditions heal quicker. Plain Ribbon + Lum Berry
226Cloth EquipmentSitrus BerryA smooth scarf that makes Sitrus Berries appear 10% more often in dungeons. Plain Ribbon + Sitrus Berry
227Cloth EquipmentRed ScarfA really cool scarf. Raises the holder’s Coolness by 10 while in a Showcase. Plain Ribbon + Red Pokeblock
228Cloth EquipmentBlue ScarfA really beautiful scarf. Raises the holder’s Beauty by 10 while in a Showcase. Plain Ribbon + Blue Pokeblock
229Cloth EquipmentPink ScarfA really cute scarf. Raises the holder’s Cuteness by 10 while in a Showcase. Plain Ribbon + Pink Pokeblock
230Cloth EquipmentGreen ScarfA really sharp scarf. Raises the holder’s Cleverness by 10 while in a Showcase. Plain Ribbon + Green Pokeblock
231Cloth EquipmentYellow ScarfA really buff scarf. Raises the holder’s Toughness by 10 while in a Showcase. Plain Ribbon + Yellow Pokeblock
232Cloth EquipmentHealth FeatherA tiny feather that boosts the Pokémon’s Max HP by 1.  
233Cloth EquipmentMuscle FeatherA tiny feather that boosts the Pokémon’s Attack by 1.  
234Cloth EquipmentResist FeatherA tiny feather that boosts the Pokémon’s Defense by 1.  
235Cloth EquipmentGenius FeatherA tiny feather that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Attack by 1.  
236Cloth EquipmentClever FeatherA tiny feather that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Defense by 1.  
237Cloth EquipmentSwift FeatherA tiny feather that boosts the Pokémon’s Speed by 1.  
238Cloth EquipmentCarefree BandanaA lighthearted bandana that boosts Evasion by 2 stages; but reduces it by 2 stages if the wheather isn’t clear.5000 
239Cloth EquipmentDetect BandA forewarning band that boosts the Pokémon’s evasiveness by 1 stage.4000 
240Cloth EquipmentHealth RibbonA therapeutic ribbon that raises the Pokemon’s HP by 10%. Plain Ribbon + Health Feather
241Cloth EquipmentAttack ScarfAn offensive scarf that boosts the Pokémon’s Attack by 1 stage.1000Plain Ribbon + Muscle Feather
242Cloth EquipmentDefense ScarfA defensive scarf that boosts the Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.3000Plain Ribbon + Resist Feather
243Cloth EquipmentSpecial BandA powerful band that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Attack by 1 stage.1000Plain Ribbon + Genius Feather
244Cloth EquipmentZinc BandA smart band that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Defense by 1 stage.1000Plain Ribbon + Clever Feather
245Cloth EquipmentSwift BandA speedy band that boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1 stage. Plain Ribbon + Swift Feather
246Cloth EquipmentChoice BandA curious band that boosts Attack by 2 stages; but restricts the holder to only one move each floor.500 
247Cloth EquipmentChoice SashA curious sash that boosts Defense by 2 stages; but restricts the holder to only one move each floor.  
248Cloth EquipmentChoice ScarfA curious scarf that boosts Speed by 2 stages; but only allows the use of one move each floor.500 
249Cloth EquipmentChoice RibbonA curious scarf that boosts Crit Chance by 2 stages; but only allows the use of one move each floor.1000 
250Cloth EquipmentChoice GibbonLookalike Item for Choice Ribbon. Equipping this will make it disappear; a Primeape will appear in front of user; and user’ll have to choose between giving him a Chestnut or battling!1000 
251Cloth EquipmentTwist BandA twisty band that prevents the Pokémon’s Attack and Special Attack from being reduced.1200 
252Cloth EquipmentMunch BeltA rare belt that boosts the Pokémon’s Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage but also makes the Pokémon’s Belly go down faster.4000 
253Cloth EquipmentDiet RibbonA slimming ribbon that empties the Pokémon’s Belly faster and prevents it from being filled.100 
254Cloth EquipmentStamina BandA survival band that slows how quickly the Pokémon’s Belly goes down.3200 
255Cloth EquipmentTight BeltA squeezing belt that prevents the Belly from going down by standing still.5000 
256Cloth EquipmentRight BeltLookalike item for Tight Belt. With this equipped; user can only move right!500 
257Cloth EquipmentCoalition ScarfA unifying scarf. Team Attacks and Alliances don’t deplete the holder’s belly; as if Connection was maxed.2000 
258Cloth EquipmentPass ScarfA shifting scarf that causes the Pokémon to shrug off any move and pass it on to a random adjacent Pokémon; but only if they have more HP than the holder. Teammates can be hit too!5000 
259Cloth EquipmentPierce BandA sharp band that makes the Pokémon’s thrown items pierce through all targets; walls and obstacles without stopping. It has no effect on thrown rocks.1600 
260Cloth EquipmentCurve BandA curvy band that makes thrown items bounce off walls and fly sideways along walls. It has no effect if the Pokémon has a Pierce status or if throws a rock.100 
261Cloth EquipmentDodge ScarfAn elusive scarf that prevents any thrown item from hitting the Pokémon.5000 
262Cloth EquipmentBounce BandA rubberized band that makes thrown items bounce straight back from the Pokémon.3500 
263Cloth EquipmentFocus BandA reinvigorating band that gives the holder a 10% chance to survive any damage at 1 HP.  
264Cloth EquipmentFocus SashA reinvigorating sash that gives the holder the ability to survive any single-hit attack at 1 HP if at max HP.  
265Cloth EquipmentFickle RibbonIt boosts the critical-hit rate by 1 stage if the holder uses a move it didn’t use the turn before.1000 
266Cloth EquipmentNickel RibbonLookalike item for Fickle Ribbon. Equipping this will scatter all your held ₽ to the floor when you use a move!1000 
267Cloth EquipmentLucky RibbonA fortunate ribbon that makes the holder immune to critical hits; even from teammates.3000 
268Cloth EquipmentPatsy BandA foolish band that increases the Pokémon’s chances of taking critical hits. There must be a use case for this…100 
269Cloth EquipmentBinding BandA round band that increases the power of binding moves used by the holder.200 
270Cloth EquipmentMuscle BandA band for the toughest. Boosts the damage of physical moves used by the holder by 50%; but doesn’t increase Attack.  
271Cloth EquipmentMuscle BeltA belt for the toughest. Boosts the damage of special moves used by the holder by 50%; but doesn’t increase Special Attack.  
272Cloth EquipmentExpert BeltA well-worn belt that boosts the power of super-effective moves by 50%1000 
273Cloth EquipmentMobile ScarfA light scarf that enables the Pokémon to move and attack through walls and move on inhospitable terrain; such as magma; in exchange for Belly.1000 
274Cloth EquipmentMelee BandA familiar band that launches nearby foes away if the holder falls asleep.  
275Cloth EquipmentRacket BandA noisy band that helps awaken sleeping Pokémon enemies.3000 
276Cloth EquipmentSneak ScarfA stealthy scarf that prevents the Pokémon from awakening sleeping enemies.2500 
277Cloth EquipmentDestiny KnotA hypnotizing ball of yarn… Infatuates opposing Pokémon when holder is inflicted with infatuation.  
278Cloth EquipmentShed ShellA carapace that prevents the holder from being immobilized or petrified.200 
279Cloth EquipmentReflex BandA reflecting band that gives the holder 10% chance of getting Mini Counter status when taking damage.  
280Cloth EquipmentSubstitute ScarfA plushy scarf that prevents the first damage taken from a wild Pokemon from exceeding 25% Max HP.  
281Cloth EquipmentForewarn ScarfA foreboding scarf that prevents teammates from doing damage to the holder.  
282Cloth EquipmentReunion CapeWhen the holder gets separated from user; it will warp near user. If the user holds it; they’ll warp near their teammate when they get separated.2000 
283Cloth EquipmentCover BandA wide band. When a Pokémon with low HP is nearby; the holder takes damage instead.1500 
284Cloth EquipmentJoy RibbonA glorious ribbon that earns the Pokémon Experience equal to the damage taken.5000 
285Cloth EquipmentFriend BowA heartwarming bow. Newly recruited Pokemon start with 10 IQ! Increases recruit chance by 10%2000 
286Cloth EquipmentMacho BraceA tough brace that allows the holder to gain 10% more experience; but has halved Speed.  
287Cloth EquipmentHeal RibbonA therapeutic ribbon that speeds up the Pokémon’s natural HP healing.1100 
288Cloth EquipmentTrap ScarfA defusing scarf that prevents traps from activating when the Pokémon steps on them.5000 
289Cloth EquipmentNo Stick CapA slippery hat that prevents the Pokémon’s items from getting sticky and gunked up by a trap.1500 
290Cloth EquipmentNo Slip CapLookalike item for the No-Stick cap. Occasionally; items in user Treasure Bag will become sticky.1500 
291Cloth EquipmentWeather BandA moody band that shields the Pokémon from weather; as if it’s always in Clear conditions.4000 
292Cloth EquipmentWarp ScarfA distorted scarf that warps the Pokémon to another place on the floor every 10 turns.500 
293Cloth EquipmentFalheria’s LightA silver; glowing bracelet that prevents Shadow Type Pokemon in the same floor from turning Reverse mode.10000 
294Cloth EquipmentRemembrance RibbonA mysterious scarf that allows Pokemon to remember any move; regardless of current level; any moment they want.10000 
295Cloth EquipmentHarmony ScarfAn incredible scarf woven from the fibers of a legendary tree. It allows the Pokémon to turn on or off Megaevolution; or change evolution stage; at any turn; as long as the conditions are met.10000 
296Cloth EquipmentAura BowA radiant; incredibly soft; glowing bow that if held long enough; will change color based on the holder’s Aura.10000 
297Cloth EquipmentBlue BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a clear aqua blue Aura.10000 
298Cloth EquipmentBrown BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a subdued brown Aura.10000 
299Cloth EquipmentCobalt BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a smart marine blue Aura.10000 
300Cloth EquipmentFuchsia BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a vivid pink Aura.10000 
301Cloth EquipmentGreen BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a refreshing green Aura.10000 
302Cloth EquipmentLime BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a brilliant green Aura.10000 
303Cloth EquipmentMinty BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a gentle mint green Aura.10000 
304Cloth EquipmentOrange BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a stunning orange Aura.10000 
305Cloth EquipmentPink BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has an uplifting pink Aura.10000 
306Cloth EquipmentPurple BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a mystic purple Aura.10000 
307Cloth EquipmentRed BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a fiery red Aura.10000 
308Cloth EquipmentSilver BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a stately silver Aura.10000 
309Cloth EquipmentSky Blue BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a cool sky blue Aura.10000 
310Cloth EquipmentViolet BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has an elegant violet Aura.10000 
311Cloth EquipmentViridian BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has a deep green Aura.10000 
312Cloth EquipmentYellow BowBoosts the holder’s Attack; Special Attack; Defense; and Special Defense by 1 stage if the holder has an energetic yellow Aura.10000 
313Cloth EquipmentPower BracerA power item that raises Attack by 3 stages; but halves Speed. Attack Scarf * 2 + Sturdy Vine
314Cloth EquipmentPower BeltA power item that raises Defense by 3 stages; but halves Speed. Defense Scarf * 2 + Sturdy Vine
315Cloth EquipmentPower LensA power item that raises Special Attack by 3 stages; but halves Speed. Special Band * 2 + Sturdy Vine
316Cloth EquipmentPower BandA power item that raises Special Defense by 3 stages; but halves Speed. Zinc Band * 2 + Sturdy Vine
317Cloth EquipmentPower AnkletA power item that raises Speed by 3 stages; but halves Speed. Swift Band * 2 + Sturdy Vine
318Cloth EquipmentPower WeightA power item that raises HP by 3 stages; but halves Speed. Health Ribbon * 2 + Sturdy Vine
319Cloth EquipmentCheering FlagAn inspiring flag to boost the team’s morale. Raises the power of nearby teammates’ moves by 10%; but not the holder’s.5000 
320Cloth EquipmentClarity FlagAn inspiring flag to boost the team’s morale. Protects teammates from being confused; but not the holder.3000 
321Cloth EquipmentImmunity FlagAn inspiring flag to boost the team’s morale. Protects teammates from being poisoned; but not the holder.3000 
322Cloth EquipmentInsomnia FlagAn inspiring flag to boost the team’s morale. Protects teammates from sleeping; but not the holder.3000 
323Cloth EquipmentLimber FlagAn inspiring flag to boost the team’s morale. Protects teammates from being paralyzed; but not the holder.3000 
324Cloth EquipmentResilient FlagAn inspiring flag to boost the team’s morale. Protects teammates from stat drops; but not the holder.3000 
325Cloth EquipmentTough FlagAn inspiring flag to boost the team’s morale. Allows teammates to survive a move that would KO them with 1 HP; but not the holder.4000 
326DeviceBug DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Bug type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
327DeviceDark DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Dark type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
328DeviceDragon DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Dragon type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
329DeviceElectric DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Electric type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
330DeviceFighting DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Fighting type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
331DeviceFire DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Fire type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
332DeviceFlying DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Flying type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
333DeviceGhost DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Ghost type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
334DeviceGrass DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Grass type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
335DeviceGround DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Ground type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
336DeviceIce DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Ice type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
337DeviceNormal DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Normal type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
338DevicePoison DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Poison type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
339DevicePsychic DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Psychic type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
340DeviceRock DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Rock type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
341DeviceSteel DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Steel type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
342DeviceWater DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Water type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
343DeviceFairy DeviceA gadget that doubles the power of Fairy type moves in the entire floor. user can only use one device per floor; and it gets destroyed as soon as user get to the stairs.500 
344DrinkBerry JuiceA 100% pure juice made of Berries. Restores 20 HP and 2 Belly. Any 2 Berries
345DrinkFresh WaterWater with a high mineral content. Restores 40 HP and 4 Belly. Glass Bottle + Spring Water
346DrinkSoda PopA highly carbonated soda drink. Restores 60 HP and 6 Belly. Fresh Water + Normal Type Move
347DrinkLemonadeA very sweet and refreshing drink. Restores 80 HP and 8 Belly. Soda Pop + Berry Juice
348DrinkMoomoo MilkA bottle of highly nutritious milk. Restores 100 HP and 10 Belly.  
349DrinkTeaAromatic tea that has a sweet scent; but a sudden; bitter aftertaste. It soothes a dry throat… Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and temporarily increases Attack and Special Attack by 1 stage. Fresh Water + Fresh Herb + Physical Move
350DrinkMatchaNatural tea that seems bitter at first; but has a sweet lingering aftertaste. It calms nerves… Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and temporarily increases Defense and Special Defense by 1 stage. Fresh Water + Fresh Herb + Special Move
351DrinkSpicy Tamato SauceA miracle sauce that’s somehow spicy and refreshing at the same time. It gives the Pokemon the Safeguard status condition for a while. Tamato Berry * 4
352DrinkProteinA healthy vitamin that fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Attack by 1.1000 
353DrinkTaurineAn experimental vitamin… it fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Attack by 3; but will decrease Max HP by 1!3000 
354DrinkIronA healthy vitamin that fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Defense by 1.1000 
355DrinkBromhexineAn experimental vitamin… it fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Defense by 3; but will decrease Max HP by 1!3000 
356DrinkCalciumA healthy vitamin that fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Special Attack by 1.1000 
357DrinkLysozymeAn experimental vitamin… it fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Special Attack by 3; but will decrease Max HP by 1!3000 
358DrinkZincA healthy vitamin that fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Special Defense by 1.1000 
359DrinkChitosanAn experimental vitamin… it fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Special Defense by 3; but will decrease Max HP by 1!3000 
360DrinkCarbosA healthy vitamin that fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Speed by 1.1000 
361DrinkIndometacinAn experimental vitamin… it fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5 and permanently raises Speed by 3; but will decrease Max HP by 1!3000 
362DrinkHP UpA powerful; rare vitamin that permanently increases the Pokemon’s Max HP by 1.1500 
363DrinkGinsengA reinvigorating coffee that increases a move’s level by 1. Also fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5.5000Fresh Water + Ginema Berry
364DrinkEtherA refreshing drink that restores one of the Pokemon’s moves’ PP by 10 and fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5.25Leppa Berry + Fresh Water
365DrinkMax EtherA refreshing drink that fully restores one of the Pokemon’s moves’ PP and fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5.50Leppa Berry * 2 + Fresh Water
366DrinkElixirA refreshing drink that restores all of the Pokemon’s moves’ PP by 10 and fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5.100Leppa Berry * 4 + Fresh Water
367DrinkMax ElixirA refreshing drink that fully restores all of the Pokemon’s moves’ PP and fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5.200Leppa Berry * 8 + Fresh Water
368DrinkMix ElixirIt is a Lookalike Item for the Max Elixir. A drink that restores the PP of all moves; but only for Linoone. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5.200 
369DrinkNectarA supersweet nectar that restores all of the Pokemon’s moves’ PP by 10 and fills the Pokemon’s belly by 10.150 
370DrinkHoneyLookalike Item for Nectar. The scent is so powerful that the Pokemon’s location will be revealed to all Pokemon on the floor! Also fills the Pokemon’s belly by 10.  
371DrinkShuiceA juice extracted from a Shuckle’s shell!? Raises Defense and Special Defense to the max; but only for 1 turn.  
372DrinkHeart PotionA pheromone potion!? Drinking it will cause the Pokemon in front to become Infatuated. Shuice + Infatuation Wand
373DrinkParaserumA serum extracted from a Parasect’s fungus. It heals all status conditions and restores 50 HP.  
374DrinkOctillerinkOctillery Ink. Surprisingly; not toxic at all. Can be used for cooking and crafting.  
375DrinkCastillaVanilla; straight out of a Vanilluxe. Can be used for cooking and crafting.  
376DrinkOmanoilOil extracted from Omastar; perfect for cooking and crafting. Fully heals a Tirtouga or Carracosta’s HP and status conditions.  
377DrinkSpinjuiceThe ‘secret sauce’ a Spinda uses when making drinks… Fully heals a Salandit or Salazzle’s HP and status conditions.  
378DrinkSakeFermented sake extracted from rice. It increases Attack; Defense; Special Attack; and Special Defense; but will make the user Confused. Rice + Fresh Water + Fire/Water/Grass Move
379DrinkThe Dragon SlayerA ridiculously powerful Sake that few Pokemon in the world can handle. It raises every stat by one stage and causes Misty Terrain; but it will give the user three random bad Status Conditions! Sake + Enigma Berry + Fairy Move + Dragon Move
380DrinkPower AprijuiceA compact energetic blend of Spicy berry juice. Increases move power by 1 outside of dungeons. Tamato Berry + Berry Juice + Fresh Water
381DrinkSkill AprijuiceA compact energetic blend of Dry berry juice. Increases freerun range by 1 outside of dungeons. Cornn Berry + Berry Juice + Fresh Water
382DrinkSprint AprijuiceA compact energetic blend of Sweet berry juice. Increases running speed by 1 outside of dungeons. Magost Berry + Berry Juice + Fresh Water
383DrinkJump AprijuiceA compact energetic blend of Bitter berry juice. Increases jump height by 1 outside of dungeons. Rabuta Berry + Berry Juice + Fresh Water
384DrinkStamina AprijuiceA compact energetic blend of Sour berry juice. Increases max stamina by 1 outside of dungeons. Nomel Berry + Berry Juice + Fresh Water
385EmeraAbsorption EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera restores the Pokemon’s HP when user defeat an enemy. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
386EmeraAdditional Action EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera enables user to take another action right after user defeat an enemy. If user keep defeating enemies with one shot; enemies won’t be able to attack! Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
387EmeraAll Knowing EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera displays the locations of items and Pokémon on the entire floor on the map. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
388EmeraAlliance Expert EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera increases the accuracy of moves used in an Alliance. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
389EmeraAlly Reviver EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera revives teammates right after they faint. But it has no effect unless the leader has it. Also; the leader can’t be revived from fainting. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
390EmeraAnchor EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes user immune to warping or being blown away. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
391EmeraAwakening EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera awakens user! If the user is capable of Mega Evolution and holds the right Mega Stone; they will Mega Evolve; otherwise they will be awakened. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
392EmeraBarrage EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes enables user to use a move 1 more time. Having more empty notches on a looplet increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
393EmeraBarrage Guard EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera decreases damage little by little when user take multiple attacks in 1 turn. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Def by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
394EmeraBerry Power EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes prevents stats from being lowered and prevents bad status conditions. Having more varieties of Berries increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Defense by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
395EmeraBetter Odds EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes a move never miss; and it results in a critical hit if the move’s remaining PP is an even number. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
396EmeraBig Ears EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera locates the Pokémon on the floor. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
397EmeraBig Recovery EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera restores more HP when user restore HP via an item; Ability; or move. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
398EmeraBurn Guard EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents user from having a burn. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
399EmeraClairvoyance EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera locates items on the floor. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
400EmeraClutch Performer EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes it easier to dodge attacks in a pinch! Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
401EmeraComeback EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera increases the accuracy of a move on the Pokemon’s next turn if the Pokemon’s move misses. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Atk by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
402EmeraConfusion Guard EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents user from getting confused. Using the emera as an item slightly increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
403EmeraDistance Dodge EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes it easier to dodge faraway Pokémon’s attacks. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
404EmeraDizzying Payback EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes makes the attacker confused when a move by that attacker damages user. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Def by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
405EmeraDizzying Stare EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes makes the target confused when user attack. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Atk by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
406EmeraEffect Boost EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera increases the chance that additional effects will be triggered. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Def by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
407EmeraElixir Search EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes makes enemy Pokémon drop an Elixir when user defeat them. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
408EmeraEmera Search EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes makes enemy Pokémon drop an emera when user defeat them. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
409EmeraExcessive Force EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera damages nearby enemies with excessive force when user defeat an enemy. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
410EmeraExplosion Guard EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera reduces damage taken from blasts. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Defense by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
411EmeraFollow Through EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes the Pokemon’s move reach 2 tiles away. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
412EmeraGo For Broke EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera boosts all the Pokemon’s stats significantly. But be careful! It prevents Tiny Reviver Seeds and similar items from reviving user. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
413EmeraGuard Boost EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera reduces damage from moves. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Defense by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
414EmeraHuge Meal EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera slows down the Belly’s need for food as turns go by. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
415EmeraItem Checker EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera enables user to know the number of items on a floor when user move to it. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
416EmeraIntimidator EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes makes the target’s move fail. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed.1 
417EmeraLucky Charm EmeraThis emera will be chosen first when an effect that removes an emera is triggered. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
418EmeraLullaby EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes the target go to sleep when a move of userrs damages it. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
419EmeraMisfortune Mirror EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera boosts the Pokemon’s evasiveness until the Pokemon’s next turn if the Pokemon’s move misses. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
420EmeraMobility EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera enables user to travel through walls; cross hot floors; and so on. But be careful! the Pokemon’s Belly will keep becoming empty while traveling through walls. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
421EmeraNatural Recovery EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera speeds up natural HP recovery. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
422EmeraParalysis Guard EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents user from suffering paralysis. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
423EmeraPayback EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes cuts the attacker’s HP to 1 when a move by that attacker damages user. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Def by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
424EmeraPetrify Power EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes the target become petrified when a move of userrs damages it. Adding multiples of this emera or having more sticky items in the Bag increases the effect. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
425EmeraPiercing Throw EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes the Pokemon’s thrown items pierce through all Pokémon and walls and fly endlessly. But it has no effect on thrown stones. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
426EmeraPoison Guard EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents user from getting poisoned or badly poisoned. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
427EmeraPower Boost X EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera boosts the power of moves. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Setting it with a Power Boost Y on a looplet boosts the Pokemon’s accuracy as well. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
428EmeraPower Boost Y EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera boosts the power of moves. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Setting it with a Power Boost X on a looplet boosts the Pokemon’s accuracy as well. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
429EmeraPP Restore EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera restores the Pokemon’s PP when user move to the next floor. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
430EmeraProlong EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes the effects of moves and items that give enemy Pokémon a bad status condition last slightly longer. Adding multiples of this emera prolongs the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
431EmeraRain’s Blessing EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera changes the weather on the floor to rain. During this weather; Water-type moves deal more damage and Fire-type moves deal less damage. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
432EmeraResilient EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents all of the Pokemon’s stats from being lowered. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Def by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
433EmeraRoom Checker EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera tells user whether there is a shop or a Monster House when user move to a floor. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
434EmeraSatiated EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents the Belly from getting empty as turns go by. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
435EmeraSecond Chance EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera causes the Pokemon to use a move again if it misses. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
436EmeraSelf Control EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents user from damaging teammates when user’re confused or have the blinker status condition. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
437EmeraSleep Guard EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents user from falling asleep; yawning; or a nightmare. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
438EmeraSleep Payback EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes makes the attacker sleep when user are damaged by a move. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Defense by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
439EmeraStatus Immunity EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera occasionally prevents user from having a bad status condition. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Defense by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
440EmeraStatus Mirror EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes the Pokémon in front of user have the same status condition as user when user get one. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
441EmeraStick Locator EmeraLookalike Item to the Stair Locator Emera. Equipping this to a Looplet will cause the Looplet to become sticky!1 
442EmeraStair Locator EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera enables user to see the location of the stairs on the floor. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
443EmeraSuper Critical EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera increases the critical-hit rate when a move is super effective. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
444EmeraSurveyor EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera displays the lausert of the floor on the map when user move to a floor. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
445EmeraSun’s Blessing EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera changes the weather on the floor to sunny. During this weather; Fire-type moves deal more damage and Water-type moves deal less damage. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
446EmeraTargeted Attack EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera causes moves to do more damage if a teammate did damage to the same Pokemon the turn before. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Atk by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
447EmeraTight Grip EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents held items from being dropped or stolen. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Speed by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
448EmeraTiptoe EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents user from waking up sleeping enemy Pokémon when user approach them. It works only for the holder; so be careful. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
449EmeraTraining EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera boosts move growth. Adding multiples of this emera doesn’t change the effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Atk by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
450EmeraTreasure Hunter EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera increases the chance of enemy Pokémon dropping a Treasure Box when user defeat them. Adding multiples of this emera increases the effect. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
451EmeraTunnel EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera enables user to dig a hole in the wall by attacking it. But every time user dig; the Pokemon’s Belly gets emptier; so take care and watch how much user dig! user can’t dig when the Pokemon’s Belly is 0. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Atk by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
452EmeraType Bulldozer EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera prevents moves’ damage from being reduced when they would not be effective or would have no effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
453EmeraToughness EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes user endure an attack that would cause user to faint. user’ll be left with 1 HP remaining; but the emera disappears after user endure an attack. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Def by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
454EmeraTrap Proof EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera nullifies the effects of traps user step on. Using this emera as an item increases the Pokemon’s HP by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
455EmeraWand Expert EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera makes the effects of wands spread like a fan. Also; the number of uses remaining sometimes stays the same. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Attack by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
456EmeraWarp Payback EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sometimes warps the attacker elsewhere when a move by that attacker damages user. Adding multiples of this emera increases this effect. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Defense by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
457EmeraWhirlwind EmeraHolding a looplet with this emera sends the target flying 10 tiles away when user attack by pressing A. Using this emera as an item boosts the Pokemon’s Sp. Atk by 1; until the end of the dungeon.1 
458Evolution ItemFire StoneA peculiar orange stone that radiates warmth like a flame. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Fire Move
459Evolution ItemWater StoneA peculiar stone that holds the color of clearest blue. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Water Move
460Evolution ItemThunder StoneA peculiar stone with a thunderbolt pattern. It causes Paralysis when grabbed. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Electric Move
461Evolution ItemLeaf StoneA peculiar stone inscribed with a leafy pattern. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Grass Move
462Evolution ItemMoon StoneAn odd stone that gleams like the moon in the evening sky. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Normal Physical Move
463Evolution ItemSun StoneAn odd stone that glows with sunny warmth. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Normal Special Move
464Evolution ItemShiny StoneAn odd stone that shines with dazzling light. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Fairy Move
465Evolution ItemDusk StoneAn odd stone with a mesmerizing darkness. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Dark Move
466Evolution ItemDawn StoneAn odd stone that glints like an eye. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Psychic Move
467Evolution ItemIce StoneA peculiar stone that has an unmistakable snowflake pattern. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Everstone + Ice Move
468Evolution ItemEevee BeadsIncredibly valuable beads with every single evolutionary stone attached. Can replace any stone during evolution; and doesn’t get consumed.15000Fire + Water + Thunder + Leaf + Moon + Sun + Shiny + Dusk + Dawn + Ice Stone
469Evolution ItemBeauty ScarfA dressy fashion accessory. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
470Evolution ItemFrozen RockA stone that radiates deep chill; so it is easily mistaken for a chunk of ice. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
471Evolution ItemMossy RockA stone covered in lush moss that exudes the vitality of plants. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
472Evolution ItemLink CableAn intriguing cable used for linking two unknown devices together… It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
473Evolution ItemSun RibbonA ribbon infused with heartwarming sunshine energy. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve. Plain Ribbon + Sun Stone
474Evolution ItemLunar RibbonA ribbon filled with heartwarming moonlight energy. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000Plain Ribbon + Moon Stone
475Evolution ItemDeep Sea ScaleA pretty scale that shines faintly. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000 
476Evolution ItemDeep Sea ToothA supersharp fang with a subtle gleam. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000 
477Evolution ItemDragon ScaleA thick; tough; hydrodynamic scale. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.500 
478Evolution ItemDubious DiscAn enigmatic disc that overflows with dubious data… It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000 
479Evolution ItemElectirizerA box full of a massive amount of electric energy. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
480Evolution ItemMagmarizerA box brimming with a huge amount of magma energy. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000 
481Evolution ItemOval StoneA surprisingly smooth; round; egg shaped stone. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.1000 
482Evolution ItemProtectorA heavy; durable piece of protective equipment. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
483Evolution ItemReaper ClothAn eerie cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong spiritual energy. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
484Evolution ItemUpgradeA mysterious device filled with all sorts of important updates. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
485Evolution ItemSun FluteIt is said that the tones it produces were offered up as an expression of gratitude to the Legendary Pokémon of the sun. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
486Evolution ItemMoon FluteIt is said that the tones it produces were offered up as an expression of gratitude to the Legendary Pokémon of the moon. It allows certain kinds of Pokémon to evolve.  
487Evolution ItemPrism ScaleA mysterious scale that shines in rainbow colors. It allows a certain kind of Pokémon to evolve.1000 
488Evolution ItemRazor ClawA wickedly sharp claw perfect for raking foes. It increases the holder’s critical-hit ratio by 1 stage.  
489Evolution ItemRazor FangA savagely sharp; piercing fang. When held; Physical moves gain a 10% chance to make their target flinch. It evolves a Gligar into Gliscor. It evolves Sneasel into Weavile.  
490Evolution ItemKing’s RockAn impressive; rocky crown that conveys a kingly nobility. When held; Special moves gain a 10% chance to make their target flinch. It evolves Slowpoke and Poliwhirl into Slowking and Politoed respectively.1000 
491Evolution ItemWhipped DreamA soft and sweet treat made of fluffy, puffy, whipped and whirled cream. It evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff.  
492Evolution ItemSachetA sachet filled with fragrant perfumes that are just slightly too overwhelming. It evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse.  
493FoodPewter CrunchiesA crunchy snack; apparently famous with Humans. Heals all status conditions. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
494FoodRage Candy BarA sweet and spicy candy bar; apparently famous with Humans. Heals all status conditions. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
495FoodLava CookieAn especially hot and dry cookie; apparently famous with Humans. Heals all status conditions. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
496FoodOld GateauA bitter cake; apparently famous with Humans. Heals all status conditions. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
497FoodCasteliaconeA refreshing; soft-serve ice cream; apparently famous with Humans. Heals all status conditions. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
498FoodLumiose GaletteA baked treat; apparently famous with Humans. Heals all status conditions. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
499FoodBig MalasadaA fried bread; apparently famous with Humans. Heals all status conditions. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
500FoodHealth CandyA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s HP by 2; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 30. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
501FoodHealth Candy LA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s HP by 3; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 60. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
502FoodHealth Candy XLA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s HP by 4; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 90. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
503FoodMighty CandyA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Attack by 2; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 30. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
504FoodMighty Candy LA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Attack by 3; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 60. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
505FoodMighty Candy XLA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Attack by 4; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 90. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
506FoodTough CandyA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Defense by 2; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 30. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
507FoodTough Candy LA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Defense by 3; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 60. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
508FoodTough Candy XLA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Defense by 4; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 90. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
509FoodSmart CandyA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Special Attack by 2; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 30. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
510FoodSmart Candy LA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Special Attack by 3; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 60. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
511FoodSmart Candy XLA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Special Attack by 4; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 90. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
512FoodCourage CandyA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Special Defense by 2; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 30. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
513FoodCourage Candy LA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Special Defense by 3; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 60. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
514FoodCourage Candy XLA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Special Defense by 4; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 90. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
515FoodQuick CandyA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Speed by 2; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 30. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
516FoodQuick Candy LA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Speed by 3; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 60. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
517FoodQuick Candy XLA candy that is packed with energy. When given to a Pokémon; it will permanently increase that Pokémon’s Speed by 4; but only if the Pokemon is at least level 90. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
518FoodBlack GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Dark types love these!800 
519FoodBlue GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Water types love these!800 
520FoodBrown GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Ground types love these!800 
521FoodClear GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Ice types love these!800 
522FoodGold GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Psychic types love these!800 
523FoodLime GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Grass types love these!800 
524FoodGray GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Rock types love these!800 
525FoodGreen GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Bug types love these!800 
526FoodOrange GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Fighting types love these!800 
527FoodPink GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Poison types love these!800 
528FoodPurple GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Ghost types love these!800 
529FoodRed GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Fire types love these!800 
530FoodRoyal GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Dragon types love these!800 
531FoodSilver GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Steel types love these!800 
532FoodSky GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Flying types love these!800 
533FoodWhite GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Normal types love these!800 
534FoodYellow GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Electric types love these!800 
535FoodMagenta GummiA Gummi that makes certain Pokemon drool in delight. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5; 10; 15; 20; or 25; and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 1; 2; 3; 4; or 5 depending on the Pokemon’s type. Fairy types love these!800 
536FoodWonder GummiIt has a curious texture unlike any other Gummi; never has the same taste twice… it’s always delicious! Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 25 and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 5; regardless of the Pokemon’s type.2000 
537FoodWander GummiA Lookalike Item for Wonder Gummi; so be careful! Eating it will make user dizzy and wander randomly; giving user the Blinker status.200 
538FoodRainbow GummiAbsolute perfection in Gummi form. Don’t look at it too long… Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 50 and increases the Pokemon’s IQ by 15; regardless of the Pokemon’s type.8000 
539FoodRare CandyA candy that is packed with energy. When consumed; it will instantly raise the level of a single Pokémon by one. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
540FoodTiny AppleA very tiny Apple. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 25; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 1 if already full.10 
541FoodAppleA juicy Apple. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 50; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 5 if already full.25 
542FoodBappleLookalike item for an Apple. Attempting to eat it will make the Bapple Bap the Pokemon; making them Flinch! Then it will run away.25 
543FoodBig AppleA very fresh Big Apple! Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 100; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 10 if already full.50 
544FoodHuge AppleAn Apple so big it takes 2 turns to eat! Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 150; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 15 if already full!100 
545FoodPerfect AppleAlso known as Sekai Ichi. A pink Apple far too delicious for feeble minds to comprehend. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 200; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 20 if already full!1000 
546FoodGolden AppleIt’s one of the Golden Items. A Perfect Apple coated in a golden glow; far too precious and beautiful to even consider eating! It completely fills the Pokemon’s Belly AND increases the Pokemon’s maximum Belly Size by 50!9000 
547FoodBananaA rare; healthy Banana. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 50. Temporarily increases Belly Size by 10 if already full. Also has a 10% chance to raise the Pokemon’s level by 1…150 
548FoodGolden BananaIt’s one of the Golden Items. A mysterious Banana coated in a golden glow. So healthy… Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 50. Temporarily increases Belly Size by 10 if already full; and increases the Pokemon’s level by 5!12000 
549FoodChestnutA Chestnut to peel open. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 50; but deals user 1 damage. Temporarily increases Belly Size by 5 if already full. Mankeys and Primeapes get +1 stage to all stats when eating this!50 
550FoodMini DonutA little diet Donut. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 25; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 1 if already full; and randomly; permanently increases one of the Pokemon’s stats by 1.500 
551FoodDonutA sugary Donut. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 50; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 1 if already full; and randomly; permanently increases one of the Pokemon’s stats by 1… twice.1000 
552FoodMega DonutA thick; round Donut! Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 100; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 1 if already full; and randomly; permanently increases one of the Pokemon’s stats by 1… thrice!1500 
553FoodFour Leaf CookieA fortune cookie. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 25; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 1 if already full; and randomly; permanently increases one of the Pokemon’s stats by 1… a random number of times between 1 and 4!2000 
554FoodSweet ChocolateJust objectively the best thing ever. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 25; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 1 if already full. Permanently increases all the Pokemon’s stats by 1!2500 
555FoodGrimy FoodYuck. Fills the Pokemon’s belly by 25; or temporarily increases Belly Size by 1 if already full. However; it will also inflict a random status problem because it’s covered in filthy grime. Be careful of what you eat!1 
556FoodGrim FoodLookalike item for Grimy Food. Eating this will turn user Ghost type and allows user to walk through walls! It also fills the Belly by 5.1 
557FoodSweet HeartA piece of cloyingly sweet chocolate. Heals 50 HP and increases IQ by 1. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
558FoodLeftoversSome seemingly neverending Apple leftovers… when eaten; fills the Pokemon’s Belly by just 1; but it also stops Belly depletion until the next floor.  
559FoodWheatThe essential crop. Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
560FoodFlourA powder obtained by grinding Wheat; used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
561FoodBreadSaid to represent the birth of agriculture. It fills the Belly by 50.  
562FoodSea SaltMarine salt used for many Food recipes in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 1  
563FoodGrand Blue SaltIncredibly valuable and pure salt extracted from the vast Grand Blue Ocean. If used in crafting in place of Sea Salt; it turns into Sea Salt instead of disappearing! It also fills the Belly by 1.  
564FoodBlack PepperThe scent lures you in; then the spicyness will faint you! Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
565FoodSugarcaneA fibrous stalk used in crafting sweets. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
566FoodParashroomA thankfully non-poisonous toadstool. Contrary to popular belief; won’t make you grow bigger. Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
567FoodCornAhhh; maize. Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 10.  
568FoodPopcornA bunch of popped kernel. Somehow tastes better when watching something. It also fills the Belly by 25. Corn + Fire Type Move
569FoodCarrotA surprisingly not-bitter root vegetable. Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
570FoodRiceA wild seed so valuable that it was used in place of ₽ for trading thousands of years ago. Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 10.  
571FoodBasilA tender herb that soothes and revitalizes Pokemon with it’s scent alone. Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
572FoodFlower FruitsThey look like Berries; but they’re actually still flowering. Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
573FoodBorgarEverything all at once. Bread, sauce, veggies, and… oh geez what IS that in the middle!? Heals 50 HP and fills the belly by 50.  
574FoodCactusSurprisingly juicy; especially useful in desert environments. Used in crafting. It also fills the Belly by 10.  
575FoodBerry SaladA glorious; healthy salad of every berry you could possibly need. Fully restores HP and heals all status conditions. It also fills the Belly by 50.  
576FoodRustic StewThis stew somehow turns veggies; the worst tasting kind of food; into something that tastes amazing. It fills the Belly by 75.  
577FoodTacortillaIs it a Taco…? Is it a Tortilla…? It fills the Belly by 75. Flour + Food Item + Food Item + Food Item
578FoodNoodlesLoooooong and thiiiin. Need to be boiled first. Or you can eat it like this; and restore your Belly by a whooping 1.  
579FoodGrassettiUsually Grass types feed off photosynthesis; but the mere sight of this will make them drool. It fills the Belly by 50.  
580FoodPerfect PastaIt’s quite a weird dish from the Human world; but it’s so good it became the norm in this world as well. It fills the Belly by 100.  
582FoodStarflowerA flower of Starf Berries. It’s said to bond two Pokemon for years to come should they share this with each other at dinner. It fills the Belly by 25 and increases Connection by 5!  
583FoodHoneycomb TartsSweet tarts that don’t require any sugarcane to produce. Convenient! They fill the Belly by 25 and raise Speed by 1 stage.  
584FoodRamenNoodles just go well with everything. It fills the Belly by 100.  
585FoodOmeletteA bread made from Blisseggs instead of Wheat. It fills the Belly by 25.  
586FoodMoomoo Ice CreamHow does this taste so good!? Why!? It fills the Belly by 15 and heals 150 HP.  
587FoodSushiRolls of rice; fish fins; and vegetables that blend surprisingly well together. It fills the Belly by 75.  
588FoodCupcakeA very compact cake to carry around. It fills the Belly by 50.  
589FoodWorld Of Light CakeA creamy vanilla cake made to celebrate the world of Pokemon. It’s so big it takes a full team 3 turns to eat it; but it will completely fill everyone’s belly AND increases their maximum Belly Size by 50!  
590FoodWorld Of Dark CakeA dark chocolate cake made to celebrate the world of Humans. It’s so big it takes a full team 3 turns to eat it; but it will completely fill everyone’s belly AND increases their maximum Belly Size by 50!  
591FoodRed PokeblockA colorful candy block made from blending Spicy berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Coolness by 1. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
592FoodBlue PokeblockA colorful candy block made from blending Dry berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Beauty by 1. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
593FoodPink PokeblockA colorful candy block made from blending Sweet berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Cuteness by 1. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
594FoodGreen PokeblockA colorful candy block made from blending Bitter berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Cleverness by 1. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
595FoodYellow PokeblockA colorful candy block made from blending Sour berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Toughness by 1. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
596FoodMagenta PokeblockA high quality colorful candy block made from blending Spicy berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Coolness by 3. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
597FoodIndigo PokeblockA high quality colorful candy block made from blending Dry berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Beauty by 3. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
598FoodOrange PokeblockA high quality colorful candy block made from blending Sweet berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Cuteness by 3. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
599FoodCyan PokeblockA high quality colorful candy block made from blending Bitter berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Cleverness by 3. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
600FoodLime PokeblockA high quality colorful candy block made from blending Sour berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Toughness by 3. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
601FoodGold PokeblockA high quality colorful candy block made from blending several flavors of berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases all Showcase Stats by 1. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
602FoodWhite PokeblockA very high quality colorful candy block made from blending several flavors of berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases all Showcase Stats by 3. It also fills the Belly by 1.  
603FoodRainbow PokeblockA perfect; exquisite colorful candy block made from blending several flavors of berry nutrients. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases all Showcase Stats by 5! It also fills the Belly by 1.  
604FoodBlack PokeblockThis… doesn’t look edible. It fills your belly by 1 and causes a Status Condition.  
605FoodPoffinA plain muffin bun. It’s absolutely delicious; but it doesn’t seem to do anything other than fill your belly by 25.  
606FoodSpicy PoffinA Spicy muffin bun. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Coolness by 2. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
607FoodSour PoffinA Dry muffin bun. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Beauty by 2. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
608FoodBitter PoffinA Sweet muffin bun. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Cuteness by 2. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
609FoodSweet PoffinA Bitter muffin bun. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Cleverness by 2. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
610FoodDry PoffinA Sour muffin bun. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases the Pokemon’s Toughness by 2. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
611FoodRich PoffinA muffin bun of many mixed flavours. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases all Showcase Stats by 2. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
612FoodOverripe PoffinA shiny muffin bun of many mixed flavours. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases all Showcase Stats by 4. It also fills the Belly by 25.  
613FoodMild PoffinA perfect; golden muffin bun of many mixed flavours. Perfect for Team Showcases. It increases all Showcase Stats by 8! It also fills the Belly by 50.  
614FoodFoul PoffinThis… doesn’t look safe to eat. It fills your belly by 10 and causes a Status Condition.  
615FoodPokepuffA cake like confection souffle’ that can be eaten cold; made with love and care. It’s plain and simple. Increases Connection by 1. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
616FoodFrosted PokepuffA cake like confection souffle’ that can be eaten cold; made with love and care. It has a little decoration on top. Increases Connection by 2. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
617FoodFancy PokepuffA cake like confection souffle’ that can be eaten cold; made with love and care. It has neat whipped cream on top. Increases Connection by 3. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
618FoodDeluxe PokepuffA cake like confection souffle’ that can be eaten cold; made with love and care. It has a decoration AND whipped cream! Increases Connection by 4. It also fills the Belly by 15.  
619FoodSupreme PokepuffA cake like confection souffle’ that can be eaten cold; made with love and care. It almost looks like a birthday cake! Increases Connection by 5! It also fills the Belly by 25.  
620FoodRed PokebeanA heart shaped bean sprouted from a Beanstalk. It increases Connection by 1 and increases Attack by 1 stage. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
621FoodYellow PokebeanA heart shaped bean sprouted from a Beanstalk. It increases Connection by 1 and increases Defense by 1 stage. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
622FoodBlue PokebeanA heart shaped bean sprouted from a Beanstalk. It increases Connection by 1 and increases Special Attack by 1 stage. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
623FoodGreen PokebeanA heart shaped bean sprouted from a Beanstalk. It increases Connection by 1 and increases Special Defense by 1 stage. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
624FoodViolet PokebeanA heart shaped bean sprouted from a Beanstalk. It increases Connection by 1 and increases Speed by 1 stage. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
625FoodOrange PokebeanA heart shaped bean sprouted from a Beanstalk. It increases Connection by 1 and increases Accuracy by 1 stage. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
626FoodIndigo PokebeanA heart shaped bean sprouted from a Beanstalk. It increases Connection by 1 and increases Evasion by 1 stage. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
627FoodRainbow PokebeanA rainbow; delicious heart shaped bean sprouted from a Beanstalk. It increases Connection by 1 and increases all stats by 1 stage. It also fills the Belly by 10.  
628FoodSeenutA nut that suspiciously looks like a Seedot. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals a Pidgey; Pidgeotto; or Pidgeot’s HP and status conditions. It fills the Belly by 5.  
629FoodSunpetalA nutrient leaf grown by a Sunflora. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals a Spearow’s HP and status conditions.  
630FoodWoopgillA pink gill that fell off a Wooper. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals an Ekans or Arbok’s HP and status conditions.  
631FoodTrubbageToxic garbage from a Trubbish that inflicts Poison. Who in the world would eat this…? It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals a Grimer or Muk’s HP and status conditions.  
632FoodBounfruitA healthy mango that suspiciously resembles a Bounsweet. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals Aipom and Ambipom’s HP and status conditions.  
633FoodSlash QuillA sharp Sandslash quill. Be careful when eating it! It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals a Sneasel or Weavile’s HP and status conditions.  
634FoodNeon FrillA frill detached from a Finneon or Lumineon. It tastes delicious!?!? It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals a Wingull or Pelipper’s HP and status conditions.  
635FoodCargemIt looks like a Carbink gemstone; but it’s edible; like candy. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals Sableye’s HP and status conditions.  
636FoodMinior ShellA shell shard that fell off a Minior; probably during a heated battle. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals Rayquaza’s HP and status conditions.  
637FoodTrapinch ShellA shed; hard carapace. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals Sandile; Krokorok; or Krookodile’s HP and status conditions.  
638FoodDurant ClawA burnt claw with a very high nutrient density. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals Heatmor’s HP and status conditions.  
639FoodMetascaleA fragment of the hard outer shell of a Metapod. It fills the Belly by 10. Fully heals Pikipek; Trumbeak; or Toucannon’s HP and status conditions.  
640FoodMagifinA Magikarp fin!? It fills the Belly by 10. Used in crafting.  
641FoodBascufinA Basculin fin!? It fills the Belly by 10. Used in crafting.  
642FoodCarvafinA Carvanha fin!? It fills the Belly by 10. Used in crafting.  
643FoodSlowpoke TailDon’t worry; it grows back. It fills the Belly by 10. Used in crafting.  
644FoodBlisseggA thankfully non-fertile egg full of nutrients. It fills the Belly by 10. Used in crafting.  
645FoodSkiddo CheeseLike Moomoo milk; but more chompable. It fills the Belly by 10. Used in crafting.  
646FoodRibombee PuffA pollen puff that relieves tiredness with a soothing effect. It fills the Belly by 5 and gives the Focus Energy status condition.  
647FoodBerserk GeneA strange edible bar; said to have been crafted by a Mewtwo. Raises Attack by 3 stages; but confuses the user. It also fills the Belly by 5.  
648FoodBlack ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Dark types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
649FoodBlue ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Water types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
650FoodBrown ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Ground types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
651FoodClear ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Ice types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
652FoodGold ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Psychic types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
653FoodLime ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Grass types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
654FoodGray ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Rock types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
655FoodGreen ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Bug types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
656FoodOrange ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Fighting types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
657FoodPink ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Poison types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
658FoodPurple ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Ghost types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
659FoodRed ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Fire types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
660FoodRoyal ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Dragon types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
661FoodSilver ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Steel types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
662FoodSky ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Flying types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
663FoodWhite ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Normal types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
664FoodYellow ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Electric types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
665FoodViolet ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. It can be thrown at a weakened Pokemon for a chance to recruit them. Fairy types have a higher chance of joining! It also fills the belly by 25.300 
666FoodWonder ApricornHard shelled fruit that removes all hostility from a wild or feral Pokemon. This Apricorn has an indescribable flavor; it can be thrown at any weakened Pokemon for a very high chance to recruit them. It also fills the belly by 25.50000 
667FossilDome FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It could be a shell or carapace. Can be revived into a Kabuto.5000 
668FossilHelix FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It might be a piece of a seashell. Can be revived into an Omanyte.5000 
669FossilOld AmberA piece of amber that still contains the genetic material of an ancient Pokémon. It’s clear with a tawny; reddish tint. Can be revived into an Aerodactyl.5000 
670FossilRoot FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It looks as if it could be part of a plant’s root. Can be revived into a Lileep.5000 
671FossilClaw FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It appears to be a fragment of a claw. Can be revived into an Anorith.5000 
672FossilSkull FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived on the land. It appears as though it’s part of a head. Can be revived into a Cranidos.5000 
673FossilArmor FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived on the land. It looks to be from some kind of protective collar. Can be revived into a Shieldon.5000 
674FossilCover FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sea. It appears as though it could be part of its back. Can be revived into a Tirtouga.5000 
675FossilPlume FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived in the sky. It looks as if it could come from part of its wing. Can be revived into an Archen.5000 
676FossilJaw FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived on the land. It looks as if it could be a piece of a large jaw. Can be revived into a Tyrunt.5000 
677FossilSail FossilA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that once lived on land. It looks like the impression from a skin sail. Can be revived into an Amaura.5000 
678Gear EquipmentAmulet CoinA lucky coin that spawns twice as many ₽ when entering a new floor.  
679Gear EquipmentBright PowderPocket sand! When the holder is hit by a physical move; it lowers the foe’s accuracy by 1 stage.  
680Gear EquipmentQuick ClawThis light; sharp claw gives the holder a 10% chance to use a move or attack twice in a row.  
681Gear EquipmentSoothe BellThe comforting chime of this bell temporarily boosts Connections with teammates by 10 while it’s held.  
682Gear EquipmentEverstoneHolding this peculiar stone prevents the holder; all teammates; and even nearby enemies from evolving.250 
683Gear EquipmentLucky EggAn egg shaped stone filled with happiness. Holding this has a 50% chance of earning 2X EXP after defeating an enemy.  
684Gear EquipmentShell BellA bell that rings calmly in response to harsh movements. Causes the holder’s attacks and moves to drain 10% damage and restore their own HP.  
685Gear EquipmentLight ClayA shiny; malleable clay. Protective moves such as Light Screen and Reflect last twice as long.  
686Gear EquipmentMetronomeConsecutive uses of the same attack have a cumulative damage boost of 10%. Maximum 100% boost.200 
687Gear EquipmentIron BallHolder’s Speed is halved; and makes Flying-types take neutral damage from Ground-type moves when held. Arena Trap; Spikes; and Toxic Spikes affect the holder as well.  
688Gear EquipmentLagging TailA tremendously heavy tail. Lowers movement speed by 1 when equipped. There must be a use case for this…  
689Gear EquipmentBlack SludgeA held item that increases the HP regeneration of Poison-types; but prevents it for any other type. This item sticks when equipped.  
690Gear EquipmentIcy RockA cool rock that doubles the effects of Hail on the holder.  
691Gear EquipmentSmooth RockA silt rock that doubles the effects of Sandstorms on the holder.  
692Gear EquipmentHeat RockA hot rock that doubles the effects of Sunny Day on the holder.  
693Gear EquipmentDamp RockA moist rock that doubles the effects of Rain on the holder.  
694Gear EquipmentGrip ClawHolder’s multi-turn trapping moves such as Bind or Wrap last twice as long.200 
695Gear EquipmentSticky BarbIt damages the holder for 10% HP whenever they attack. This item sticks when equipped; but it can be transferred to another Pokemon if they use a physical move on the holder.  
696Gear EquipmentBig RootA powerful root that increases the amount of HP recovered from draining moves by 50%.1000 
697Gear EquipmentEvioliteA mysterious evolutionary lump that increases Defense and Special Defense by 50% for each evolution stage still not achieved. Doesn’t count Megaevolution.  
698Gear EquipmentFloat StoneA very lighthearted stone. It won’t make the holder float; but will reduce their weight by 50%.  
699Gear EquipmentAir BalloonGrants immunity to Ground-type moves and tiles; and allows flying over water and lava. Destroyed when the holder takes damage from a move.  
700Gear EquipmentRed CardWarps an enemy Pokemon away if the holder is hit by a physical attack. Consumed after use.  
701Gear EquipmentRing TargetMoves that normally have no effect will land on a Pokémon holding it; regardless of type or ability.250 
702Gear EquipmentAbsorb BulbRaises the holder’s Special Attack to the max when it takes Water-type damage. Consumed after use.  
703Gear EquipmentLuminous MossRaises the holder’s Special Defense to the max when it takes Water-type damage. Consumed after use.  
704Gear EquipmentCell BatteryRaises the holder’s Attack to the max when it takes Electric-type damage. Consumed after use.  
705Gear EquipmentEject ButtonIf the holder is hit by a physical move; it will switch places with a teammate.  
706Gear EquipmentWeakness PolicyWhen the holder is hit by a super effective move; its Attack and Special Attack raise by 1 stage.  
707Gear EquipmentTerrain ExtenderIt doubles the duration of the terrain caused by the holder’s move or Ability.  
708Gear EquipmentProtective PadsThese pads protect the holder from effects caused by making direct contact with the target.  
709Gear EquipmentWisp PendantA cylindrical pendant with steel wings; holding a wisp inside… it’s quite soothing to wear. Cuts in half damage from Shadow type moves.  
710Gear EquipmentShin GuardsShin plates that causes Fighting type moves to never recoil; and never trigger Counter or Mini Counter.  
711Gear EquipmentDouble Edge KnucklesFighting type moves inflict double damage; but also have 50% recoil.  
712Gear EquipmentHealth RingIf another teammate is also holding a Health Ring; increases Max HP by 50%.  
713Gear EquipmentExperience ShareWhen the leader of the team wears this powerful helmet; all Pokemon in the assembly get 10% of the user’s experience.  
714Gear EquipmentIQ BoosterAn incredibly rare and advanced device that increases the holder’s IQ by 1 upon entering a new floor.  
715Gear EquipmentAmber TearAn amber liquid that sparkles like crystal-clear tears; rumored to be the most precious of even the rarest treasures. It raises the Pokémon’s recruit chance by 15%.750 
716Gear EquipmentGolden MaskA legendary mask; rumored to be from a long-lost civilization. It has a beautiful glow that stirs up the emotions of all who see it. Increases recruit chance by 20%4000 
717Gear EquipmentAssault VestAn offensive vest that raises Special Defense by two stages; but prevents the use of status moves.300 
718Gear EquipmentBond EarringsMust be equipped to two Pokemon at once. Sharing these with the Pokemon’s partner makes their heart beat in sync… Functions like an infinite Tiny Reviver Seed if the holder faints right next to the other holder. Lone Earring + Lone Earring
719Gear EquipmentWeather RockA color changing rock that increases the duration of weather moves used by the holder.1000 
720Gear EquipmentKey StoneA rainbow stone refined from an Awakening Emera moments before it disappeared, resonating with the same immense power that connects Human and Pokemon. It allows any Pokemon with a Mega Stone to Megaevolve.  
721GemFire GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Fire move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
722GemWater GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Water move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
723GemElectric GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Electric move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
724GemGrass GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Grass move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
725GemIce GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Ice move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
726GemFighting GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Fighting move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
727GemPoison GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Poison move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
728GemGround GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Ground move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
729GemFlying GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Flying move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
730GemPsychic GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Psychic move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
731GemBug GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Bug move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
732GemRock GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Rock move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
733GemGhost GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Ghost move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
734GemDark GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Dark move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
735GemSteel GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Steel move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
736GemDragon GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Dragon move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
737GemNormal GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Normal move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
738GemFairy GemWhen consumed; it increases the power of Fairy move by 50%; only for the user; for the rest of the floor.  
739GiftBug GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Bug type connection.50 
740GiftDark GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Dark type connection.50 
741GiftDragon GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Dragon type connection.50 
742GiftElectric GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to an Electric type connection.50 
743GiftFighting GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Fighting type connection.50 
744GiftFire GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Fire type connection.50 
745GiftFlying GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Flying type connection.50 
746GiftGhost GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Ghost type connection.50 
747GiftGrass GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Grass type connection.50 
748GiftGround GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Ground type connection.50 
749GiftIce GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to an Ice type connection.50 
750GiftNormal GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Normal type connection.50 
751GiftPoison GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Poison type connection.50 
752GiftPsychic GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Psychic type connection.50 
753GiftRock GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Rock type connection.50 
754GiftSteel GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Steel type connection.50 
755GiftWater GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Water type connection.50 
756GiftFairy GiftMay contain a rare item; but only if gifted to a Fairy type connection.50 
757GiftPremier GiftMay contain an exceptionally rare item; but only if gifted to a Legendary or Mythical connection!100 
758GiftSky GiftMay contain an exceptionally rare item; but only if shipped to a Connection from the Shaymin Village! It also increases Connection by 1 when delivered.500 
759Head EquipmentCleanse TagA purifying tag that prevents new Pokemon from spawning while staying in one floor for a long time.  
760Head EquipmentWide LensIt’s a magnifying lens that boosts the holder’s accuracy by 1 stage.  
761Head EquipmentZoom LensBinocular lens that boosts the holder’s accuracy by 2 stages; but reduces speed by 1 stage.  
762Head EquipmentWise GlassesThis thick pair of glasses boosts the damage of special moves used by the holder by 50%; but doesn’t increase Special Attack.  
763Head EquipmentTough GlassesThis thick pair of glasses boosts the damage of physical moves used by the holder by 50%; but doesn’t increase Attack.  
764Head EquipmentChoice SpecsDistinctive glasses that boost Special Attack by 1 stage; but restricts the holder to only one move.500 
765Head EquipmentGogo GogglesNifty goggles that protect the holder from weather damage and increases movement speed by 1 during Sandstorms.  
766Head EquipmentRocky HelmetA hard; rough helmet. When the holder is hit by a physical move; the attacking Pokémon takes 33% recoil damage.  
767Head EquipmentSafety GogglesGoggles that give the holder immunity to moves with Spore or Powder in the name.  
768Head EquipmentAlert SpecsAntitheft specs that prevent the Pokémon from having its held item snatched away or swatted down.4000 
769Head EquipmentGoggle SpecsHigh field of view specs that reveal hidden traps; Pokemon; and stairs to the holder.3500 
770Head EquipmentGaggle SpecsLookalike item for the Goggle Specs! A held item that makes the Pokémon stand out; making it easier to hit by enemies.3500 
771Head EquipmentGold ScopeGolden scopes that scan for any hidden Gold Bars or Golden Items hidden in the floor.5000 
772Head EquipmentInsomniscopePsychedelic glasses that prevent Sleep; Yawning; Napping; or having a Nightmare.3500 
773Head EquipmentLock On SpecsSpecs with a built in HUD that makes thrown items never miss.4000 
774Head EquipmentNo Con SpecsLookalike of Lock-On Specs; with a defective HUD that makes thrown items fly in random directions!400 
775Head EquipmentWhiff SpecsModified Lock-On Specs that allow the holder to throw items without hitting anyone. There must be a use case for this…4000 
776Head EquipmentScope LensA thermal lens used for scoping out weak points. Increases the holder’s Crit chance by +1.7500 
777Head EquipmentX Ray SpecsPowerful; wall scanning specs that make all Pokemon and Items fully visible on the map; but not tiles or stairs.10000 
778Head EquipmentY Ray SpecsA Lookalike item for the X-Ray Specs. Wearing these will turn off the Pokemon’s map!1000 
779TreasureCourage CrownOne of the Infinite Crowns. It proves that user overcame difficulties with the Pokemon’s courageous bravery. Boosts the holder’s Attack by 30!5000 
780TreasureEffort CrownOne of the Infinite Crowns. It proves that user overcame difficulties with the Pokemon’s continuous efforts. Boosts the holder’s Defense by 30!5000 
781TreasurePersistence CrownOne of the Infinite Crowns. It proves that user overcame difficulties with the Pokemon’s unyelding spirit. Boosts the holder’s Special Attack by 30!5000 
782TreasureWisdom CrownOne of the Infinite Crowns. It proves that user overcame difficulties with the Pokemon’s abundant wisdom. Boosts the holder’s Special Defense by 30!5000 
783Head EquipmentHeart PendantA mysterious pendant that emits a soft; warm glow. Boosts the holder’s Max HP by 50!10000 
784Head EquipmentStraw HatA hat that makes you feel you’re about to clutch a tought situation… boosts all stats by 1 stage when there are no Reviver Seeds in the inventory. Melee Band + Wheat
785Head EquipmentCounterfeit ScannerLens with a database that makes Lookalike items glow red.  
786Head EquipmentCounterbait ScannerLookalike item for Counterfeit Scanner. Any wild Pokemon damaged by the holder will get the Counter status effect!  
787Head EquipmentBounty ScannerFacial recognition lens that scans wild Pokemon for any bounties.  
788MedicineFull IncenseAn exotic smelling incense used for crafting Cologne and Purifying Scents.  
789MedicineLax IncenseAn incense with a tricky aroma used for crafting Cologne and Purifying Scents.  
790MedicineLuck IncenseAn incense with a luxurious scent used for crafting Cologne and Purifying Scents.  
791MedicineOdd IncenseA weird; but soothing incense used for crafting Cologne and Purifying Scents.  
792MedicineRock IncenseA heavy incense used for crafting Cologne and Purifying Scents.  
793MedicineWave IncenseA marine scented incense used for crafting Cologne and Purifying Scents.  
794MedicineRose IncenseA flowery incense used for crafting Cologne and Purifying Scents.  
795MedicinePure IncenseA vanilla; clean smelling incense used for crafting Cologne and Purifying Scents.  
796MedicineCologneUsed to turn Incenses into Purifying Scents. Luminous Water + Apple + Any Incense
797MedicineRelic StoneUsed to purify Pokemon with a complete Heart Gauge.  
798InvolithFreeze InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Articuno in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
799InvolithElectric InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Zapdos in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
800InvolithFlame InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Moltres in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
801InvolithGenetic InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Mewtwo in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
802InvolithThunder InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Raikou in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
803InvolithVolcano InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Entei in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
804InvolithAurora InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Suicune in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
805InvolithDiving InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Lugia in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
806InvolithRainbow InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Ho-Oh in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
807InvolithRock Peak InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Regirock in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
808InvolithIceberg InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Regice in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
809InvolithIron InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Registeel in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
810InvolithRed Eon InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Latias in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
811InvolithBlue Eon InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Latios in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
812InvolithSea Basin InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Kyogre in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
813InvolithContinent InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Groudon in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
814InvolithSky High InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Rayquaza in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
815InvolithKnowledge InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Uxie in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
816InvolithEmotion InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Mesprit in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
817InvolithWillpower InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Azelf in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
818InvolithTemporal InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Dialga in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
819InvolithSpatial InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Palkia in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
820InvolithLava Dome InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Heatran in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
821InvolithColossal InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Regigigas in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
822InvolithRenegade InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Giratina in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
823InvolithIron Will InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Cobalion in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
824InvolithCavern InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Terrakion in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
825InvolithGrassland InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Virizion in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
826InvolithCyclone InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Tornadus in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
827InvolithBolt Strike InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Thundurus in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
828InvolithVast White InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Reshiram in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
829InvolithDeep Black InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Zekrom in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
830InvolithAbundance InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Landorus in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
831InvolithBoundary InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Kyurem in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
832InvolithLife InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Xerneas in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
833InvolithDestruction InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Yveltal in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
834InvolithOrder InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Zygarde in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
835InvolithSynthetic InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Silvally in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
836InvolithUila InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Tapu Koko in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
837InvolithMana’o InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Tapu Lele in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
838InvolithMau’u InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Tapu Bulu in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
839InvolithWai InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Tapu Fini in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
840InvolithSunne InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Solgaleo in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
841InvolithMoone InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Lunala in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
842InvolithPrism InvolithA carefully carved glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Necrozma in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
843InvolithNew Species InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Mew in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
844InvolithTime Travel InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Celebi in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
845InvolithWish InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Jirachi in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
846InvolithDNA InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Deoxys in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
847InvolithLunar InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Cresselia in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
848InvolithSea Drifter InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Phione in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
849InvolithSeafaring InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Manaphy in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
850InvolithPitchBlack InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Darkrai in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
851InvolithGratitude InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Shaymin in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
852InvolithVictory InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Victini in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
853InvolithColt InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Keldeo in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
854InvolithMelody InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Meloetta in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
855InvolithPaleozoic InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Genesect in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
856InvolithJewel InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Diancie in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
857InvolithMischief InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Hoopa in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
858InvolithSteam InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Volcanion in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
859InvolithParasite InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Nihilego in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
860InvolithSwollen InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Buzzwole in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
861InvolithLissome InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Pheromosa in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
862InvolithGlowing InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Xurkitree in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
863InvolithLaunch InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Celesteela in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
864InvolithDrawn Sword InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Kartana in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
865InvolithJunkivore InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Guzzlord in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
866InvolithArtificial InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Magearna in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
867InvolithGloomdweller InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Marshadow in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
868InvolithPoison Pin InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Poipole or Naganadel in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
869InvolithRampart InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Stakataka in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
870InvolithFireworks InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Marshadow in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
871InvolithThunderclap InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Blacephalon in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
872InvolithHex Nut InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Zeraora in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
873InvolithRevolution InvolithA painstakingly well crafted; immensely valuable glyph emblem that allows the leader to temporarily summon one (1) Eeveon in battle for 5 turns. It’s destroyed after use.  
874Key ItemRescue Team Starter SetContains Rescue Badges; a Rescue Toolbox; a Friend Area Permit; and a Pokemon News Subscription! Perfect for aspiring Rescuers and Rescue Teams!  
875Key ItemRescue BadgeAn incredible badge that holds the Power Of Saving. It allows any team to save their progress; or save any Pokemon in a Mystery Dungeon by warping to safety!  
876Key ItemRescue ToolboxAllows the entire team to hold a LOT of items in a shared inventory! Equipment still needs to be equipped to be effective.  
877Key ItemFriend Area PermitA permit that grants access to purchasing Friend Areas; natural habitats for recruits to relax in.  
878Key ItemPokemon News SubscriptionA subscription to the Pokemon News. Perfect for complete beginners who want to memorize as many hints as possible right at the beginning; or want to be the first to be notified about world events.  
879Key ItemExploration Team Guild KitContains Explorer Badges; a Treasure Bag; an Assembly Pass; and a Wonder Map! Perfect for aspiring Explorers and Exploration Teams!  
880Key ItemExplorer BadgeAn incredible badge that holds the Power Of Saving. It allows any team to save their progress; or save any Pokemon in a Mystery Dungeon by warping to safety!  
881Key ItemTreasure BagAllows the entire team to hold a LOT of items in a shared inventory! Equipment still needs to be equipped to be effective.  
882Key ItemAssembly PassA premium pass that gives access to any guild’s assembly. It holds a staggering amount of recruits.  
883Key ItemWonder MapA wonder of a map. It’s not as precise or in-depth as the Expedition Gadget; but it automatically updates on it’s own; showing the way to where you need to go in advance.  
884Key ItemHAPPI Adventure Team PackageContains Adventure Badges; an Adventure Bag; a Letter Certificate; and a Medal Box! Perfect for aspiring Adventurers and Adventure Teams!  
885Key ItemAdventure BadgeAn incredible badge that holds the Power Of Saving. It allows any team to save their progress; or save any Pokemon in a Mystery Dungeon by warping to safety!  
886Key ItemAdventure BagAllows the entire team to hold a LOT of items in a shared inventory! Equipment still needs to be equipped to be effective.  
887Key ItemLetter CertificateA license that allows any Adventure Team to build facilities in their own base! Perfect for keeping recruits stocked all the time.  
888Key ItemMedal BoxA box-shaped machine that stores Achievement Medals and hints for obtaining new ones.  
889Key ItemExpedition Society Junior BoxContains Expedition Badges; an Expedition Bag; an Expedition Gadget; and a Connection Orb! Perfect for aspiring Expeditioners and Expedition Teams!  
890Key ItemExpedition BadgeAn incredible badge that holds the Power Of Saving. It allows any team to save their progress; or save any Pokemon in a Mystery Dungeon by warping to safety!  
891Key ItemExpedition BagAllows the entire team to hold a LOT of items in a shared inventory! Equipment still needs to be equipped to be effective.  
892Key ItemExpedition GadgetA gadget that allows reading data from a Connection Orb. It also has a map. It doesn’t update automatically like the Wonder Map; but it’s much more accurate!  
893Key ItemConnection OrbA Connection Orb that links an Expedition Team to the Nexus. It also allows any recruit to be available anywhere you want!  
894Key ItemPokemon Discovery Team CrateContains Discoverer Badges; a Discovery Backpack; a Nexus Book; and a Discoverer Crystal! Perfect for aspiring Discoverers and Discovery Teams!  
895Key ItemDiscoverer BadgeAn incredible badge that holds the Power Of Saving. It allows any team to save their progress; or save any Pokemon in a Mystery Dungeon by warping to safety!  
896Key ItemDiscovery BackpackAllows the entire team to hold a LOT of items in a shared inventory! Equipment still needs to be equipped to be effective.  
897Key ItemPoryBook ProAn incredible digital book that stores every little piece of information discovered by the team; either locally or up to the Nexus! It also grants countless methods of communication and transfer among teams all over the world!  
898Key ItemDream Crystal   
899Key ItemSparkling StoneA shiny stone resonating with the same immense power that connects Human and Pokemon. It allows any Pokemon with a Z-Crystal to use a Z-Move.  
900Key ItemRadiant StoneA resplendent stone resonating with the same immense power that connects Human and Pokemon. It allows any Pokemon to use a Finisher or an Enlightenment.  
901Key ItemCarubyncleA mystical red gem slotted in a body part… grants eternal youth?  
902Key ItemTezapphireA mystical blue gem slotted in a body part… grants eternal youth?  
903Key ItemSerpemeraldA mystical green gem slotted in a body part… grants eternal youth?  
904Key ItemEntercardUse 4 of them to generate a Magnagate; an artificial; long range Mystery Dungeon made from ley lines for traveling long distances!  
905Key ItemGolden EntercardAn incredibly powerful Entercard crafted by the Swords Of Justice. Using four of them creates a Golden Magnagate; a long range portal with absolutely no trace of a Mystery Dungeon inside. Comfy! Entercard + Gold Ingot
906Key ItemClear WingA clear; transparent wing… nearly indestructible. It seems like it’s missing something…  
907Key ItemRed WingA wing that’s been dyed a strong shade of red; almost glowing. It’s still not finished.  
908Key ItemSunset WingA wing dyed with gradients from sunset skies. It’s almost there…  
909Key ItemRainbow WingA wing that’s sparkling and shifting with every color of the rainbow. You might be able to meet Ho-Oh with this.  
910Key ItemStriped WingA wing streaked with stripes all over. It’s still not finished.  
911Key ItemEngraved WingA wing engraved with beautiful; shiny artwork and patterns. It’s almost there…  
912Key ItemSilver WingA wing that’s so resplendent it reflects mirages when pointed at a wall. You might be able to meet Lugia with this.  
913Key ItemTeleport GemA powerful green gem that can somehow teleport teams in impossible; unreachable places. Grants Access to the Sky Tower.  
914Key ItemSky JukeboxRelax and listen to any songs user heard in the past!  
915Key ItemHilink CharmHolding this while sleeping somehow allows you to meet other Pokemon holding it in the Dream World…  
916Key ItemV WheelA Victini shaped wheel. Rerolls current V Wave; takes one day to recharge…  
917Key ItemC-GearA mysterious watch with a glowing display… whatever it does; it doesn’t seem to function.  
918Key ItemWonder EggAn Egg with bizarre colors that have never been seen before. What could this Egg be?  
919Key ItemRide PagerAllows the team to summon a Ride Pokemon.  
920Key ItemGame Boy AdvanceAn incredible console that allows you to listen to nostalgic songs using an old soundfont.  
921Key ItemWailmer PailA nifty watering pail. This is a tool for watering Berries you planted to make them grow more quickly.  
922Key ItemRelic FragmentGrants access to the Hidden Land; and activates the Rainbow Stoneship. Only Pokemon with pure hearts are chosen by it.  
923Key ItemWonder LauncherA human built device designed to launch Wonder Pucks; granting teammates huge boosts in power! Only works in Wonder Tournament Stadiums.  
924Key ItemControl GauntletA glove supposedly used to control Shadow Pokemon. Doesn’t seem to work when used by a Pokemon… or even a Human that turned into a Pokemon.  
925LoopletAir LoopletIt has seven notches. It’s one of the Eight Treasures that only the strong are said to be able to obtain. It’s said to prevent a Mega-Evolved Pokémon from going berserk if the Pokémon holds it.5000 
926LoopletLucky LoopletIt has three notches. It prevents enemy Pokémon’s moves from resulting in a critical hit. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.3000 
927LoopletNonstick LoopletIt has three notches. It prevents carried items from getting sticky as a result of traps or other means. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.3500 
928LoopletPecha LoopletIt has four notches. It prevents the holder from getting poisoned or badly poisoned. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.500 
929LoopletPersim LoopletIt has four notches. It prevents the holder from getting confused. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.600 
930LoopletResilient LoopletIt has four notches. It prevents all of the holder’s stats from being lowered. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.4000 
931LoopletWakeful LoopletIt has four notches. It protects the holder from Sleep; Yawning; Napping; or having Nightmares. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.450 
932LoopletWeather LoopletIt has four notches. The holder is completely unaffected by weather!1800 
933LoopletWind LoopletIt has one notch. It’s one of the Eight Treasures that only the strong are said to be able to obtain. It prevents the holder from having bad status conditions or a reduction in stats.5200 
934LoopletAttack LoopletIt has four notches. It boosts the holder’s Attack by 10. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.200 
935LoopletBlue LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the Ancient Treasures. It’s said to have the effect of boosting Max HP by 50.4500 
936LoopletChoice LoopletIt has four notches. It boosts the critical-hit rate if the holder uses the same move it used the turn before. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.2500 
937LoopletDarkness LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the Ancient Treasures. It’s said to boost Attack and Special Attack by 20.3000 
938LoopletDefense LoopletIt has four notches. It boosts the holder’s Defense by 10. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.200 
939LoopletBeefense LoopletIt has four notches. Lookalike Item for Defense Looplet. Equipping this will cause all the Pokemon’s moves to do no damage to Bug types!200 
940LoopletDetect LoopletIt has four notches. It boosts the holder’s evasiveness. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.800 
941LoopletFickle LoopletIt has four notches. It boosts the critical-hit rate if the holder uses a move it didn’t use the turn before. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.2500 
942LoopletFocus LoopletIt has three notches. It boosts the holder’s critical-hit rate for moves. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.2000 
943LoopletRadiance LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the Ancient Treasures. It’s said to boost Defense by 50. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.3000 
944LoopletRed LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the Ancient Treasures. It’s said to have the effect of boosting Defense and Sp. Def by 20.4500 
945LoopletSand LoopletIt has three notches. It’s one of the Eight Treasures that only the strong are said to be able to obtain. It is said to boost the power of moves significantly.4500 
946LoopletSky LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the Ancient Treasures. It’s said to boost the Speed of the holder by 50.5000 
947LoopletSp. Attack LoopletIt has four notches. Increases the Special Attack of the holder by 10.200 
948LoopletSp. Defense LoopletIt has four notches. Increases the Special Defense of the holder by 10.200 
949LoopletSpeed LoopletIt has three notches. Increases the Speed of the holder by 20.1000 
950LoopletTempest LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the Ancient Treasures. It’s said to boost the Special Attack of the holder by 30.3000 
951LoopletTime LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the Ancient Treasures. It’s said to boost the Special Defense of the holder by 40.3000 
952LoopletWildfire LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the Ancient Treasures. It’s said to boost the Attack of the holder by 30.3000 
953LoopletAlliance LoopletIt has five notches. It enables the holder to participate in an Alliance even when the holder is far away from the leader. user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.700 
954LoopletBig Belly LoopletIt has three notches. It’s one of the items invented by the legendary glutton team; the Never Hungries. user’ll definitely want it for the Pokemon’s adventure! The holder gets hungry half as much; even if it walks or uses an Alliance.6500 
955LoopletCover LoopletIt has four notches. When a teammate with low HP is nearby; the holder receives the attack instead.330 
956LoopletDeflect LoopletIt has four notches. It enables the holder to shrug off moves and pass them on to a nearby Pokémon. But the holder’s Belly gets emptier every time it happens.350 
957LoopletEarth LoopletIt has two notches. It’s one of the Eight Treasures that only the strong are said to be able to obtain. It makes the holder immune to traps.6000 
958LoopletExcavation LoopletIt has four notches. If the leader holds it; items buried in the ground shine visibly.3750 
959LoopletExplosive LoopletIt has six notches. It sometimes explodes when the holder takes damage. It damages nearby Pokémon and makes items on the floor disappear.1000 
960LoopletGold LoopletIt has four notches. It does nothing; but it can be sold for a high price!5000 
961LoopletGrass LoopletIt has three notches. It’s one of the Eight Treasures that only the strong are said to be able to obtain. It makes all traps on the floor visible to the holder.5000 
962LoopletHealing LoopletIt has three notches. Doubles the passive HP regeneration when walking.1000 
963LoopletHuge Meal LoopletIt has five notches. It’s one of the items invented by the legendary glutton team; the Never Hungries. user’ll definitely want it for the Pokemon’s adventure! Holding it is said to prevent user from getting hungry during an Alliance.5500 
964LoopletJoy LoopletIt has one notch. The holder gains 1 experience point each turn; even when not battling.9000 
965LoopletBoy LoopletIt has one notch. Lookalike item for Joy Looplet. Equipping this will make user look like a Male; regardless of user gender!?9000 
966LoopletLoopletIt has three notches. It’s an ordinary looplet. Holding it has no effect; but user can add various effects by setting emeras on it.50 
967LoopletMist LoopletIt has one notch. It’s one of the Eight Treasures that only the strong are said to be able to obtain. It’s said the holder has a 50% chance to not consume PP’s when using a move.7000 
968LoopletNullify LoopletIt has ten notches. It prevents the holder’s Ability from working.1000 
969LoopletProsper LoopletIt has five notches. Picking up Poke’ from the ground heals all status conditions.3000 
970LoopletSatiated LoopletIt has two notches. It’s one of the items invented by the legendary glutton team; the Never Hungries. user definitely want it for the Pokemon’s adventure. Holding it is said prevents user from getting hungry by walking.7500 
971LoopletSea LoopletIt has two notches. It’s one of the Eight Treasures that only the strong are said to be able to obtain. It’s said to reveal the locations of items and enemies on the entire floor if the leader holds it.8000 
972LoopletUnity LoopletIt has two notches. It warps the holder near it’s teammates if they end up alone.3000 
973LoopletWarp LoopletIt has four notches. Has a 10% chance to warp the holder to a random room at the end of their turn.1200 
974LoopletWater LoopletIt has two notches. It’s one of the Eight Treasures that only the strong are said to be able to obtain. It’s said to make the holder’s thrown items pierce through all Pokémon and walls and fly endlessly.7500 
975LoopletWell Fed LoopletIt has four notches. It’s one of the items invented by the legendary glutton team; the Never Hungries. user’ll want it for the Pokemon’s adventure! The holder gets twice as full as usual from eating.4500 
976Wonder MailGrass MailStationery designed to be easy to use when writing someone for the first time. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
977Wonder MailFlame MailStationery designed to make it easier to write about your favorite things. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
978Wonder MailBubble MailStationery designed to allow you to extend an invitation to the recipient. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
979Wonder MailBloom MailStationery designed to make it easy for you to express thanks. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
980Wonder MailTunnel MailStationery designed to make it easier to pose a question about something. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
981Wonder MailSteel MailStationery designed to allow you to recommend something to the reader. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
982Wonder MailHeart MailStationery designed to make it easy to respond to a letter you received. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
983Wonder MailSnow MailStationery featuring an illustration of a bridge that seems to pierce the sky. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
984Wonder MailSpace MailStationery featuring an illustration of a bright-red drawbridge. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
985Wonder MailAir MailStationery featuring an illustration of a high-tension steel suspension bridge. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
986Wonder MailMosaic MailStationery featuring an illustration of a vintage-looking brick bridge. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
987Wonder MailBrick MailStationery featuring an illustration of a majestically arched bridge. It automatically writes a help request when you faint and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
988Wonder MailOrange MailStationery featuring a cute Zigzagoon print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
989Wonder MailHarbor MailStationery featuring a cute Wingull print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
990Wonder MailGlitter MailStationery featuring a cute Pikachu print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
991Wonder MailMech MailStationery featuring a cute Magnemite print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
992Wonder MailWood MailStationery featuring a cute Slakoth print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
993Wonder MailWave MailStationery featuring a cute Wailmer print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
994Wonder MailBead MailStationery featuring a cute Clamperl print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
995Wonder MailShadow MailStationery featuring a cute Duskull print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
996Wonder MailTropic MailStationery featuring a cute Bellossom print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
997Wonder MailDream MailStationery featuring a cute Munna print. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
998Wonder MailFab MailStationery featuring a fabulous; extravagant print of an unknown Pokemon… It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
999Wonder MailRetro MailStationery featuring a print of three starter Pokemon. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
1000Wonder MailGreet MailStationery designed for introductory greetings. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
1001Wonder MailFavored MailStationery designed for writing about your favorite things. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
1002Wonder MailRSVP MailStationery designed for invitations. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
1003Wonder MailThanks MailStationery designed for a thank-you note. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
1004Wonder MailInquiry MailStationery designed for writing questions. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
1005Wonder MailLike MailStationery designed for writing recommendations. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
1006Wonder MailReply MailStationery designed for writing a reply. It automatically writes a help request when the whole team faints and delivers it to the nearest teams! It can also be used to send messages or items.  
1012MaterialsRich SoilA fertile patch of land; used for crafting.  
1013MaterialsAncient SoilA very fertile patch of land; used for crafting. Rich Soil * 4
1014MaterialsRare SoilA remarkably fertile patch of land; used for crafting. Ancient Soil * 4
1015MaterialsDivine EarthA fantastically fertile patch of land; said to grow the food of the gods; used for crafting. Rare Soil * 4
1016MaterialsPrecious BranchA high quality wood; used for crafting.  
1017MaterialsHeavy LumberA very high quality wood; used for crafting. Precious Branch * 4
1018MaterialsFine LogA remarkably high quality wood; used for crafting. Heavy Lumber * 4
1019MaterialsPriceless TimberA fantastically high quality wood; said to be impervious even to fire; used for crafting. Fine Log * 4
1020MaterialsSturdy VineA resistant vine; used for crafting.  
1021MaterialsHardy VineA very resistant vine; used for crafting. Sturdy Vine * 4
1022MaterialsEverlasting VineA remarkably resistant vine; used for crafting. Hardy Vine * 4
1023MaterialsTimeless VineA fantastically resistant vine; said to be able to drag mountains without snapping; used for crafting. Everlasting Vine
1024MaterialsFresh HerbA fragrant grass; used for crafting.  
1025MaterialsLeaf BoquetA very fragrant grass; used for crafting. Fresh Herb * 4
1026MaterialsGrass VeilA remarkably fragrant grass; used for crafting. Leaf Boquet * 4
1027MaterialsMiracle GarlandA fantastically fragrant grass; said to heal uncurable diseases; used for crafting. Grass Veil * 4
1028MaterialsLustrous MetalA glossy metallic panel; used for crafting.  
1029MaterialsGlimmering AlloyA very glossy metallic panel; used for crafting. Lustrous Metal * 4
1030MaterialsGilded MetalA remarkably glossy metallic panel; used for crafting. Glimmering Alloy * 4
1031MaterialsSideral CompositeA fantastically glossy metallic panel; said to stop meteors without a dent; used for crafting. Gilded Metal * 4
1032MaterialsHard FragmentA venerable stone; used for crafting.  
1033MaterialsUnbreakable RockA very venerable stone; used for crafting. Hard Fragment * 4
1034MaterialsEverlasting StoneA remarkably venerable stone; used for crafting. Unbreakable Rock
1035MaterialsEternal ObeliskA fantastically venerable stone; said to be more ancient than any fossil; used for crafting. Everlasting Stone * 4
1036MaterialsSpring WaterA refreshing water spring; used for crafting.  
1037MaterialsWell WaterA very refreshing water spring; used for crafting. Spring Water * 4
1038MaterialsRainbow DropsA remarkably refreshing water spring; used for crafting. Well Water * 4
1039MaterialsLuminous WaterA fantastically refreshing water spring; said to heal both Humans and Pokemon; used for crafting. Rainbow Drops * 4
1040MaterialsSoil PigmentRed  
1041MaterialsGrass PigmentGreen  
1042MaterialsVine PigmentBlue  
1043MaterialsWater PigmentCyan  
1044MaterialsMetal PigmentMagenta  
1045MaterialsWood PigmentYellow  
1046MaterialsStone PigmentGray  
1047MedicineEnergy PowderA very bitter medicinal powder. When consumed; it restores 100 HP; but lowers Connection by 1 and causes the Discord status condition.  
1048MedicineEnergy RootAn extremely bitter medicinal root. When consumed; it restores 300 HP; but lowers Connection by 1.  
1049MedicineHeal PowderA scandalously bitter medicinal powder. It fully heals all status conditions when consumed; but lowers Connection by 1.  
1050MedicineRevival HerbA terribly bitter medicinal herb. It acts like a Max Reviver Seed; but lowers Connection by 1.  
1051MedicinePotionA spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 50 HP to the entire team.300Berry Juice + Energy Powder + Oran Berry
1052MedicineSuper PotionA spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 100 HP to the entire team. Spring Water + Potion
1053MedicineHyper PotionA spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore 300 HP to the entire team. Well Water + Super Potion
1054MedicineMax PotionA spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to fully restore all HP to the entire team. Rainbow Drops + Hyper Potion
1055MedicineAntidoteA spray-type medicine for treating poisoning. It can be used to heal the Poisoned or Badly Poisoned status condition from the whole team. Berry Juice + Heal Powder + Pecha Berry
1056MedicineBurn HealA spray-type medicine for treating burns. It can be used to heal the Burn status condition from the whole team. Berry Juice + Heal Powder + Rawst Berry
1057MedicineIce HealA spray-type medicine for treating freezing. It can be used to thaw out all frozen Pokemon in the team. Berry Juice + Heal Powder + Aspear Berry
1058MedicineAwakeningA spray-type medicine to wake the sleeping. It can be used to heal the Sleep status condition from the whole team. Berry Juice + Heal Powder + Chesto Berry
1059MedicineParalyze HealA spray-type medicine for treating paralysis. It can be used to heal the Paralysis status condition from the whole team. Berry Juice + Heal Powder + Cheri Berry
1060MedicineFull HealA spray-type medicine that cures all status problems for the entire team.500Spring Water + Antidote + Awakening + Burn Heal + Ice Heal + Paralyze Heal
1061MedicineFull RestoreA powerful spray-type medicine. Restores HP to full and cures any status condition to the entire team. Max Potion + Full Heal + Luminous Water
1062MedicineGuard SpecA medicine that prevents stat reduction among the entire team until the next floor.  
1063MedicineDire HitA medicine that raises the Crit Chance of every Pokemon on the team by 1 stage.300 
1064MedicineX AttackA medicine that raises the Attack of every Pokemon on the team by 1 stage.  
1065MedicineX DefenseA medicine that raises the Defense of every Pokemon on the team by 1 stage.  
1066MedicineX SpeedA medicine that raises the Speed of every Pokemon on the team by 1 stage.  
1067MedicineX Special AttackA medicine that raises the Special Attack of every Pokemon on the team by 1 stage.  
1068MedicineX Special DefenseA medicine that raises the Special Defense of every Pokemon on the team by 1 stage.  
1069MedicineX AccuracyA medicine that raises the Accuracy of every Pokemon on the team by 1 stage.  
1070MedicineX EvasionA medicine that raises the Evasion of every Pokemon on the team by 1 stage.  
1071MedicineRepelA powerful repellant that gives wild Pokemon that have a lower level than the leader the Terrified status condition for 100 turns.  
1072MedicineSuper RepelA powerful repellant that gives wild Pokemon that have a lower level than the leader the Terrified status condition for 200 turns.  
1073MedicineMax RepelA powerful repellant that gives wild Pokemon that have a lower level than the leader the Terrified status condition for 300 turns.  
1074ToolAbility CapsuleA capsule that allows a Pokémon to switch abilities while in a Dungeon.800 
1075MedicineJoy ScentA soothing cologne that can be used to massage a Shadow Pokemon and restore their heart gauge by 10. Incense * 1 + Cologne + Heart Potion
1076MedicineExcite ScentA soothing cologne that can be used to massage a Shadow Pokemon and restore their heart gauge by 100. Incense * 3 + Cologne + Heart Potion
1077MedicineVivid ScentA soothing cologne that can be used to massage a Shadow Pokemon and restore their heart gauge by 1000! Incense * 10 + Cologne + Heart Potion
1078MedicineSacred AshAn extremely rare and sought after medicine; acts like a Max Reviver Seed that revives the Pokemon’s entire team all at once!  
1079MedicineGabite ScaleA scale taken from a Gabite; rumored to be a cure-all for all afflictions. It heals all status conditions and fills the Pokemon’s belly by 5.  
1080MedicineMental HerbAn herb that allows the team to shake off move-binding effects to move freely; such as Taunt; Encore; Torment; Disable; Cursed Body; and Infatuation. Consumed after use.  
1081MedicinePower HerbAn herb that removes all charge and recharge turns from all moves in the team; for the rest of the floor. Consumed after use.100 
1082MedicineWhite HerbAn herb that acts like a Wonder Tile for the entire team; resetting all stat changes. Consumed after use.50 
1083MedicineLureA powerful perfume that alerts all wild Pokemon of the team’s position for 100 turns.  
1084MedicineSuper LureA powerful perfume that alerts all wild Pokemon of the team’s position for 200 turns.  
1085MedicineMax LureA powerful perfume that alerts all wild Pokemon of the team’s position for 300 turns.  
1086Mega StoneGengariteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Gengar to Mega Evolve into Mega Gengar.  
1087Mega StoneGardevoiriteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Gardevoir to Mega Evolve into Mega Gardevoir.  
1088Mega StoneAmpharositeOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Ampharos to Mega Evolve into Mega Ampharos.  
1089Mega StoneVenusauriteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Venusaur to Mega Evolve into Mega Venusaur.  
1090Mega StoneCharizardite XOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Charizard to Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard X.  
1091Mega StoneCharizardite YOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Charizard to Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard Y.  
1092Mega StoneBlastoisiniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Blastoise to Mega Evolve into Mega Blastoise.  
1093Mega StoneMewtwonite XOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Mewtwo to Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo X.  
1094Mega StoneMewtwonite YOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Mewtwo to Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo Y.  
1095Mega StoneBlazikeniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Blaziken to Mega Evolve into Mega Blaziken.  
1096Mega StoneMedichamiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Medicham to Mega Evolve into Mega Medicham.  
1097Mega StoneHoundoominiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Houndoom to Mega Evolve into Mega Houndoom.  
1098Mega StoneAggroniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Aggron to Mega Evolve into Mega Aggron.  
1099Mega StoneBanettiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Banette to Mega Evolve into Mega Banette.  
1100Mega StoneTyranitariteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Tyranitar to Mega Evolve into Mega Tyranitar.  
1101Mega StoneScizoriteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Scizor to Mega Evolve into Mega Scizor.  
1102Mega StonePinsiriteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Pinsir to Mega Evolve into Mega Pinsir.  
1103Mega StoneAerodactyliteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Aerodactyl to Mega Evolve into Mega Aerodactyl.  
1104Mega StoneLucarioniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Lucario to Mega Evolve into Mega Lucario.  
1105Mega StoneAbomasiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Abomasnow to Mega Evolve into Mega Abomasnow.  
1106Mega StoneKangaskhaniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Kangaskhan to Mega Evolve into Mega Kangaskhan.  
1107Mega StoneGyaradositeOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Gyarados to Mega Evolve into Mega Gyarados.  
1108Mega StoneAbsoliteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Absol to Mega Evolve into Mega Absol.  
1109Mega StoneAlakaziteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Alakazam to Mega Evolve into Mega Alakazam.  
1110Mega StoneHeracroniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Heracross to Mega Evolve into Mega Heracross.  
1111Mega StoneMawiliteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Mawile to Mega Evolve into Mega Mawile.  
1112Mega StoneManectiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Manectric to Mega Evolve into Mega Manectric.  
1113Mega StoneGarchompiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Garchomp to Mega Evolve into Mega Garchomp.  
1114Mega StoneLatiasiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Latias to Mega Evolve into Mega Latias.  
1115Mega StoneLatiositeOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Latios to Mega Evolve into Mega Latios.  
1116Mega StoneSwampertiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Swampert to Mega Evolve into Mega Swampert.  
1117Mega StoneSceptiliteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Sceptile to Mega Evolve into Mega Sceptile.  
1118Mega StoneSableniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Sableye to Mega Evolve into Mega Sableye.  
1119Mega StoneAltarianiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Altaria to Mega Evolve into Mega Altaria.  
1120Mega StoneGalladiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Gallade to Mega Evolve into Mega Gallade.  
1121Mega StoneAudiniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Audino to Mega Evolve into Mega Audino.  
1122Mega StoneMetagrossiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Metagross to Mega Evolve into Mega Metagross.  
1123Mega StoneSharpedoniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Sharpedo to Mega Evolve into Mega Sharpedo.  
1124Mega StoneSlowbroniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Slowbro to Mega Evolve into Mega Slowbro.  
1125Mega StoneSteelixiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Steelix to Mega Evolve into Mega Steelix.  
1126Mega StonePidgeotiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Pidgeot to Mega Evolve into Mega Pidgeot.  
1127Mega StoneGlalititeOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Glalie to Mega Evolve into Mega Glalie.  
1128Mega StoneDianciteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Diancie to Mega Evolve into Mega Diancie.  
1129Mega StoneCameruptiteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Camerupt to Mega Evolve into Mega Camerupt.  
1130Mega StoneLopunniteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Lopunny to Mega Evolve into Mega Lopunny.  
1131Mega StoneSalamenciteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Salamence to Mega Evolve into Mega Salamence.  
1132Mega StoneBeedrilliteOne variety of the mysterious Mega Stones. If the team has a Key Stone as well; it allows Beedrill to Mega Evolve into Mega Beedrill.  
1133OrbLife OrbAn orb that raises the whole team’s Attack and Special Attack by 3 stages; but halves their HP.  
1134OrbToxic OrbAn orb that inflicts Badly Poisoned on every enemy in the current room.  
1135OrbFlame OrbAn orb that inflicts Burn on every enemy in the current room.  
1136OrbAdrenaline OrbSummons all wild Pokemon to the same room as the user. Doesn’t work in corridors.  
1137OrbAlign OrbIt makes the HP of all teammates equal the highest HP among them.300 
1138OrbAll Dodge OrbUsing it boosts the evasiveness of the Pokemon’s party on the floor by 1 stage.200 
1139OrbAll Hit OrbUser and team go into a Focus Energy status for a short time; raising the critical hit ratio.150 
1140OrbAll Mach OrbAn orb that raises the whole team’s Movement Speed by 1 stage.150 
1141OrbAll Power Up OrbA powerful orb that raises the Attack and Special Attack of all teammates on the floor by 1 stage.250 
1142OrbAll Protect OrbAn orb that gives all teammates the Protect status condition.600 
1143OrbApathy OrbUsing it creates the apathetic condition on the floor and makes enemy Pokémon drop any items they may have.75 
1144OrbBeatup OrbWarps all teammates around the foe that is closest to the leader.300 
1145OrbBlowback OrbKnocks a distant target flying. If the target hits a wall or another Pokémon; it sustains 10 damage.300 
1146OrbCleanse OrbSticky; gummed-up items are cleansed of grime; making them usable again300 
1147OrbDecoy OrbChanges the status of the target to Decoy; making it the target of fellow Pokémon.300 
1148OrbDeposit OrbIt sends a selected item to the Deposit Box.1000 
1149OrbDrought OrbDrains water and magma from the dungeon floor.300 
1150OrbEmera Up OrbUsing it adds 1 notch for an emera to a looplet. But the notch is available only until the end of the dungeon.100 
1151OrbEnemy Discord OrbUsing it creates the Enemy Discord condition on the floor and makes enemy Pokémon unable to use Connections; Alliances or Team Attacks.100 
1152OrbEnemy Evolve OrbUsing it evolves enemy Pokémon in the same room; but it has no effect on the Pokemon’s teammates.2000 
1153OrbEnemy Devolve OrbUsing it devolves enemy Pokémon in the same room; but it has no effect on the Pokemon’s teammates.2000 
1154OrbEscape OrbAn escape item that instantly warps the team out of the dungeon to safety.1000 
1155OrbEvasion OrbA stat-boosting item that raises the user’s evasiveness by 2 stages.300 
1156OrbFill In OrbAn orb that fills in all holes on the floor; removing all holes; gullies; water; or lava.400 
1157OrbPetrify OrbAn item that afflicts all enemies in the room with a Petrified status condition.300 
1158OrbFoe Hold OrbAn item that afflicts all enemies on the entire floor with a Petrified status condition.400 
1159OrbFoe Fear OrbAn item that afflicts all enemies in the room with a Terrified status condition.250 
1160OrbFoe Seal OrbAn item that afflicts all enemies in the room with a Paused status condition.350 
1161OrbHail OrbA climate-control item that changes the dungeon floor’s weather to a Hail condition.300 
1162OrbHealth OrbUsing it heals bad status conditions; resets lowered stats of the Pokemon’s party; and makes the Pokemon’s party healthy. Being healthy prevents bad status conditions or a reduction in stats.200 
1163OrbHurl OrbA weapon item that hurls the target toward a random enemy Pokémon to inflict 10 damage.300 
1164OrbIdentify OrbA sensor item that indicates on the map if the Pokémon on the floor are holding items or not.300 
1165OrbInvisify OrbAn item that temporarily gives the user’s team an Invisible status. A Pokémon with the Invisible status is cloaked from view.300 
1166OrbItemizer OrbA horrifying orb that turns the target Pokemon into an item. If it rebounds the user will be turned into an item; so make sure you have a Reviver Seed on hand!1000 
1167OrbLasso OrbGathers and immobilizes enemy Pokémon in the same room into one place.75 
1168OrbLob OrbA weapon item that inflicts damage on any Pokémon in an X pattern; passing through walls.300 
1169OrbLongtoss OrbAn item that gives Long Toss status to the user; which makes any item thrown by the user fly until it hits a wall or a Pokémon. It has no effect on thrown rocks.300 
1170OrbLuminous OrbA mapping item that reveals the entire floor layout to the user.350 
1171OrbMobile OrbAn item that gives a Mobile status to the user. A Pokémon with Mobile can move through walls and gullies and walk on lava and water.300 
1172OrbMonster OrbUsing it changes the room to a Monster House. Make sure you’re well equipped!500 
1173OrbMug OrbA weapon item that inflicts 10 damage on the target; even at a distance. It also steals the target’s hold item and makes it the user’s. This added affect works only if the user is not holding an item.300 
1174OrbNullify OrbUsing it nullifies the Abilities of enemy Pokémon on the entire floor.150 
1175OrbObserver OrbChanges the status of the target to Paused; making it incapable of action.500 
1176OrbOne Room OrbA destructive item that tears down all walls on the floor; turning the floor into one vast; open room. This might trigger Monster Houses so be careful!500 
1177OrbOne Broom OrbLookalike Item for One-Room Orb. Using this will spawn a broom that will sweep away every item from the entire floor!500 
1178OrbOne Shot OrbA weapon item that has a 10% chance of instantly defeating the target in one shot. It doesn’t seem to work on Legendary or Mythical Pokemon….1000 
1179OrbPierce OrbAn item that gives Pierce status to the user; which makes any item thrown pierce through walls and all Pokémon it hits without stopping.300 
1180OrbPossess OrbUsing this orb gives the whole team the Destiny Bond status.300 
1181OrbPounce OrbAn item that makes the user pounce towards the first Pokémon in its line of sight; no matter how distant. If there are no Pokémon in that direction; the user leaps to the wall.300 
1182OrbQuick OrbAn item that boosts the Speed of the user and team members in the room by 1 stage.300 
1183OrbRadar OrbA sensory item that reveals the location of all enemies on the floor.300 
1184OrbRainy OrbA climate-control item that changes the dungeon floor’s weather to a Rain condition.300 
1185OrbRebound OrbAn item that changes the user’s status to Mini Counter; which enables the user to make certain types of moves and enemy attacks rebound; returning part of the damage300 
1186OrbRevive All OrbUsing it revives all of the Pokemon’s fainted teammates.500 
1187OrbReviver OrbFunctions exactly like a Reviver Seed; but it cannot be accidentally eaten; not even by enemy Pokemon. Phew!1000 
1188OrbRocky OrbA weapon item that inflicts 30 damage on the target. It also reduces the target’s Movement Speed by 1 level.500 
1189OrbRollcall OrbA warping item that draws all team members to the user.350 
1190OrbSandy OrbA climate-control item that changes the dungeon floor’s weather to a Sanstorm condition.500 
1191OrbScanner OrbA sensory item that reveals the location of all items on the floor.300 
1192OrbSee Trap OrbA sensory item that reveals all hidden traps in the floor.300 
1193OrbShocker OrbAn item that afflicts a distant target with a Cowering status condition. A Pokémon with the Cowering status will find that its attacks go in the opposite direction on its aim.300 
1194OrbSilence OrbAn item that afflicts a distant target with a Muzzled status condition. A Pokémon with the Muzzled status is incapable of using moves or items that require the use of its mouth.300 
1195OrbSizebust OrbA weapon item that inflicts damage on the target. The bigger the target’s size; the greater the damage.300 
1196OrbSlow OrbA status item that reduces the Movement Speed of all enemies in the room by 1 level.300 
1197OrbSlumber OrbAn item that afflicts all enemies in the room with a Sleep status condition. A Pokémon that has a Sleep status is incapable of action.300 
1198OrbSnatch OrbAn item that gives Snatch status to the user. This status lets the user steal the effects of all moves used by Pokémon on the floor.300 
1199OrbSpurn OrbAn item that warps all enemies in the room to random locations on the floor.500 
1200OrbSpun OrbLookalike item for Spurn Orb. Using this will create a Spin Trap underneath the user!500 
1201OrbStairs OrbA sensory item that shows the location of the floor’s stairway.300 
1202OrbStayaway OrbAn item that afflicts an enemy in the user’s line of sight with a Petrified status; then warps it on the floor’s stairs.300 
1203OrbSunny OrbA climate-control item that changes the dungeon floor’s weather to a Sunny condition.300 
1204OrbSurround OrbIt draws the Pokemon’s teammates around the leader.100 
1205OrbSwitcher OrbAn item that makes a distant Pokémon switch places with the user.300 
1206OrbToss OrbEquipping this item forces the holder to waste a turn to throw it. They can’t resist…300 
1207OrbTotter OrbAn item that afflicts all enemies in the room with a Confused status condition. A Pokémon with the Confused status condition will find that its movements and attacks go astray.300 
1208OrbTransfer OrbAn item that transforms the target into a different Pokémon.300 
1209OrbTrapper OrbAn item that sets a trap on the user’s tile. The type of trap is randomly determined.300 
1210OrbTrawl OrbAn item that pulls all items on the floor to the user. It can’t pull items from a shop though.300 
1211OrbTwo Edge OrbAn attack item that cuts the HP of all enemies in the room to just 1 HP. But the same will happen to the Pokemon’s whole team! It doesn’t seem to work on Legendary or Mythical Pokemon…1000 
1212OrbWarp OrbAn item that warps a distant Pokémon to a different spot on the floor.300 
1213OrbAll Aim OrbAn orb that raises the whole team’s accuracy by 1 stage.150 
1214OrbEndure OrbAn orb that allows the team to endure any attack with at least 1 HP.150 
1215OrbFreeze OrbAn orb that freezes all enemies in the same room.150 
1216OrbHalving OrbAn orb that halves the HP of all enemies in the same room. It doesn’t seem to affect Legendary or Mythical Pokemon…150 
1217OrbInvert OrbAn orb that temporarily reverses all type matchups.150 
1218OrbMirror OrbAn orb that protects the team with a barrier that reflects status moves.150 
1219OrbTrapbust OrbAn orb that destroys all traps on the floor.150 
1220OrbWeather OrbA climate-control orb that changes the dungeon floor’s condition depending on the user’s type.150 
1221Roto PowersRoto HatchA reality shifting; consumable charm. Makes Pokemon Eggs hatch 10% faster for a day.  
1222Roto PowersRoto BargainA reality shifting; consumable charm. Reduces the prices of products at Kecleon Shop by 10% for a day.  
1223Roto PowersRoto PrizeA reality shifting; consumable charm. Increases the amount of ₽ found by 10% for a day.  
1224Roto PowersRoto ExperienceA reality shifting; consumable charm. Increases the Exp. Points the team receives in battle by 10% for a day.  
1225Roto PowersRoto FriendshipA reality shifting; consumable charm. Temporarily increases Connection with the team by 10 for a day.  
1226Roto PowersRoto EncounterA reality shifting; consumable charm. Increases the chance of encountering high-level wild Pokémon for a day.  
1227Roto PowersRoto StealthA reality shifting; consumable charm. Increases the chance of encountering low-level wild Pokémon for a day.  
1228Roto PowersRoto HPA reality shifting; consumable charm. Doubles the natural HP regeneration for a day.  
1229Roto PowersRoto PPA reality shifting; consumable charm. Increases the max PP of moves by 50% for a day.  
1230Roto PowersRoto BoostA reality shifting; consumable charm. Raises a random stat by 1 stage for a day.  
1231Roto PowersRoto CatchA reality shifting; consumable charm. Increases the chances to recruit a Pokemon with an Apricorn by 10% for a day.  
1232SeedElectric SeedWhen held; Consumed on Electric Terrain and raises the holder’s Defense by one stage.  
1233SeedPsychic SeedWhen held; Consumed on Psychic Terrain and raises the holder’s Special Defense by one stage.  
1234SeedMisty SeedWhen held; Consumed on Misty Terrain and raises the holder’s Special Defense by one stage.  
1235SeedGrassy SeedWhen held; Consumed on Grassy Terrain and raises the holder’s Defense by one stage.  
1236SeedBan SeedEating it causes all Pokemon on the floor to have the user’s last move disabled.160 
1237SeedBlast SeedEating it makes the user attack 1 tile in front of user with a blast; causing 100 damage!1000 
1238SeedDoom SeedThrowing it at a Pokemon lowers their level by 1. Don’t miss because wild Pokemon can do the same!60 
1239SeedDough SeedIt is a Lookalike Item for the Doom Seed. Eating it makes more ₽ appear on the next floor.20 
1240SeedEncourage SeedEating it gives user the Encouraged status.100 
1241SeedEnergy SeedEating it fully restores the Pokemon’s HP; and temporarily increases the Pokemon’s Max HP by 10!500 
1242SeedEyedrop SeedEating it cures the Blinker status and gives user the Eyedrops status.150 
1243SeedDropeye SeedIt is a Lookalike Item for the Eyedrop Seed. A food item that gives the Dropeye status; where the immediate surrounding area will be dark; even in rooms.20 
1244SeedFamous SeedA Plain Seed… but unlike other Plain Seeds; it’s very sought after for some reason.10 
1245SeedGolden SeedIt’s one of the Golden Items; with a golden glow. They say eating it boosts the Pokemon’s level by 3.5000 
1246SeedHeal SeedA healthy seed; eating it removes any and all status conditions.200 
1247SeedHunger SeedEating it depletes the Pokemon’s Belly by 10… there must be a use case for this.50 
1248SeedJoy SeedA delicious seed that increases the Pokemon’s level by 1.3000 
1249SeedLife SeedA healthy seed that permanently increases the Pokemon’s Max HP by 1.1000 
1250SeedPlain SeedEating it has no particular effect. It’s really an ordinary seed.1 
1251SeedPure SeedA seed that warps the Pokémon close to the stairs.300 
1252SeedQuick SeedEating it boosts the Pokemon’s Movement Speed for a little while.100 
1253SeedTiny Reviver SeedEating it has no particular effect; but if a Pokemon faints with one; it revives them with 1 HP; then turns into a Plain Seed.400 
1254SeedReviver SeedEating it has no particular effect; but if a Pokemon faints with one; it revives them with fully restored HP; PP; and Belly; then turns into a Plain Seed.800 
1255SeedReviser SeedIt is a Lookalike Item for the Reviver Seed. But what does it do when the user faints…?800 
1256SeedMax Reviver SeedEating it has no particular effect; but if a Pokemon faints with one; it revives them with fully restored HP; PP; and Belly; heals all negative status conditions and preserves positive ones; eliminates stat debuffs and preserves buffs; then turns into a Plain Seed.1600 
1257SeedSleep SeedThrowing it at a Pokemon puts them to Sleep.70 
1258SeedSlip SeedIt is a Lookalike Item for the Sleep Seed. Eating it gives the Slip status; where it is possible to walk on water.70 
1259SeedSoothing SeedEating it resets all stats back to normal.150 
1260SeedStun SeedThrowing it at a Pokemon causes them to be Petrified.100 
1261SeedTotter SeedThrowing it at a Pokemon causes them to be Confused.60 
1262SeedTraining SeedEating it gives user the Training condition; which boosts the growth of moves.100 
1263SeedVanish SeedEating it gives user the Invisible condition.1000 
1264SeedViolent SeedA mysterious seed; imbued with shadow energy… eating it raises the Pokemon’s Attack and Special Attack to the absolute maximum! But then…?3000 
1265SeedWarp SeedEating it warps user to a different place on the floor.100 
1266SeedX Eye SeedThrowing it at a Pokemon gives them the Cross Eyed status.50 
1267SeedBlinker SeedA seed that gives the Blinker status.50 
1268SeedDecoy SeedA seed that gives the Pokémon the Decoy status; making it a target of everyone’s attacks. Enemy moves that target the team’s inventory will always pick this item first.50 
1269SeedIce SeedA seed that freezes the Pokémon for many turns.50 
1270SeedLast Chance SeedA seed that sets the PP of the Pokémon’s moves to 1; and raises its Attack; Special Attack; and Speed by 3 stages.1000 
1271SeedSpreader SeedA seed that causes the Pokémon to share the effects of moves used on it.50 
1272SeedVile SeedA seed that lowers the Pokémon’s Defense and Special Defense by 3 stages.50 
1273SeedVia SeedIt is a Lookalike Item for the Vile Seed. Eating it causes user to say ‘‘See Ya!’’ and warp to a random room!100 
1274TileWonder TileStanding on this tile will resets all the Pokemon’s stat changes. Even positive ones!  
1275TileBarrage TileWhile standing on this tile; the user can use a move two times in a row in one turn! The move’s PP will be reduced as if the Pokemon used it two times.  
1276TileDodge TileWhile on this tile; the Pokemon can dodge moves more easily!  
1277TileHeal TileWhile on this tile; bad statuses won’t affect the Pokemon!  
1278TilePierce TileThrow items while on this tile; and they will go through both enemies and walls; continuing on forever!  
1279TileTaunt TileWhile on this tile; the Pokemon can’t use status moves. However; the Pokemon’s damaging attacks will become more powerful.  
1280TileWeight TileThe heavier the Pokémon on this tile is; the better chance it will have at landing critical hits when attacking an enemy!  
1281TileMystery TileLooks like a switch… it’s a mystery what it will do once it’s activated.  
1282TileWarp ZoneLooks like a Warp Trap; but it actually allows the team to exit a dungeon after a successful exploration.  
1283TileRescue PointLooks like Stairs; but it actually allows the team to exit a dungeon after a successful rescue. Send an A-OK mail to rescue the defeated team.  
1284TileApple TrapTurns a random item in the Bag into an Apple.  
1285TileSelf Destruct TrapCauses a blast in a 3×3 area that deals 50% HP damage! Items; walls; and tiles within the blast range are destroyed; including this trap. It will fail if it’s raining or one of the hit Pokemon has the ability Damp.  
1286TileExplosion TrapCauses a big blast in a 5x5 area that deals 50% HP damage! Items; walls; and tiles within the blast range are destroyed; including this trap. It will fail if it’s raining or one of the hit Pokemon has the ability Damp.  
1287TileChestnut TrapDrops chestnuts onto the Pokemon; dealing 50% HP damage! However; it also drops a Chestnut. The edible kind.  
1288TileDiscord TrapGives the entire party the Discord status condition.  
1289TileEmera Crush TrapDestroys an Emera attached to the Pokemon’s looplet.  
1290TileEmera Swap TrapAn emera in the Pokémon’s looplet is changed into a different emera.  
1291TileGrimy TrapTriggering this trap makes it spew a muck that gums up food.  
1292TileGrudge TrapTriggering this trap gives the Grudge status to all opposing Pokémon in the area.  
1293TileGust TrapThe Pokémon that stepped on it is sent flying 10 squares in any direction. Hitting a wall or Pokémon causes 10 damage.  
1294TileHunger TrapReduces Belly by 10.  
1295TileMud TrapTriggering this trap makes it blow mud that lowers the highest stat by 3 stages!  
1296TilePitfall TileWhen triggered; the entire party falls to the next floor!  
1297TilePP Leech TrapReduces the last used move’s PP to 0!  
1298TileProgress PointA Progress Point tile that allows the team to save their progress in the middle of a Mystery Dungeon!  
1299TileProgress Point PlusA Progress Point Plus tile that allows the team to save their progress in the middle of a Mystery Dungeon; or even escape from the dungeon without losing any progress!  
1300TileRandom TileTurns into a random tile when stepped on! Yes; even traps!  
1301TileSlow TrapReduces Movement Speed by 1.  
1302TileSlumber TrapCauses the Sleep status.  
1303TileSpiked TrapDeals 30 damage. This can be created by using the move Spikes!  
1304TileStealth Rock TrapDeals 15% damage. This can be created by using the move Stealth Rock!  
1305TileSticky TrapCauses the Pokemon’s held item to become sticky. If no item is held; it will make one random item in the inventory sticky. It will also make the pokemon immobilized.  
1306TileToxic Spike TrapDeals 10 damage and inflicts Poison. This can be created by using the move Toxic Spikes!  
1307TileTrip TrapCauses the Pokemon to faceplant and drop the Pokemon’s held item! If no held item is held; it will drop a random item in the Pokemon’s inventory.  
1308TileSealed DoorA door with no lock. Maybe there’s a switch somewhere…?  
1309TileSignA wooden sign. Some gibberish is scribbled on it…  
1310TileStairsStairs leading to the next floor. If user are on the final floor; user will escape from the dungeon.  
1311TileSecret StairsStairs leading to an unknown location.  
1312TileSignal AreaA mysterious signal that calls Pokémon to the area.  
1313TileCompass TileA tile that shows the way to important locations on the floor.  
1314TileLuminous AreaA mysterious area that allows Pokémon to evolve.  
1315TileReset TileA switch that resets the floor; returning all items; traps; and wild Pokémon to their original positions as if nothing happened.  
1316TileSwitch TileA switch that opens various blocked passageways found on the floor.  
1317TileTraining SwitchStepping on this tile gives the Trained status to the party.  
1318TilePitfall TrapStepping on this trap drops the Pokémon to the floor below; inflicting damage.  
1319TilePoison TrapTriggering this trap will shoot poison spikes in all directions. Pokémon hit will become poisoned.  
1320TilePokémon TrapTriggering this trap transforms all items in the area into hostile Pokémon!  
1321TileSeal TrapTriggering this trap disables the last-used move of all nearby Pokémon.  
1322TileSpikesStepping on this trap damages the Pokémon standing on it.  
1323TileSpin TrapTriggering this trap spins the Pokémon around dizzyingly; making them confused.  
1324TileSummon TrapTriggering this trap releases a sweet aroma that attracts Pokémon from afar.  
1325TileTrigger TrapTriggering this trap sets off all other traps in the area.  
1326TileWarp TrapTriggering this trap instantly warps the Pokémon to another spot on the floor.  
1327TileShop TileIf you’re reading this; you’re currently standing inside a roaming Kecleon Shop! You should feel honored! Just don’t steal anything alright?  
1328TileEmpty ChestOh no! Someone took the contents of this Treasure Chest!  
1329TileTreasure ChestIt’s a Treasure Chest. It’s an actual; tangible; real Treasure Chest. Open it! Quick!  
1330TileSealed BlockA massive block is standing in the way. Maybe there’s a switch somewhere…?  
1331TileWhite DoorA massive white door with a lock. Whoever built it wanted to make it very obvious that it’s white…  
1332TileBlack DoorA massive black door with a lock. Whoever built it wanted to make it very obvious that it’s black…  
1333TileBlue DoorA massive blue door with a lock. Whoever built it wanted to make it very obvious that it’s blue…  
1334TileGreen DoorA massive green door with a lock. Whoever built it wanted to make it very obvious that it’s green…  
1335TileRed DoorA massive red door with a lock. Whoever built it wanted to make it very obvious that it’s red…  
1336TileYellow DoorA massive yellow door with a lock. Whoever built it wanted to make it very obvious that it’s yellow…  
 ToolTwenty Sided DieA baffling die that not only somehow increases the holder’s Critical Hit rate to 1 in 20, but locks it there permanently.  
1337ToolGrowth MulchMakes growth time of a Berry plant 75% of usual; but causes soil to dry out 50% faster.  
1338ToolDamp MulchMakes soil dry out 50% slower; but causes growth time of a Berry plant to be 150% of usual.  
1339ToolStable MulchMakes Berries stay on plant for 150% of usual time before dropping off.  
1340ToolGooey MulchMakes Berry plants regrow from dead plants 150% of usual number of times.  
1341ToolRich MulchWhen applied to a Berry patch; increases the final Berry harvest by 2 Berries.  
1342ToolSurprise MulchWhen applied to a Berry patch; increases the chance of Berry mutation.  
1343ToolBoost MulchWhen applied to a Berry patch; causes the soil to dry out in 4 hours.  
1344ToolAmaze MulchWhen applied to a Berry patch; has the combined effects of the other types of mulch introduced in Generation VI: soil dries quicker; final harvest increases by 2 Berries; and Berry mutations are more likely.  
1345ToolAssembly BoxA marvelous box that allows the user to send or retrieve one Pokemon to the Assembly.800 
1346ToolRecall BoxA marvelous box that lets the user recall one move they’ve learned in the past while inside a Dungeon.800 
1347ToolStorage BoxA marvelous box that lets the user add one item from storage into the Treasure Bag.800 
1348ToolLink BoxA marvelous box that lets the user link two moves together.800 
1349ToolProgress DeviceA machine that allows user to create a Progress Point tile and save the Pokemon’s progress in the middle of a Mystery Dungeon!  
1350ToolProgress Device PlusAn incredible machine that allows user to create a Progress Point Plus tile and save the Pokemon’s progress in the middle of a Mystery Dungeon; or even escape from the dungeon without losing any progress!  
1351ToolPass OrbA mysterious orb containing the power of a faraway land. Activates Pass Powers inside the Entralink.  
1352ToolSmoke BallA quick escape tool that breaks upon use. Gives the whole team Run Away status; and every enemy in the room Blinker status.  
1353ToolEscape RopeAllows the team to climb back to the previous floor; just in case they missed something or need to get out of trouble.  
1354ToolFishing RodUsed to grab items that fell in water. Or; well; fishing.  
1355ToolDowsing MachineUse to find hidden items under the floor.  
1356ToolPoké FluteA rare flute that awakens all enemy Pokemon on the floor from sleep. Doesn’t work on teammates though.  
1357ToolTime FluteA soothing flute that purifies nearby Shadow Pokemon by 10 when used…  
1358ToolPhilosopher StoneAn extremely rare stone that’s said to give limitless wealth; but only to the worthy. When used; randomly transmutates an item for another of equal value; in exchange for 50% HP.  
1359ToolLockpickHas a 1% chance of opening any locked door. Consumed after use.  
1360ToolSecret SlabGlows in the bag when Legendary or Mythical Pokemon are detected in the current floor.  
1361ToolTechnical MachineAn empty Technical Machine disc. If one of the Pokemon’s moves is level 10 (X); user can reset it’s level to copy the move in the disc and teach that move to any other Pokemon!  
1362ToolUsed Technical MachineA Technical Machine that’s been copied and used. If user know the move Recycle; user might be able to recover the data!  
1363ToolMove ManualA manual that increases a move’s level as if it’s been used 100 times. Practice!  
1364ToolMystery PartMakes roaming Legendary or Mythical Pokemon more likely to appear in Dungeons.  
1365ToolChalky StoneAllows the user to write something on a sign. What would you use this for…?  
1366ToolMusic BoxAn enchanting music box that plays a beautiful melody. It is said to draw something special to it when it is kept close by. Rock Part + Ice Part + Steel Part
1367ToolGlass BottleA water type can use this to produce Marine Salt and Fresh Water from any pool of water in a dungeon.  
1368ToolKouponCan be used at a Kecleon Shop to get one item for free. Any item! Consumed once used.  
1369ToolShiny CharmA shiny charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon in the wild.  
1370ToolBlue FluteA glassblown flute that cures a teammate’s Sleep.  
1371ToolYellow FluteA glassblown flute that cures a teammate’s Confusion.  
1372ToolRed FluteA glassblown flute that cures a teammate’s Infatuation. How dare they!  
1373ToolBlack FluteA glassblown flute that gives wild Pokemon on the floor the Terrified status condition.  
1374ToolWhite FluteA glassblown flute that allows wild Pokemon on the floor to temporarily see the user’s location.  
1375TreasureStretchy SpringIt’s a metal spring… it goes boing…. worst treasure ever. Reduces Connection by 1 when gifted to a Partner.1 
1376TreasureShiny LeafA golden; glossy leaf… something could be created with many of these. Increases Connection by 1 when gifted to a Partner.  
1377TreasureShiny Leaf CrownA gorgeous laurel wreath; can only be worn by the most important people on the planet. Increases Connection by 10 when gifted to a Partner!  
1378TreasureRock PartA mysterious item that was jealously guarded by a Regirock. How it is to be used remains unknown; however.  
1379TreasureIce PartA mysterious item that was jealously guarded by a Regice. How it is to be used remains unknown; however.  
1380TreasureSteel PartA mysterious item that was jealously guarded by a Registeel. How it is to be used remains unknown; however.  
1381TreasureOld Sea MapWhen used; it temporarily unlocks the location of a Grand Blue Island. Finders keepers!  
1382TreasureLock CapsuleA sturdy Capsule that can only be opened with a special key. It seems to contain an extremely rare Technical Machine…  
1383TreasureLock Capsule KeyA key for a small capsule…  
1384TreasureHeart ScaleA pretty; heart-shaped scale that is extremely rare. It glows faintly with all of the colors of the rainbow. Increases a Partner’s Connection by 1 when gifted.50 
1385TreasureGold RibbonA beautiful scarf. It has no effect even if user hold it; but it can be sold at a shop for a high price.5000 
1386TreasureSparkly ScarfA beautiful and elegant scarf. It has no effect even if user hold it; but it can be sold at a shop for a very high price.10000 
1387TreasureRed ShardA small red shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago.  
1388TreasureBlue ShardA small red shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago.  
1389TreasureYellow ShardA small red shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago.  
1390TreasureGreen ShardA small red shard. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of implement made long ago.  
1391TreasureTiny MushroomA very small and rare mushroom. It’s popular with a certain class of collectors.  
1392TreasureBig MushroomA very large and rare mushroom. It’s popular with a certain class of collectors.5000 
1393TreasureBalm MushroomAn exceptionally rare mushroom that gives off a nice fragrance. It’s popular with a certain class of collectors.25000 
1394TreasurePearlA rather small pearl that has a very nice silvery sheen to it. It can be sold cheaply to shops.1500 
1395TreasureBig PearlA rather large pearl that has a very nice silvery sheen. It can be sold to shops for a high price.7500 
1396TreasurePearl StringGorgeous large pearls in a string; that sparkle in a pretty silver color. They can be sold at a very high price to shops.25000 
1397TreasureStardustLovely red sand that flows between the fingers with a loose; silky feel. It can be sold cheaply to shops.2000 
1398TreasureStar PieceA small shard of a beautiful gem that demonstrates a distinctly red sparkle. It can be sold at a high price to shops.10000 
1399TreasureRubyAn exquisitely beautiful gem that has a red glow. Increases a Partner’s Connection by 3 when gifted.  
1400TreasureSapphireAn exquisitely beautiful gem that has a blue glow. Increases a Partner’s Connection by 3 when gifted.  
1401TreasureEmeraldAn exquisitely beautiful gem that has a green glow. Increases a Partner’s Connection by 3 when gifted.  
1402TreasurePretty FeatherThough this feather is beautiful; it’s just a regular feather and has no effect on Pokémon.  
1403TreasureDragon SkullA skull of a Pokémon that was said to have braved the angry waters to fly around the world… sadly; it doesn’t seem like a Fossil Pokemon can be revived out of this.  
1404TreasureNuggetA nugget of pure gold. It sells for a high price.5000 
1405TreasureBig NuggetA big nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a very high price to shops.10000 
1406TreasureGold IngotA massive ingot of pure gold that gives off a hypnotizing glow. It can be sold at a very high price to shops.30000 
1407TreasureComet ShardA shard that fell to the ground when a comet approached. It can be sold at a very high price to shops.60000 
1408TreasureRelic TinA tin coin used by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.100 
1409TreasureRelic CopperA copper coin used by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.500 
1410TreasureRelic BronzeA bronze coin used by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.1000 
1411TreasureRelic SilverA silver coin used by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.5000 
1412TreasureRelic GoldA gold coin used by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.10000 
1413TreasureRelic VaseA fragile vase made by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.50000 
1414TreasureRelic BandA heavy bracelet made by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.100000 
1415TreasureRelic StatueA stone figurine made by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.200000 
1416TreasureRelic CrownA heavy crown made by an ancient civilization about 3;000 years ago.300000 
1417TreasureStrange SouvenirAn ornament depicting a mysterious Pokémon that has been venerated as a guardian deity…  
1418TreasureIntriguing StoneA rather curious stone that might appear valuable to some. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.  
1419TreasurePink PetalA pressed flower petal with a peculiar pattern. Finding more petals with this pattern might lead to something great…  
1420TreasureOrange PetalA pressed flower petal with a peculiar pattern. Finding more petals with this pattern might lead to something great…  
1421TreasureBlue PetalA pressed flower petal with a peculiar pattern. Finding more petals with this pattern might lead to something great…  
1422TreasureRed PetalA pressed flower petal with a peculiar pattern. Finding more petals with this pattern might lead to something great…  
1423TreasureGreen PetalA pressed flower petal with a peculiar pattern. Finding more petals with this pattern might lead to something great…  
1424TreasureYellow PetalA pressed flower petal with a peculiar pattern. Finding more petals with this pattern might lead to something great…  
1425TreasurePurple PetalA pressed flower petal with a peculiar pattern. Finding more petals with this pattern might lead to something great…  
1426TreasureRainbow FlowerA miraculous flower that never seems to die; even when it’s petals are detached; they gravitate back together. Increases a Partner’s Connection by 10 when gifted!  
1427TreasureWhite KeyA mysterious key that will open a white door. It disappears after use…8000 
1428TreasureWhine KeyA lookalike item for a White Key. The key will whine and complain if it’s used without a Klefki in the Pokemon’s team…8000 
1429TreasureBlack KeyA mysterious key that will open a black door. It disappears after use…8000 
1430TreasureBlue KeyA mysterious key that will open a blue door. It disappears after use…8000 
1431TreasureGreen KeyA mysterious key that will open a green door. It disappears after use…8000 
1432TreasureRed KeyA mysterious key that will open a red door. It disappears after use…8000 
1433TreasureYellow KeyA mysterious key that will open a yellow door. It disappears after use…8000 
1434TreasureAqua MonicaOne of the Seven Secret Treasures. A remarkable harmonica that plays melodies serene as flowing water; rumored to steal watery hearts. When held by the team leader; this item makes it easier to recruit defeated Water-type Pokémon to the team.10000 
1435TreasureFiery DrumOne of the Seven Secret Treasures. An exotic drum that beats out rhythms that burn with fiery passion; rumored to steal fiery hearts. When held by the team leader; it is easier to recruit defeated Fire-type Pokémon to the team.10000 
1436TreasureGrass CornetOne of the Seven Secret Treasures. A festive cornet that is well suited for tunes that carry across grassy fields; rumored to steal hearts of grass. When held by the team leader; it is easier to recruit defeated Grass-type Pokémon to the team.10000 
1437TreasureIcy FluteOne of the Seven Secret Treasures. An unusual flute that plays notes that are clear as ice; rumored to steal even the iciest of hearts. When held by the team leader; it is easier to recruit defeated Ice-type Pokémon to the team.10000 
1438TreasureRock HornOne of the Seven Secret Treasures. A mystifying horn that blasts sound at rock-shattering volume; rumored to steal the rockiest of hearts. When held by the team leader; it is easier to recruit defeated Rock-type Pokémon to the team.10000 
1439TreasureSky MelodicaOne of the Seven Secret Treasures. A merry melodica that plays tunes airy as cloudless skies; rumored to steal flighty hearts. When held by the team leader; it is easier to recruit defeated Flying-type Pokémon to the team.10000 
1440TreasureTerra CymbalOne of the Seven Secret Treasures. A marvelous cymbal with a colossal crash that shakes the ground; rumored to steal even the most grounded hearts. When held by the team leader; it is easier to recruit defeated Ground-type Pokémon to the team.10000 
1441TreasureCute KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open an amazingly adorable container.100 
1442TreasureDainty KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open a dainty and fashionable container.100 
1443TreasureDeluxe KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open an extravagant and opulent container.100 
1444TreasureGlittery KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open a dazzling and glittering container.100 
1445TreasureGorgeous KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open a beautiful beyond measure container.100 
1446TreasureHard KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open an impenetrably hard container.100 
1447TreasureHeavy KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open an unbelievably heavy container.100 
1448TreasureLight KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open a surprisingly light container.100 
1449TreasureNifty KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open a completely impressive container.100 
1450TreasurePretty KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open a startlingly pretty container.100 
1451TreasureShiny KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open a sparkly and shiny container.100 
1452TreasureSinister KeyA key that’s most definitely designed to open a suspiciously sinister container.100 
1453TreasureCute BoxA box that is amazingly adorable. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1454TreasureDainty BoxA box that is dainty and fashionable. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1455TreasureDeluxe BoxA box that is extravagant and opulent. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1456TreasureGlittery BoxA box that glitters with dazzling light. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1457TreasureGorgeous BoxA box that’s beautiful beyond measure. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1458TreasureHard BoxA box that is impenetrably hard. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1459TreasureHeavy BoxA box that is unbelievably heavy. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1460TreasureLight BoxA box that is surprisingly light. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1461TreasureNifty BoxA box that is completely impressive. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1462TreasurePretty BoxA box that is startlingly pretty. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1463TreasureShiny BoxA box that sparkles and shines. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1464TreasureSinister BoxA box that is suspiciously sinister. It likely contains something but won’t give up its secrets easily.100 
1465TreasureCute CrateA Crate that is amazingly adorable. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1466TreasureDainty CrateA Crate that is dainty and fashionable. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1467TreasureDeluxe CrateA Crate that is extravagant and opulent. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1468TreasureGlittery CrateA Crate that glitters with dazzling light. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1469TreasureGorgeous CrateA Crate that’s beautiful beyond measure. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1470TreasureHard CrateA Crate that is impenetrably hard. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1471TreasureHeavy CrateA Crate that is unbelievably heavy. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1472TreasureLight CrateA Crate that is surprisingly light. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1473TreasureNifty CrateA Crate that is completely impressive. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1474TreasurePretty CrateA Crate that is startlingly pretty. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1475TreasureShiny CrateA Crate that sparkles and shines. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1476TreasureSinister CrateA Crate that is suspiciously sinister. It likely contains something rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.500 
1477TreasureCute ChestA Chest that is amazingly adorable. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1478TreasureDainty ChestA Chest that is dainty and fashionable. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1479TreasureDeluxe ChestA Chest that is extravagant and opulent. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1480TreasureGlittery ChestA Chest that glitters with dazzling light. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1481TreasureGorgeous ChestA Chest that’s beautiful beyond measure. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1482TreasureHard ChestA Chest that is impenetrably hard. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1483TreasureHeavy ChestA Chest that is unbelievably heavy. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1484TreasureLight ChestA Chest that is surprisingly light. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1485TreasureNifty ChestA Chest that is completely impressive. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1486TreasurePretty ChestA Chest that is startlingly pretty. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1487TreasureShiny ChestA Chest that sparkles and shines. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
1488TreasureSinister ChestA Chest that is suspiciously sinister. It likely contains something exceptionally rare but won’t give up its secrets easily.3000 
 TreasureFire TrophyA Trophy to commemorate your victory in the Fire Gym. Collect all eight to face the Wonder League!  
 TreasureSand TrophyA Trophy to commemorate your victory in the Sand Gym. Collect all eight to face the Wonder League!  
 TreasureAir TrophyA Trophy to commemorate your victory in the Air Gym. Collect all eight to face the Wonder League!  
 TreasureGrass TrophyA Trophy to commemorate your victory in the Grass Gym. Collect all eight to face the Wonder League!  
 TreasureMist TrophyA Trophy to commemorate your victory in the Mist Gym. Collect all eight to face the Wonder League!  
 TreasureWater TrophyA Trophy to commemorate your victory in the Water Gym. Collect all eight to face the Wonder League!  
 TreasureDragon TrophyA Trophy to commemorate your victory in the Dragon Gym. Collect all eight to face the Wonder League!  
 TreasureMystery TrophyA Trophy to commemorate your victory in the Mystery Gym. Now it’s finally time to face the Wonder League!  
 TreasureAncient CrownIt’s proof that user obtained all of the Ancient Treasures. But it seems to have no particular effect; even if user take it on the Pokemon’s adventure.50000 
 TreasureFood Fighter CrownIt’s proof that user obtained all of the items invented by the Never Hungries. But it seems to have no particular effect; even if user take it on the Pokemon’s adventure.50000 
 TreasureTreasure CrownIt’s proof that user obtained all of the Eight Treasures; but it seems to have no particular effect; even if user take it on the Pokemon’s adventure.50000 
 TreasureGolden CrownIt’s proof that user obtained all of the Golden Items. But it seems to have no particular effect; even if user take it on the Pokemon’s adventure.50000 
 TreasureAce Team CrownIt’s proof that you broke every record on the Team Leaderboards. But it seems to have no particular effect; even if user take it on the Pokemon’s adventure.50000 
 TreasureChampion CrownIt’s proof that you obtained all of the Eight Trophies and triumphed over the Wonder League. But it seems to have no particular effect; even if you take it on your adventure.50000 
 TreasureParagon CrownIt’s proof that you obtained 100% completion of the Nexus Index. But it seems to have no particular effect; even if you take it on your adventure.50000 
 TreasureCompletion CrownIt’s proof that you obtained all of the Achievement Crowns! But it seems to have no particular effect; even if you take it on your adventure. …or does it?300000 
1495TreasureWonder ChestIf held; Pokémon gains 15% more experience.  
1496TreasureMiracle ChestIf held; Pokémon gains 30% more experience.  
1497TreasureLegendary ChestIf held; Pokémon gains 50% more experience.  
1498TreasureLost Loot SackAn ancient sack rumored to have been stashed away by an exploration team long ago.  
1499TreasurePrize TicketIf you take this Prize Ticket to Wynaut at the Recycle Shop; you can trade it for a chance to win Big Treasure.  
1500TreasureBronze TicketIf you take this Prize Ticket to Wynaut at the Recycle Shop; you can trade it for a chance to win Big Treasure.  
1501TreasureSilver TicketIf you take this Prize Ticket to Wynaut at the Recycle Shop; you can trade it for a chance to win Big Treasure.  
1502TreasureGold TicketIf you take this Prize Ticket to Wynaut at the Recycle Shop; you can trade it for a chance to win Big Treasure.  
1503TreasurePrism TicketIf you take this Prize Ticket to Wynaut at the Recycle Shop; you can trade it for a chance to win Big Treasure.  
1504TreasureLucha TokenTake this token to a certain Hawlucha to unlock hidden abilities that slumber deep within the Pokemon.  
1505TreasureRare DoubloonAn antique doubloon. Can be sold at a high price.800 
1506TreasureCommon StoneA perfectly normal stone that might appear to be valuable to some. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.  
1507TreasureRed SphereA red sphere that glows like fire. It slowly grows when buried.200 
1508TreasureBlue SphereA blue sphere that glistens like the ocean. It slowly grows when buried.200 
1509TreasureGreen SphereA green sphere glowing like sunlight in leaves. It slowly grows when buried.200 
1510TreasurePrism SphereA crystal clear; hard sphere. It slowly grows when buried.400 
1511TreasurePale SphereA white sphere that glows in seven colors. It slowly grows when buried.400 
1512TreasureShiny SphereA brightly shining sphere that’s almost blinding. It slowly grows when buried.400 
1513TreasureLarge Red SphereA red sphere that glows like fire. This is a big one! It can be sold for a high price.2000 
1514TreasureLarge Blue SphereA blue sphere that glistens like the ocean. This is a big one! It can be sold for a high price.2000 
1515TreasureLarge Green SphereA green sphere glowing like sunlight in leaves. This is a big one! It can be sold for a high price.2000 
1516TreasureLarge Prism SphereA crystal clear; hard sphere. This is a big one! It can be sold for a high price.4000 
1517TreasureLarge Pale SphereA white sphere that glows in seven colors. This is a big one! It can be sold for a high price.4000 
1518TreasureLarge Shiny SphereA brightly shining sphere that’s almost blinding. This is a big one! It can be sold for a high price.4000 
1519TreasureTropical FlowerA hard to find flower from a remote island… Increases a Partner’s Connection by 5 when gifted.  
1520TreasureGracidea BoquetA boquet of incredibly rare and gorgeous flowers; with a letter and chocolate. Giving this to a partner with maxed out connection will lock their connection in place; making it impossible to weaken!100000 
1521TreasureLone EarringAn earring emanating mysterious power… where’s the other one?  
1522TreasureMarbleYou can see colored glass inside the round; transparent marble. Increases a Partner’s Connection by 1 when gifted.  
1523TreasureSmall BoquetA small bouquet that was made with heart and soul for someone. Increases a Partner’s Connection by 5 when gifted.  
1524TreasureAncient KeyA mysterious key that will open an ancient relic door. It disappears after use…16000 
1525TreasureBeach GlassA natural shard of glass found in the sand. Doesn’t do anything, but it somehow looks incredibly pretty… Increases Connection by 1 when gifted to a Partner.  
1526Type EquipmentFlame PlateWhen held; Fire-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Fire.  
1527Type EquipmentSplash PlateWhen held; Water-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Water.  
1528Type EquipmentZap PlateWhen held; Electric-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Electric.  
1529Type EquipmentMeadow PlateWhen held; Grass-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Grass.  
1530Type EquipmentIcicle PlateWhen held; Ice-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Ice.1000 
1531Type EquipmentFist PlateWhen held; Fighting-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Fighting.  
1532Type EquipmentToxic PlateWhen held; Posion-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Posion.  
1533Type EquipmentEarth PlateWhen held; Ground-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Ground.  
1534Type EquipmentSky PlateWhen held; Flying-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Flying.  
1535Type EquipmentMind PlateWhen held; Psychic-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Psychic.1000 
1536Type EquipmentInsect PlateWhen held; Bug-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Bug.  
1537Type EquipmentStone PlateWhen held; Rock-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Rock.  
1538Type EquipmentSpooky PlateWhen held; Ghost-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Ghost.  
1539Type EquipmentDraco PlateWhen held; Dragon-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Dragon.1000 
1540Type EquipmentDread PlateWhen held; Dark-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Dark.1000 
1541Type EquipmentIron PlateWhen held; Steel-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Steel.  
1542Type EquipmentPixie PlateWhen held; Fairy-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Fairy.  
1543Type EquipmentPure PlateWhen held; Normal-Type moves from holder do 20% more damage. Changes Arceus’s and Judgment’s type to Normal.1000 
1544Type EquipmentFighting MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Fighting form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Fighting.  
1545Type EquipmentFlying MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Flying form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Flying.  
1546Type EquipmentPoison MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Poison form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Poison.  
1547Type EquipmentGround MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Ground form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Ground.  
1548Type EquipmentRock MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Rock form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Rock.  
1549Type EquipmentBug MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Bug form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Bug.  
1550Type EquipmentGhost MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Ghost form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Ghost.  
1551Type EquipmentSteel MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Steel form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Steel.  
1552Type EquipmentFire MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Fire form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Fire.  
1553Type EquipmentWater MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Water form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Water.  
1554Type EquipmentGrass MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Grass form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Grass.  
1555Type EquipmentElectric MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Electric form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Electric.  
1556Type EquipmentPsychic MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Psychic form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Psychic.  
1557Type EquipmentIce MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Ice form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Ice.  
1558Type EquipmentDragon MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Dragon form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Dragon.  
1559Type EquipmentDark MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Dark form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Dark.  
1560Type EquipmentFairy MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Fairy form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Fairy.  
1561Type EquipmentNormal MemoryWhen held; Changes Silvally to its Normal form. Changes Multi-Attack’s type to Normal.  
1562Type EquipmentBlack GlassesIt’s a pair of shady-looking glasses that boost the power of Dark-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1563Type EquipmentSoft SandIt’s a loose; silky sand that boosts the power of Ground-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1564Type EquipmentSpell TagIt’s a sinister; eerie tag that boosts the power of Ghost-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1565Type EquipmentHard StoneIt’s a durable stone that boosts the power of Rock-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1566Type EquipmentMiracle SeedIt’s a seed imbued with life-force that boosts the power of Grass-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1567Type EquipmentBlack BeltThis belt helps the wearer to focus and boosts the power of Fighting-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1568Type EquipmentMagnetIt’s a powerful magnet that boosts the power of Electric-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1569Type EquipmentSilver PowderIt’s a shiny; silver powder that will boost the power of Bug-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1570Type EquipmentMetal CoatIt’s a special metallic film that can boost the power of Steel-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1571Type EquipmentMystic WaterThis teardrop-shaped gem boosts the power of Water-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1572Type EquipmentSharp BeakIt’s a long; sharp beak that boosts the power of Flying-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1573Type EquipmentPink TailIt’s an adorable fluffy tail that boosts the power of Fairy-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1574Type EquipmentPoison BarbThis small; poisonous barb boosts the power of Poison-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1575Type EquipmentNever Melt IceIt’s a heat-repelling piece of ice that boosts the power of Ice-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1576Type EquipmentTwisted SpoonThis spoon is imbued with telekinetic power and boosts Psychic-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1577Type EquipmentCharcoalIt’s a combustible fuel that boosts the power of Fire-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1578Type EquipmentDragon FangThis hard and sharp fang boosts the power of Dragon-type moves by 30% when equipped.  
1579Type EquipmentSilk ScarfIt’s a sumptuous scarf that boosts the power of Normal-type moves by 30% when equipped.500 
1580Type EquipmentWhite SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Normal types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1581Type EquipmentNormal DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Normal types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1582Type EquipmentWhite GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Normal types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1583Type EquipmentJoy GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Normal type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1584Type EquipmentRed SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Fire types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1585Type EquipmentFire DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Fire types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1586Type EquipmentFiery GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Fire types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1587Type EquipmentFiery GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Fire type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1588Type EquipmentBlue SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Water types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1589Type EquipmentWater DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Water types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1590Type EquipmentAqua GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Water types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1591Type EquipmentAqua GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Water type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1592Type EquipmentGrass SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Grass types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1593Type EquipmentGrass DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Grass types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1594Type EquipmentSpore GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Grass types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1595Type EquipmentSoothe GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Grass type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1596Type EquipmentYellow SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Electric types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1597Type EquipmentThunder DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Electric types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1598Type EquipmentThunder GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Electric types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1599Type EquipmentVolt GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Electric type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1600Type EquipmentClear SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Ice types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1601Type EquipmentIcy DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Ice types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1602Type EquipmentIcy GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Ice types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1603Type EquipmentIcy GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Ice type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1604Type EquipmentOrange SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Fighting types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1605Type EquipmentCourage DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Fighting types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1606Type EquipmentFight GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Fighting types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1607Type EquipmentPower GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Fighting type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1608Type EquipmentPink SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Poison types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1609Type EquipmentPoison DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Poison types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1610Type EquipmentToxic GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Poison types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1611Type EquipmentPoison GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Poison type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1612Type EquipmentBrown SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Ground types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1613Type EquipmentGround DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Ground types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1614Type EquipmentEarth GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Ground types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1615Type EquipmentTerra GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Ground type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1616Type EquipmentSky SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Flying types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1617Type EquipmentSky DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Flying types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1618Type EquipmentSky GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Flying types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1619Type EquipmentSky GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Flying type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1620Type EquipmentGold SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Psychic types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1621Type EquipmentPsyche DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Psychic types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1622Type EquipmentPsyche GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Psychic types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1623Type EquipmentPsyche GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Psychic type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1624Type EquipmentGreen SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Bug types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1625Type EquipmentWonder DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Bug types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1626Type EquipmentGuard GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Bug types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1627Type EquipmentDefend GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Bug type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1628Type EquipmentGray SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Rock types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1629Type EquipmentRock DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Rock types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1630Type EquipmentStone GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Rock types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1631Type EquipmentRock GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Rock type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1632Type EquipmentPurple SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Ghost types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1633Type EquipmentShady DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Ghost types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1634Type EquipmentShadow GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Ghost types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1635Type EquipmentNether GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Ghost type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1636Type EquipmentRoyal SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Dragon types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1637Type EquipmentDragon DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Dragon types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1638Type EquipmentDrake GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Dragon types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1639Type EquipmentDragon GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Dragon type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1640Type EquipmentBlack SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Dark types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1641Type EquipmentDark DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Dark types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1642Type EquipmentDarkness GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Dark types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1643Type EquipmentDusk GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Dark type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1644Type EquipmentIron SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Iron types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1645Type EquipmentSteel DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Iron types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1646Type EquipmentMetal GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Iron types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1647Type EquipmentSteel GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Iron type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1648Type EquipmentViolet SilkRaises Attack by 10 and Defense by 7 to all Fairy types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1649Type EquipmentPixie DustRaises Special Attack by 10 and Special Defense by 7 to all Fairy types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag1000 
1650Type EquipmentPixie GemRaises Movement Speed by 1 to all Fairy types in the Pokemon’s team when kept in the bag3000 
1651Type EquipmentFae GlobeEnemy moves Supereffective to Fairy type deal normal damage if there’s at least one Pokemon of that type in the team when kept in the bag.5000 
1652WandBlast WandWaving it at a Pokémon causes a blast that deals 30 damage in a 3x3 square.45 
1653WandConfuse WandWaving it at a Pokémon makes that Pokémon confused.60 
1654WandGuiding WandWaving it reveals the way to the stairs.75 
1655WandHP Swap WandWaving at a Pokémon swaps the HP of the user and that Pokémon.50 
1656WandPetrify WandWaving it at a Pokémon makes that Pokémon petrified.75 
1657WandPounce WandWaving it at a Pokémon or a wall makes the user jump right at it.35 
1658WandQuarter WandWaving at a Pokémon cuts that Pokémon’s HP to 1/4.100 
1659WandBarter WandLookalike Item for Quarter Wand. Waving it inside a dungeon Kecleon Shop will give user a 10% discount on everything!100 
1660WandSlow WandWaving it at a Pokémon reduces that Pokémon’s Travel Speed for a while.45 
1661WandSlumber WandWaving it at a Pokémon makes that Pokémon sleep.60 
1662WandSurround WandWaving it at a Pokémon warps all teammates to that Pokémon.35 
1663WandTruant WandWaving it at a Pokémon changes that Pokémon’s Ability to Truant.45 
1664WandTunnel WandIf the wand targets a destructible wall; a straight line of up to 10 wall tiles are turned into floor tiles. If there are Pokemon in the way; it deals them 10 damage.75 
1665WandWhirlwind WandWaving it at a Pokémon knocks that Pokémon flying. The Pokémon takes damage if it hits a wall or another Pokémon.35 
1666WandFear WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It causes the target to flinch.5 
1667WandInfatuation WandA wand to be waved at Pokémon of the opposite gender. It causes the target to become attracted to the user.0 
1668WandLob WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It inflicts damage on any Pokémon in a straight line; passing through walls.5 
1669WandLure WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It causes the target to warp in front of the user.5 
1670WandPath WandA wand to be waved at terrain features. It clears obstacles to form a path directly in front of the user.5 
1671WandPurge WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It removes all stat boosts and damages the target for each stat boosted. Stat drops will heal the target instead.5 
1672WandStayaway WandA wand to be waved at enemy Pokémon. It warps the target to the nearest stairway; and puts it into a deep sleep.0 
1673WandSwitcher WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It causes the user to switch places with the target.5 
1674WandTopsyTurvy WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It reverses all stat changes on the target.5 
1675WandTotter WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It causes the target to become briefly confused.0 
1676WandTransfer WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It transforms the target into the same Pokémon as the user.10 
1677WandVanish WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It temporarily makes the target invisible.5 
1678WandWarp WandA wand to be waved at a Pokémon. It warps the target to a different place on the floor.5 
1679Wonder LauncherDire Hit 2Raises Crit Chance by 2 stages.  
1680Wonder LauncherX Speed 2Raises Speed by 2 stages.  
1681Wonder LauncherX Sp. Atk 2Raises Special Attack by 2 stages.  
1682Wonder LauncherX Sp. Def 2Raises Special Defense by 2 stages.  
1683Wonder LauncherX Defense 2Raises Defense by 2 stages.  
1684Wonder LauncherX Attack 2Raises Attack by 2 stages.  
1685Wonder LauncherX Accuracy 2Raises Accuracy by 2 stages.  
1686Wonder LauncherDire Hit 3Raises Crit Chance by 3 stages.  
1687Wonder LauncherX Speed 3Raises Speed by 3 stages.  
1688Wonder LauncherX Sp. Atk 3Raises Special Attack by 3 stages.  
1689Wonder LauncherX Sp. Def 3Raises Special Defense by 3 stages.  
1690Wonder LauncherX Defense 3Raises Defense by 3 stages.  
1691Wonder LauncherX Attack 3Raises Attack by 3 stages.  
1692Wonder LauncherX Accuracy 3Raises Accuracy by 3 stages.  
1693Wonder LauncherDire Hit 6Raises Crit Chance by 6 stages.  
1694Wonder LauncherX Speed 6Raises Speed by 6 stages.  
1695Wonder LauncherX Sp. Atk 6Raises Special Attack by 6 stages.  
1696Wonder LauncherX Sp. Def 6Raises Special Defense by 6 stages.  
1697Wonder LauncherX Defense 6Raises Defense by 6 stages.  
1698Wonder LauncherX Attack 6Raises Attack by 6 stages.  
1699Wonder LauncherX Accuracy 6Raises Accuracy by 6 stages.  
1700Wonder LauncherAbility UrgeForcibly activates a friendly Pokémon’s ability.  
1701Wonder LauncherItem UrgeForcibly activates a friendly Pokémon’s held item.  
1702Wonder LauncherReset UrgeForcibly resets a friendly Pokémon’s stat changes.  
1703Z CrystalNormalium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Normal moves.  
1704Z CrystalFirium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Fire moves.  
1705Z CrystalWaterium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Water moves.  
1706Z CrystalElectrium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Electric moves.  
1707Z CrystalGrassium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Grass moves.  
1708Z CrystalIcium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Ice moves.  
1709Z CrystalFightinium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Fighting moves.  
1710Z CrystalPoisonium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Poison moves.  
1711Z CrystalGroundium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Ground moves.  
1712Z CrystalFlyinium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Flying moves.  
1713Z CrystalPsychium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Psychic moves.  
1714Z CrystalBuginium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Bug moves.  
1715Z CrystalRockium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Rock moves.  
1716Z CrystalGhostium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Ghost moves.  
1717Z CrystalDragonium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Dragon moves.  
1718Z CrystalDarkinium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Dark moves.  
1719Z CrystalSteelium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Steel moves.  
1720Z CrystalFairium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows a Pokémon to use the Z-move equivalents of its Fairy moves.  
1721Z CrystalPichium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Pichu; Pikachu and Raichu to upgrade Volt Switch into Zap Bomb.  
1722Z CrystalPikanium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Pichu; Pikachu and Raichu to upgrade Volt Tackle into Catastropika.  
1723Z CrystalRaichium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Pichu; Pikachu and Raichu to upgrade Zap Cannon into Zettahertz Missile.  
1724Z CrystalDecidium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Rowlet; Dartrix and Decidueye to upgrade Spirit Shackle into Sinister Arrow Raid.  
1725Z CrystalIncinium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Litten; Torracat and Incineroar to upgrade Darkest Lariat into Malicious Moonsault.  
1726Z CrystalPrimarium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Popplio; Brionne and Primarina to upgrade Sparkling Aria into Oceanic Operetta.  
1727Z CrystalTapunium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows the Tapus to upgrade Nature’s Madness into Guardian of Alola.  
1728Z CrystalMarshadium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Marshadow to upgrade Spectral Thief into Soul-Stealing 7 Star Strike.  
1729Z CrystalAloraichium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Alola Raichu to upgrade Thunderbolt into Stoked Sparksurfer.  
1730Z CrystalSnorlium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Munchlax and Snorlax to upgrade Giga Impact into Pulverizing Pancake.  
1731Z CrystalEevium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Eevee and Eeveon to upgrade Last Resort into Extreme Evoboost.  
1732Z CrystalMewnium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Mew to upgrade Psychic into Genesis Supernova.  
1733Z CrystalSolganium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Solgaleo to upgrade Sunsteel Strike into Searing Sunraze Smash.  
1734Z CrystalLunalium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Lunala to upgrade Moongeist Beam into Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom.  
1735Z CrystalMimikium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Mimikyu to upgrade Play Rough into Let’s Snuggle Forever.  
1736Z CrystalLycanium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Rockruff and Lycanroc to upgrade Stone Edge into Splintered Stormshards.  
1737Z CrystalKommonium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Jangmo-o; Hakamo-o and Kommo-o to upgrade Clanging Scales into Clangorous Soulblaze.  
1738Z CrystalDeoxium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Deoxys to upgrade Psycho Boost into Ethereal Helix Storm  
1739Z CrystalJirachium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Jirachi to upgrade Doom Desire into Shining Shooting Star  
1740Z CrystalResokelium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Resolute Keldeo to upgrade Secret Sword into Buster Sword  
1741Z CrystalNoivernium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Noibat and Noivern to upgrade Boom Burst into Sonic Boom  
1742Z CrystalFlygonium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Trapinch; Vibrava and Flygon to upgrade Fissure into Ancestral Sandsong  
1743Z CrystalNinetalium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Vulpix and Ninetales to upgrade Will-O-Wisp into Light Of Shinto  
1744Z CrystalZoroarkium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Zorua and Zoroark to upgrade Night Daze into Shattering Deception  
 Z CrystalArceusium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Arceus to upgrade Judgement into Divine Retribution  
 Z CrystalUltranecrozium ZThis is a crystallized form of Z-Power. If the team has a Sparkling Stone as well; it allows Necrozma to turn into Ultra Necrozma. It also allows Ultra Necrozma to upgrade Photon Geyser into the devastating Z-Move Light That Burns The Sky!  
 Z CrystalVenusarium ZFrenzy PlantPlant Hammer 
 Z CrystalCharizardium ZBlast BurnSky Explosion 
 Z CrystalBlastoisium ZHydro CannonHose Bazooka 
 Z CrystalBeedrilium ZTwineedleGigabreaker Drill 
 Z CrystalPichium ZVolt SwitchZap Bomb 
 Z CrystalRaichium ZZap CannonZettahertz Missile 
 Z CrystalNinetalium ZWill O WispLight Of Shinto 
 Z CrystalPersianium ZPay DayHere’s Your Receipt 
 Z CrystalAlakazium ZKinesisSleight Of Mind 
 Z CrystalGengarium ZNight ShadeMalicious Possession 
 Z CrystalMarowakium ZBonemerangFaithful Justice 
 Z CrystalFeraligium ZHydro PumpMudrunning Geyser 
 Z CrystalMeganinium ZSolar BeamFloral Exsporesion 
 Z CrystalTyphlosium ZEruptionWhirlwind Firedevil 
 Z CrystalAriadosium ZToxic ThreadToxic Silk Prison 
 Z CrystalAmpharosium ZTail GlowGuiding Light 
 Z CrystalOctillerium ZOctazookaFull Water Jacket 
 Z CrystalDelibirdium ZPresentAll Year Round 
 Z CrystalSkarmorium ZSteel WingTitanium Falchion 
 Z CrystalSmearglium ZSketchDevious Artpiece 
 Z CrystalMiltankium ZMilk DrinkFresh Cake 
 Z CrystalBlissium ZSoft BoiledThe World Is An Egg 
 Z CrystalHo-Ohium ZSacred FirePhoenix Shine 
 Z CrystalLugium ZAeroblastWhale Darkness 
 Z CrystalCelebium ZFuture SightTimeline Shift 
 Z CrystalSceptilium ZLeaf BladeSequoia Spear 
 Z CrystalBlazikenium ZBlaze KickRoundhouse Burst 
 Z CrystalSwampertium ZMuddy WaterMudrunning Quake 
 Z CrystalSlakingium ZSlack OffLost Patience 
 Z CrystalBrelium ZMach PunchDreamland Express 
 Z CrystalHariyamium ZSmelling SaltsCrater Throw 
 Z CrystalDelcattium ZAssistGood Night 
 Z CrystalSpindium ZTeeter DanceEndless Spin 
 Z CrystalFlygonium ZFissureAncestral Sandsong 
 Z CrystalZangoosium ZCrush ClawLacerating Scissor Fist 
 Z CrystalSeviperium ZPoison TailGashing Scythe Tail 
 Z CrystalCastformium ZWeather BallOmnitype Cloud Sphere 
 Z CrystalBanettium ZShadow ClawZipped Up 
 Z CrystalMetagrossium ZMeteor MashElectromagnetic Bullet Bash 
 Z CrystalKyogrium ZOrigin PulsePurging Torrential Flood 
 Z CrystalGroudonium ZPrecipice BladesHellish Volcanic Storm 
 Z CrystalRayquazium ZDragon AscentHeavenly Draconic Skyfall 
 Z CrystalJirachium ZDoom DesireShining Shooting Star 
 Z CrystalDeoxium ZPsycho BoostEthereal Helix Scramble 
 Z CrystalLuxraium ZDischargeArcing Stun Grenade 
 Z CrystalLopunny ZEar ClapRising Sawblade Kick 
 Z CrystalLucarium ZAura SphereGreat Surging Aura Globe 
 Z CrystalPorygonium ZConversion 2Conversion Z 
 Z CrystalRhyperium ZRock WreckerMegaton Smash 
 Z CrystalDialgium ZRoar Of TimeParadox Dilation 
 Z CrystalPalkium ZSpacial RendGravity Curvature 
 Z CrystalGiratinium ZShadow ForceEternal Obscurity 
 Z CrystalCresselium ZLunar DanceDream Of Fortune 
 Z CrystalManaphium ZHeart SwapBliss From The Deep Blue 
 Z CrystalDarkraium ZDark VoidNightmare Of Despair 
 Z CrystalShayminium ZSeed FlareRadiant Solar Flare 
 Z CrystalArceusium ZJudgementDivine Retribution 
 Z CrystalVictinium ZV CreateV Destroy 
 Z CrystalSerperium ZLeaf StormSoil Shaking Bloom 
 Z CrystalEmboarium ZHeat CrashSky Scorching Blaze 
 Z CrystalSamurottium ZRazor ShellSea Splitting Blend 
 Z CrystalMusharnium ZRestWindswept Mist 
 Z CrystalZebstrikium ZWild ChargeMuon Kick 
 Z CrystalAudinium ZSecret PowerWhisper From The Heart 
 Z CrystalScolipedium ZSteamrollerRoad Rolling Dunk 
 Z CrystalZoroarkium ZNight DazeSpiteful Shattering Deception 
 Z CrystalCinccinium ZTail SlapCompulsive Foe Decluttering 
 Z CrystalHaxorium ZDual ChopTwin Dragonborn Battleaxe 
 Z CrystalKlinklangium ZGear GrindStraight Cut Transmission 
 Z CrystalBouffalantium ZHead ChargeBullrun Headbutt 
 Z CrystalHeatmorium ZFire LashWhip Crack Ignition 
 Z CrystalVolcaronium ZFiery DanceWildfire Pirouette Bang 
 Z CrystalReshiramium ZBlue FlareScorching Turbine Howl 
 Z CrystalZekromium ZBolt StrikeShocking Generator Roar 
 Z CrystalKyuremium ZGlaciateBlood Freezing Entropic Crunch 
 Z CrystalKeldium ZSecret SwordBuster Sword 
 Z CrystalMeloettium ZRelic SongCrying Orchestra 
 Z CrystalGenesectium ZTechno BlastSky Rending Orbital Strike 
 Z CrystalGreninjium ZWater ShurikenShadow Torrent Fuushuriken 
 Z CrystalDelphoxium ZMystical FireConflagrating Incaendium Portal 
 Z CrystalChesnaughtium ZSpiky ShieldUnbreakable Thorned Scotum 
 Z CrystalVivillium ZPowderHypnotizing Talcum 
 Z CrystalPyroarium ZNoble RoarRegal Pyro Shockwave 
 Z CrystalFlorgesium ZLight Of RuinInfinity Energy Cannon 
 Z CrystalPangorium ZParting ShotCorkscrew Iron Haymaker 
 Z CrystalMalamarium ZTopsy TurvyMind Numbing Mirror Maze 
 Z CrystalHelioliskium ZElectrifyBlinding Flash Bang 
 Z CrystalHawluchium ZFlying PressStraight Jacket Suplex 
 Z CrystalKlefkium ZFairy LockDiamond Core Padlock Seal 
 Z CrystalTrevenantium ZForest’s CurseMidway Upon Life 
 Z CrystalGourgeistium ZTrick Or TreatThe Devil’s Night Before 
 Z CrystalXerneasium ZGeomancyTree Of Life’s Blessing 
 Z CrystalYveltalium ZOblivion WingDeath Cocoon’s Curse 
 Z CrystalZygardium ZCore EnforcerTrembling Earth 
 Z CrystalDiancium ZDiamond StormGreat Adamantium Spike 
 Z CrystalHoopium ZHyperspace FuryHyperspace Dimension 
 Z CrystalVolcanium ZSteam EruptionVaporcone Valve Explosion 
 Z CrystalToucannium ZBeak BlastUltra Beak Laser 
 Z CrystalCrabominabium ZIce HammerIceberg Chokeslam 
 Z CrystalRibombium ZPollen PuffBee Season 
 Z CrystalToxapexium ZBaneful BunkerNoxious Thorn Shield 
 Z CrystalMudsdalium ZHigh HorsepowerTectonic Stomp 
 Z CrystalLurantium ZSolar BladeCan I Eat Your Head 
 Z CrystalTsareenium ZTrop KickToxic Thigh Crush 
 Z CrystalComfium ZFloral HealingTherapeutic Fleur Wind 
 Z CrystalGolisopodium ZFirst ImpressionSupersonic Hit And Run 
 Z CrystalPalossandium ZShore UpQuicksand Abyss 
 Z CrystalSilvallium ZMulti AttackHellish Retribution 
 Z CrystalTurtonatium ZShell TrapDetonating Rising Rocket 
 Z CrystalDhelmisium ZAnchor ShotLand Ahoy 
 Z CrystalMagearnium ZFleur CannonMaster’s Orders 
 Z CrystalZeraorium ZPlasma FistsOne Inch Punch 
 Z CrystalEeveonium ZStar BeamThe Full Power Of Pokemon 
  Ambrosia(maxes out everything lmao)  
  Grimace Shake(resets everything lmao)  

Exclusive Items

Pokedex NumberPokemonItem 1 NameItem 1 DescriptionItem 1 RarityItem 2 NameItem 2 DescriptionItem 2 RarityItem 3 NameItem 3 DescriptionItem 3 RarityItem 4 NameItem 4 DescriptionItem 4 RarityItem 5 NameItem 5 DescriptionItem 5 Rarity
1BulbasaurBulba-ClawRaises Attack by 5Bulba-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Grass-GuardRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Leafy TieIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
2IvysaurIvy-ClawRaises Attack by 5Ivy-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Ivy-CrestRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Plant TorcIncreases the amount of HP recovered through HP-draining moves.⭐⭐⭐   
3VenusaurVenus-ClawRaises Attack by 5Venus-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Venus-SealRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Solar SashRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐⭐   
4CharmanderChar-ClawRaises Attack by 5Char-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Fiery HeartRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Heat ArmletIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
5CharmeleonCharme-ClawRaises Attack by 5Charme-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Charme-CrestRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Kindle ScarfBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐⭐   
6CharizardChariz-ClawRaises Attack by 5Chariz-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Chariz-SealRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Flame BangleRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐⭐   
7SquirtleSquirt-FoamRaises Defense by 3Squirt-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Water-GuardRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Aqua TieIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
8WartortleWartor-ClawRaises Attack by 5Wartor-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Wartor-CrestRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐BubbleBangleHalves damage taken from Selfdestruct and Explosion⭐⭐⭐   
9BlastoiseBlasto-ClawRaises Attack by 5Blasto-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Blasto-SealRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Hydro BandRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐⭐   
10CaterpieCater-BeltAny Berry or Apple eaten will recover an extra 10 HP.⭐⭐            
11MetapodDefense BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
12ButterfreeGlittery BowRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
13WeedleWeedle BowAny Berry or Apple eaten will recover an extra 10 HP.⭐⭐            
14KakunaKakuna ScarfMakes thrown or hurled items bounce off the Pokémon.⭐⭐            
15BeedrillCharge ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
16PidgeyPidgey BowProtects against thrown items.⭐⭐            
17PidgeottoPidgeo-ScarfBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Clear weather condition.⭐⭐            
18PidgeotPidgeot TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
19RattataRatta-ScarfReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐            
20RaticateOvercome BowRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
21SpearowQuirky BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Clear weather condition.⭐⭐            
22FearowWing ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
23EkansLeash BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Shadow Hold status condition.⭐⭐            
24ArbokShock RuffRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
25PikachuPikachu HairRaises Defense by 3Pikachu CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Volt CharmRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Volt TorcReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐⭐Volt CapMay leave Pikachu with 1 HP after being hit by a fatal blow.⭐⭐⭐
26RaichuRaichu HairRaises Defense by 3Raichu CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Raichu CrestRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Zapper ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐⭐Light BallRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 7 each⭐⭐⭐
27SandshrewSand-ScarfFoes cannot get a critical hit on this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
28SandslashSandy TorcRecovers HP when hit by an Grass move.⭐⭐            
29Nidoran♀Pointy ScarfAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐            
30NidorinaReturn ScarfEarns the Pokémon 5 exp. points each time it is hit.⭐⭐            
31NidoqueenImpact TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
32Nidoran♂Halve ScarfIncreases maxiumum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
33NidorinoThorny ScarfMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐            
34NidokingKing SashRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
35ClefairyClef-ClawRaises Attack by 5Clef-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Moon JewelRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Moon ScarfAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐⭐   
36ClefableClefa-ClawRaises Attack by 5Clefa-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Moon RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Fairy BowRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐⭐   
37VulpixVulpix TailRaises Defense by 3Vulpix CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Vulpix TagRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Glowing BowSpecial moves are weakened to half their strength.⭐⭐⭐   
38NinetalesNine-HairRaises Defense by 3Nine-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Nine-SealRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Afire CollarRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐⭐   
39JigglypuffJiggly-SongRaises Sp. Attack by 5Jiggly-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Slumber RockRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Snooze RingMay afflict attacking enemies with a Sleep status condition.⭐⭐⭐   
40WigglytuffWiggly-HairRaises Defense by 3Wiggly-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Buddy RockRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Friend TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐⭐   
41ZubatDodge BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Cloudy weather condition.⭐⭐            
42GolbatAbsorb ScarfIncreases the amount of HP recovered through HP-draining moves.⭐⭐            
43OddishOdd BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Confused status condition.⭐⭐            
44GloomGuard HatIncreases the amount of HP recovered through HP-draining moves.⭐⭐            
45VileplumeAroma ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐            
46ParasMoving ScarfPokémon cannot be inflicted with the Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐            
47ParasectFirm HatRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐            
48VenonatGaze GogglesEarns the Pokémon 5 exp. points each time it is hit.⭐⭐            
49VenomothVenomoth BowRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
50DiglettDiglett HatProtects against thrown items.⭐⭐            
51DugtrioDugtrio BowRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
52MeowthMeowth ClawRaises Attack by 5Meowth FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Coin CharmRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Bling RuffIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
53PersianPersian ClawRaises Attack by 5Persian FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Insight RockRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Noble ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐⭐   
54PsyduckPsyduck HatBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Clear weather condition.⭐⭐            
55GolduckPaddle ScarfRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
56MankeyMankey TorcMay afflict attacking enemies with a Cringe status condition.⭐⭐            
57PrimeapeNullify BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
58GrowlitheGrowl ScarfEarns the Pokémon bonus Exp. points.⭐⭐            
59ArcanineLegend BowRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐            
60PoliwagDamp BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Rain weather condition.⭐⭐            
61PoliwhirlPoli-BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Confusion status condition.⭐⭐            
62PoliwrathBold BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Flying move.⭐⭐            
63AbraPredict TorcPrevents the Pokémon’s moves from being sealed.⭐⭐            
64KadabraPsychic TorcRandom chance of sealing an opponent’s move.⭐⭐            
65AlakazamSparkle RuffRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
66MachopImpish BandFoes cannot get a critical hit on this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
67MachokeStrong BeltReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐            
68MachampMachamp BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
69BellsproutBell-BowHalves damage taken from Selfdestruct and Explosion⭐⭐            
70WeepinbellDigest ScarfAny Berry or Apple eaten will recover an extra 10 HP.⭐⭐            
71VictreebelVictree-TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐            
72TentacoolTangle BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Shadow Hold status condition.⭐⭐            
73TentacruelTenta-CapeRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
74GeodudeGeodude TorcIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐            
75GravelerRocky TorcEliminates any damage taken from Selfdestruct and Explosion⭐⭐            
76GolemRugged SashRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
77PonytaHeated BowBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐            
78RapidashSunlight BowRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐            
79SlowpokeSlowpoke HatMay reduce the Movement Speed of attacking enemies by 1 level when hit.⭐⭐Slowpoke TailMakes Food items spawn more often in dungeons⭐⭐         
80SlowbroSlow-ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
81MagnemiteMagne-TorcPokémon cannot be inflicted with the Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐            
82MagnetonMagneton BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Cloudy weather condition.⭐⭐            
83Farfetch’dBullseye BowEnables Fighting moves and Normal moves to inflict increased damage on Ghost Pokémon.⭐⭐Far LeekRaises Critical Hit ratio by one stage⭐⭐⭐         
84DoduoBuddy TorcHidden Stairs are more likely to appear.⭐⭐            
85DodrioFight TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
86SeelGentle BowMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐            
87DewgongNorth TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
88GrimerGrimy ScarfMay afflict attacking enemies with a Blinker status condition.⭐⭐            
89MukSlimy BowRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
90ShellderShell TorcBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Rainy weather condition.⭐⭐            
91CloysterCover ArmorRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
92GastlyGastly VeilBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Fog weather condition.⭐⭐            
93HaunterSlip ScarfRanged moves and thrown items pass harmlessly through teammates.⭐⭐            
94GengarSunglassesRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐            
95OnixTrust BroochHalves damage taken from Selfdestruct and Explosion⭐⭐            
96DrowzeeDrowzee TieMay afflict attacking enemies with a Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
97HypnoDream CoinRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
98KrabbyKrabby BowIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐            
99KinglerSuper SashRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
100VoltorbBall ScarfEliminates any damage taken from Selfdestruct and Explosion⭐⭐            
101ElectrodeElectro-BowRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐            
102ExeggcuteRepel ScarfPrevents the Pokémon’s moves from being sealed.⭐⭐            
103ExeggutorExeggu-SashRecovers HP when hit by a Bug move.⭐⭐            
104CuboneCubone ScarfGives Long Toss status.⭐⭐Thick ClubRaises Attack by 7⭐⭐         
105MarowakMarowak TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐Rare BoneEarns the Pokémon 5 exp. points each time it is hit.⭐⭐⭐         
106HitmonleeCounter RuffCounters physical damage with full power.⭐⭐⭐            
107HitmonchanVictory BeltRandom chance of sealing an opponent’s move.⭐⭐⭐            
108LickitungLicky ScarfKecleon Shops appear more often.⭐⭐            
109KoffingKoffing BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Blinker status condition.⭐⭐            
110WeezingWeez-ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
111RhyhornSolid ShieldEliminates any damage taken from Selfdestruct and Explosion⭐⭐            
112RhydonPierce DrillReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐            
113ChanseyChansey SongRaises Sp. Attack by 5Chansey CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Lucky CharmRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Lucky ScarfMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐⭐Oval CharmIncreases chances of finding an Egg in a dungeon.⭐⭐⭐
114TangelaSticky BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Shadow Hold status condition.⭐⭐            
115KangaskhanKang-ApronHidden Stairs are more likely to appear.⭐⭐            
116HorseaHorsea BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Blinker status condition.⭐⭐            
117SeadraSwirl ScarfBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Rain weather condition.⭐⭐            
118GoldeenGoldeen BowBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Rain weather condition.⭐⭐            
119SeakingSeaking BowRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
120StaryuRecover TorcIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐            
121StarmieStarmie BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
122Mr. MimeMime KeyRaises Defense by 3Mime CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Bulwark RockRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Barrier BowRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐⭐   
123ScytherScyther FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Scyther CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Ambush RockRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Strike RuffProtects against thrown items.⭐⭐⭐   
124JynxJynx SongRaises Sp. Attack by 5Jynx CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Frozen OreRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Ruin ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐⭐   
125ElectabuzzElecta-ClawRaises Attack by 5Electa-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Charge SealRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Volt BanglePokémon cannot be inflicted with the Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐⭐   
126MagmarMagmar ClawRaises Attack by 5Magmar CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Erupt OreRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Magma ScarfBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐⭐   
127PinsirPinsir SashReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐            
128TaurosRushing BowCounters physical damage with full power.⭐⭐            
129MagikarpMagikarp BowRandomly consumes no PP when using a move.⭐⭐            
130GyaradosTempest SashRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐Red ScaleRaises chances of finding a Shiny Pokemon⭐⭐⭐         
131LaprasLapras SongRaises Sp. Attack by 5Lapras CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Wavy CharmHalves damage taken from Selfdestruct and Explosion⭐⭐Mystic ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐⭐   
132DittoDitto TorcKecleon Shops appear more often.⭐⭐Quick PowderRaises Movement Speed by 1 when not transformed⭐⭐⭐Metal PowderRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 7 each when not transformed⭐⭐⭐      
133EeveeEevee TailRaises Defense by 3Eevee CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Evolve CharmEarns the Pokémon bonus exp.⭐⭐Prism RuffProtects against weather damage.⭐⭐⭐   
134VaporeonAqua CollarMay afflict attacking enemies with a Cringe status condition.⭐⭐⭐            
135JolteonVolt CollarMay afflict attacking enemies with a Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐⭐            
136FlareonFire CollarMay afflict attacking enemies with a Burn status condition.⭐⭐⭐            
137PorygonAI BroochWhen hit; it changes type to one that resists the attacking move.⭐⭐            
138OmanyteSpike BroochReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐            
139OmastarAged ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
140KabutoKabuto HatPokémon cannot be inflicted with the Confusion status condition.⭐⭐            
141KabutopsKabu-TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
142AerodactylOld BroochIncreases amount of PP foes use; in addition to Aerodactyl’s Pressure Ability.⭐⭐            
143SnorlaxSnorlax GaspRaises Sp. Attack by 5Snorlax FangRaises Attack by 5Valor CharmRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5⭐⭐Glee ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐⭐   
144ArticunoFreeze VeilMay leave Articuno with 1 HP after being hit by a fatal blow.⭐⭐⭐            
145ZapdosThunder VeilMay leave Zapdos with 1 HP after being hit by a fatal blow.⭐⭐⭐            
146MoltresFire VeilMay leave Moltres with 1 HP after being hit by a fatal blow.⭐⭐⭐            
147DratiniDragon SashBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Fog weather condition.⭐⭐            
148DragonairAloft MantleAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐            
149DragoniteMirage CapeRecovers HP when hit by an Ice move.⭐⭐            
150MewtwoHavoc RobeIncreases amount of PP foes use; in addition to Mewtwo’s Pressure Ability.⭐⭐⭐            
151MewLife RingProtects Mew from status conditions.⭐⭐⭐Music BoxMakes recruiting Pokemon 50% easier⭐⭐⭐         
152ChikoritaChiko-ClawRaises Attack by 5Chiko-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Dawn JewelRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Fresh BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
153BayleefBayleef ClawRaises Attack by 5Bayleef CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Bayleef SealRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Spice BowIncreases the amount of HP recovered through HP-draining moves.⭐⭐⭐   
154MeganiumMegani-ClawRaises Attack by 5Megani-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Shiny CharmRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Bright VeilRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐⭐   
155CyndaquilCynda-HairRaises Sp. Defense by 3Cynda-ClawRaises Attack by 5Blazing RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Storm SashIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
156QuilavaQuila-HairRaises Defense by 3Quila-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Quila-CrestRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Volcano TorcBoosts Movement Speed during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐⭐   
157TyphlosionTyphlo-GaspRaises Sp. Attack by 5Typhlo-FangRaises Attack by 5Typhlo-SealRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Blast BangleRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐⭐   
158TotodileTotodi-DewRaises Defense by 3Totodi-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Water HeartRaises Defense by 3 and Sp. Attack by 5⭐⭐Wash BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
159CroconawCroco-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Croco-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Swirl RockRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Anger ScarfCounters 1/4 of the damage a foe does back at the foe.⭐⭐⭐   
160FeraligatrFeral-ClawRaises Attack by 5Feral-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Feral-CrestRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Hydro JawRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐⭐   
161SentretSentret RuffBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Cloudy weather condition.⭐⭐            
162FurretBody CollarRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
163HoothootExpose SpecsEnables Fighting moves and Normal moves to inflict increased damage on Ghost Pokémon.⭐⭐            
164NoctowlNoctowl TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
165LedybaMorning BowBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Clear weather condition.⭐⭐            
166LedianLedian BowRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
167SpinarakSpina-ScarfMay reduce the Movement Speed of attacking enemies by 1 level when hit.⭐⭐            
168AriadosAriados BowRecovers HP when hit by an Rock move.⭐⭐            
169CrobatSlash BowRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
170ChinchouShine TorcMay afflict attacking enemies with a Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐            
171LanturnLanturn BowRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐            
172PichuPichu HairRaises Defense by 3Pichu CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Express TagRaises Attack and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Shocker CapeAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐⭐ThundershardRandomly consumes no PP when using a move.⭐⭐⭐
173CleffaCleffa DewRaises Sp. Attack by 5Cleffa CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Starry OreRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Comet RingMay afflict attacking enemies with a Confused status condition.⭐⭐⭐Fallen StarRaises the chance of enemies dropping boxes.⭐⭐⭐
174IgglybuffIggly-DewRaises Sp. Attack by 5Iggly-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Bouncy CharmRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Pretty BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐Fluff DustRaises the chance of enemies dropping boxes.⭐⭐⭐
175TogepiTogepi DewRaises Sp. Attack by 5Togepi CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Pure HeartRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Angel ScarfIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐Egg ShardReflects thrown items back at the attacker.⭐⭐⭐
176TogeticTogetic WingRaises Attack by 5Togetic CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Happy RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Luck BroochRandomly consumes no PP when using a move.⭐⭐⭐Mystery EggRaises Critical Hit ratio by 1 stage⭐⭐⭐
177NatuLively ScarfHidden Stairs are more likely to appear.⭐⭐            
178XatuXatu BowRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
179MareepWool BowProtects from the Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
180FlaaffyFluffy ScarfSpecial moves are weakened to half their strength.⭐⭐            
181AmpharosSacred ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐Secret PotionIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐⭐         
182BellossomBright TiaraProtects against bad status conditions during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐            
183MarillMarill DewRaises Defense by 3Marill CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Surfer RockRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Brine ScarfMay afflict attacking enemies with a Shadow Hold status condition.⭐⭐⭐   
184AzumarillAzuma-DewRaises Defense by 3Azuma-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Stream CharmRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Dotted ScarfRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐⭐   
185SudowoodoSudo-SweatRaises Attack by 5Sudo-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Drain RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Fake TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Steel move.⭐⭐⭐Squirt BottleBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Rainy weather condition.⭐⭐⭐
186PolitoedRain CrownRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
187HoppipZephyr BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐            
188SkiploomSkip-ScarfIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐            
189JumpluffCotton TorcRecovers HP when hit by an Ice move.⭐⭐            
190AipomRevenge RuffThis Pokémon’s Pickup Ability is more likely to activate.⭐⭐            
191SunkernHasty BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐            
192SunfloraSun ScarfRecovers HP when hit by an Fire move.⭐⭐⭐            
193YanmaChitin BowWeather does not damage this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
194WooperWooper BowWeather does not damage this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
195QuagsireQuag-TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
196EspeonLight CollarMay afflict attacking enemies with a Confused status condition.⭐⭐⭐            
197UmbreonDusk CollarMay afflict attacking enemies with a Blinker status condition.⭐⭐⭐            
198MurkrowMurkrow HatRandom chance of sealing an opponent’s move.⭐⭐            
199SlowkingKing CapSpecial moves are weakened to half their strength.⭐⭐            
200MisdreavusMisdrea-CapeMay afflict attacking enemies with a Perish Song status condition.⭐⭐            
201UnownCryptic SashMay afflict attacking enemies with a Confusion status condition.⭐⭐            
202WobbuffetWobbu-SweatRaises Attack by 5Wobbu-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Endure RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Suffer ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐⭐   
203GirafarigReverse BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Confused status condition.⭐⭐            
204PinecoRobust BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
205ForretressDense PonchoRecovers HP when hit by a Flying move.⭐⭐            
206DunsparceEscape ScarfBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Cloudy weather condition.⭐⭐            
207GligarTakeoff RuffBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Sandstorm weather condition.⭐⭐            
208SteelixQuartz TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐            
209SnubbullSnub-CapeRandomly consumes no PP when using a move.⭐⭐            
210GranbullStern SashRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
211QwilfishQwilfish BowMakes thrown or hurled items bounce off the Pokémon.⭐⭐            
212ScizorScizor WingRaises Attack by 5Scizor CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Steel CharmRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Red ArmletRecovers HP when hit by a Flying move.⭐⭐⭐   
213ShuckleShuckle BowAny Berry or Apple eaten will recover an extra 10 HP.⭐⭐            
214HeracrossHorn TorcReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐            
215SneaselSneasel ClawRaises Attack by 5Sneasel CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Dusk JewelRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Cruel RingPrevents an Infatuated status condition.⭐⭐⭐   
216TeddiursaTeddi-ClawRaises Attack by 5Teddi-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Honey RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Heal ScarfIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐⭐   
217UrsaringUrsa-ClawRaises Attack by 5Ursa-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Calming RockRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Hiber ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐⭐   
218SlugmaLava BowEarns the Pokémon bonus Exp. points.⭐⭐            
219MagcargoTorrid ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐            
220SwinubFrigid BowEarns the Pokémon bonus Exp. points⭐⭐            
221PiloswineFrost TorcMay afflict attacking enemies with a Frozen status condition.⭐⭐            
222CorsolaEager BroochWeather does not damage this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
223RemoraidReach BowGives Long Toss status.⭐⭐            
224OctilleryPsy BowRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
225DelibirdSnow BroochAttacks twice in one turn during the Hail weather condition.⭐⭐            
226MantineMantine FoamRaises Defense by 3Mantine CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Sunset RockRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Horizon BowRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐⭐   
227SkarmoryScar-CapeCounters physical damage with full power.⭐⭐            
228HoundourDark ChokerMay afflict attacking enemies with a Cringe status condition.⭐⭐            
229HoundoomPit FangRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
230KingdraTornado BowRecovers HP when hit by a Dragon move.⭐⭐            
231PhanpyPhanpy ClawRaises Attack by 5Phanpy CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Phanpy TagRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Value RuffHidden Stairs are more likely to appear.⭐⭐⭐   
232DonphanDonphan FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Donphan CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Don-CrestRaises Sp Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Armor ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐⭐   
233Porygon2Virtual BowRanged moves and thrown items pass harmlessly through teammates.⭐⭐Machine PartRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐         
234StantlerDelusion BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Confused status condition.⭐⭐            
235SmearglePaint ScarfHidden Stairs are more likely to appear.⭐⭐            
236TyrogueTyro-SweatRaises Attack by 5Tyro-CardRaises Sp. Attack by 5Muscle CharmGives the Pokémon Longtoss status.⭐⭐Pep SashEarns the Pokémon 5 exp. points each time it is hit.⭐⭐⭐Heroic MedalEnables Fighting moves and Normal moves to inflict increased damage on Ghost Pokémon.⭐⭐⭐
237HitmontopPower BangleReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐⭐     ⭐⭐      
238SmoochumSmooch-SongRaises Sp. Attack by 5Smooch-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Kiss CharmRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Heart TiaraMay afflict attacking enemies with an Infatuated status condition.⭐⭐⭐Chic ShardEnables Psychic moves to inflict increased damage on Dark Pokémon.⭐⭐⭐
239ElekidElekid ClawRaises Attack by 5Elekid CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Jolt CharmRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Current RingAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐⭐Yellow JewelIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐
240MagbyMagby ClawRaises Attack by 5Magby CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Ember JewelRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Coal RingAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐⭐Red JewelIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐
241MiltankMilky ScarfIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐            
242BlisseyBlissey SongRaises Sp. Attack by 5Blissey CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Amity RockRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Faith RingRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐⭐Lucky PunchRaises Critical Hit ratio by 1 stage⭐⭐⭐
243RaikouBolt FangReflect and Light Screen do not affect Raikou’s moves.⭐⭐⭐            
244EnteiFlare FangReflect and Light Screen do not affect Entei’s moves.⭐⭐⭐            
245SuicuneAqua MantleSpecial moves are weakened to half their strength on Suicune.⭐⭐⭐            
246LarvitarLarvitar BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Cringe status condition.⭐⭐            
247PupitarPupita-ScarfHalves damage taken from Selfdestruct or Explosion⭐⭐            
248TyranitarCrash ClawRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
249LugiaSilver VeilIncreases amount of PP foes use; in addition to Lugia’s Pressure Ability.⭐⭐⭐Tidal BellIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐Silver KotoAttacks twice in one turn during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐⭐      
250Ho-OhRainbow VeilStatus conditions are reflected from Ho-Oh back to the user.⭐⭐⭐Clear BellIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐Gold ErhuAttacks twice in one turn during the Rain weather condition.⭐⭐⭐      
251CelebiChrono VeilRestores 1 PP to all of Celebi’s moves when it reaches another floor.⭐⭐⭐            
252TreeckoTreeck-ThornRaises Attack by 5Treeck-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Forest OreRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Guard RingIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
253GrovyleGrovy-ShootRaises Defense by 3Grovy-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Jungle TagRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Grass BladeCounters 1/4 of the damage a foe does back at the foe.⭐⭐⭐   
254SceptileScept-ClawRaises Attack by 5Scept-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Scept-SealRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Drain BangleRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐⭐   
255TorchicTorchic HairRaises Defense by 3Torchic CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Hot PebbleRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Fire CapeIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
256CombuskenCombus-SweatRaises Attack by 5Combus-ClawRaises Sp. Attack by 5Charge TagRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Gutsy BandBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐⭐   
257BlazikenBlazi-ClawRaises Attack by 5Blazi-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Blazi-SealRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Blaze TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐⭐   
258MudkipMudkip MudRaises Sp. Attack by 5Mudkip CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Mud JewelRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Speed ScarfProtects against thrown items.⭐⭐⭐   
259MarshtompMarsh-MudRaises Sp. Attack by 5Marsh-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Marsh-CrestRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Marsh TorcMay afflict attacking enemies with a Shadow Hold status condition.⭐⭐⭐   
260SwampertSwamp-MudRaises Sp. Attack by 5Swamp-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Swamp-SealRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Swamp BangleRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐⭐   
261PoochyenaPooch-CollarBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Cloudy weather condition.⭐⭐            
262MightyenaDark FangRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
263ZigzagoonMerry ScarfThis Pokémon’s Pickup Ability is more likely to activate.⭐⭐            
264LinooneLinoone RuffRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
265WurmpleWurmple BowEarns the Pokémon bonus Exp. points.⭐⭐            
266SilcoonTough ScarfFoes cannot get a critical hit on this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
267BeautiflyVivid SilkRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
268CascoonGuard BowWeather does not damage this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
269DustoxDustox BowRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
270LotadKelp HatIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
271LombreJolly ScarfBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Rainy weather condition.⭐⭐            
272LudicoloLudicolo HatRecovers HP when hit by a Bug move.⭐⭐            
273SeedotSeedot HatIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
274NuzleafNuzleaf BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐            
275ShiftryShiftry BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Bug move.⭐⭐            
276TaillowTaillow BowEarns the Pokémon 5 exp. points each time it is hit.⭐⭐            
277SwellowMidair ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
278WingullWingull BowMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐            
279PelipperStock ScarfRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
280RaltsSensing HatAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐            
281KirliaMagical BowEnables Psychic moves to inflict increased damage on Dark Pokémon.⭐⭐            
282GardevoirCaring ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
283SurskitBliss ScarfBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Rainy weather condition.⭐⭐            
284MasquerainBlocking BowRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
285ShroomishMobile BowPokémon cannot be inflicted with the Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐            
286BreloomThwart BowRecovers HP when hit by a Flying move.⭐⭐            
287SlakothSlak-ScarfMay afflict attacking enemies with a Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
288VigorothVigor SashReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐            
289SlakingLazy RuffRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
290NincadaNovice ScarfIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐            
291NinjaskNinja RuffRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
292ShedinjaAwe MantleRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐            
293WhismurGood EarringAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐            
294LoudredNice BanglePokémon cannot be inflicted with the Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
295ExploudGreat TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
296MakuhitaMakuhit-BeltCounters physical damage with full power.⭐⭐            
297HariyamaThrust BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
298AzurillAzuri-DewRaises Sp. Attack by 5Azuri-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Fount CharmRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Water FloatAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐⭐Blue JewelIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐
299NosepassNose-TorcPokémon cannot be inflicted with the Confusion status condition.⭐⭐            
300SkittySkitty FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Skitty CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Smile PebbleRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Heal PendantIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon.⭐⭐⭐   
301DelcattyDelcat-HairRaises Sp. Defense by 3Delcat-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Prim PebbleRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Guard CollarRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐⭐   
302SableyeSable-ScopeMay afflict attacking enemies with a Blinker status condition.⭐⭐            
303MawileDeceit MaskRandom chance of sealing an opponent’s move.⭐⭐            
304AronIron TorcFoes cannot get a critical hit on this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
305LaironMetal BangleEliminates any damage taken from Selfdestruct or Explosion⭐⭐            
306AggronIron HelmetRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
307MedititeIntuit BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Clear weather condition.⭐⭐            
308MedichamPonder SashRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐            
309ElectrikePunish TorcCounters 1/4 of the damage a foe does back at the foe.⭐⭐            
310ManectricProtect MaskRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐            
311PluslePlusle TailRaises Defense by 3Plusle CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Cheer RockEarns the Pokemon bonus Exp. Points.⭐⭐Pulse BowMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐⭐   
312MinunMinun TailRaises Defense by 3Minun CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Volt HeartEarns the Pokemon bonus Exp. Points.⭐⭐Spark TieMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐⭐   
313VolbeatNeon ScarfRaises the chance of enemies dropping money.⭐⭐            
314IllumiseEvening BowRaises the chance of enemies dropping boxes.⭐⭐            
315RoseliaThorned TorcCounters 1/4 of the physical damage a foe does back at the foe.⭐⭐            
316GulpinGulpin BowAny Berry or Apple eaten will recover an extra 10 HP.⭐⭐            
317SwalotSwalot BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
318CarvanhaCarva-SashBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Rain weather condition.⭐⭐            
319SharpedoVicious BowRecovers HP when hit by a Bug move.⭐⭐            
320WailmerSpout ScarfMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐            
321WailordHuge BowRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
322NumelNumel BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
323CameruptErupt ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐            
324TorkoalSooty SashMay afflict attacking enemies with a Burn status condition.⭐⭐            
325SpoinkSpring BowRaises the chance of enemies dropping money.⭐⭐            
326GrumpigScheme ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
327SpindaHula BowRaises the chance of enemies dropping boxes.⭐⭐Soot SackFood items spawn more often in dungeons⭐⭐         
328TrapinchDesert BowBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Sandstorm weather condition.⭐⭐            
329VibravaVibra ScarfPokémon cannot be inflicted with the Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
330FlygonRed GlassesRecovers HP when hit by an Ice move.⭐⭐            
331CacneaDesert SashBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Sandstorm weather condition.⭐⭐            
332CacturneCacturne HatRecovers HP when hit by a Bug move.⭐⭐            
333SwabluTuft BowPrevents the Pokémon’s stats from being lowered by enemies or traps.⭐⭐            
334AltariaCloud RuffRecovers HP when hit by an Ice move.⭐⭐            
335ZangooseStrong SashCounters physical damage with full power.⭐⭐            
336SeviperSeviper BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Cringe status condition.⭐⭐            
337LunatoneLunaton-TorcMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐            
338SolrockSolrock BowRandomly consumes no PP when using a move.⭐⭐            
339BarboachSoak ScarfBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Rainy weather condition.⭐⭐            
340WhiscashWhiscash BowRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
341CorphishBossy ScarfMay afflict attacking enemies with a Cringe status condition.⭐⭐            
342CrawdauntCower SashRecovers HP when hit by a Bug move.⭐⭐            
343BaltoyBal-BroochRandom chance of sealing an opponent’s move.⭐⭐            
344ClaydolClaydol TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
345LileepBind ScarfMay afflict attacking enemies with a Shadow Hold status condition.⭐⭐            
346CradilyCradily BowRecovers HP when hit by a Steel move.⭐⭐            
347AnorithGuard ClawIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
348ArmaldoRigid CapeRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐            
349FeebasAdmire ScarfRaises the chance of enemies dropping money.⭐⭐            
350MiloticGrace ScarfRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
351CastformCast-DewRaises Defense by 3Cast-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Cloud RockEliminates any damage taken from Selfdestruct or Explosion⭐⭐Weather CapePrevents all status conditions during the Clear weather condition.⭐⭐⭐   
352KecleonKecleon TorcKecleon Shops appear more often.⭐⭐            
353ShuppetShuppet CapeBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Cloudy weather condition.⭐⭐            
354BanetteOminous TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐            
355DuskullDuskull RuffProtects from the Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
356DusclopsIllusion BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
357TropiusTropius BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Poison; Paralysis; or Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
358ChimechoChime-ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
359AbsolPerish TorcMay afflict attacking enemies with a Perish Song status condition.⭐⭐            
360WynautWynaut TailRaises Defense by 3Wynaut CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Grin CharmRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Cheery ScarfIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐Laugh DustRaises the chance of enemies dropping boxes.⭐⭐⭐
361SnoruntChilly HatMay afflict attacking enemies with a Frozen status condition.⭐⭐            
362GlalieHail ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐            
363SphealSleet BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Frozen status condition.⭐⭐            
364SealeoSafe ScarfBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Hail weather condition.⭐⭐            
365WalreinWalrein TorcRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
366ClamperlClam-BroochHalves damage taken from Selfdestruct or Explosion⭐⭐            
367HuntailDeep TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
368GorebyssGore-ScarfRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
369RelicanthReli-TorcPrevents the Pokémon’s moves from being sealed.⭐⭐            
370LuvdiscLuvdisc TorcMay afflict attacking enemies with an Infatuation status condition.⭐⭐            
371BagonCrag HelmetFoes cannot get a critical hit on this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
372ShelgonOutlast BowEliminates any damage taken from Selfdestruct or Explosion⭐⭐            
373SalamenceSala-CapeRecovers HP when hit by an Ice move.⭐⭐            
374BeldumBeldum TorcEliminates any damage taken from Selfdestruct or Explosion⭐⭐            
375MetangMetang ScarfEnables Psychic moves to inflict increased damage on Dark Pokémon.⭐⭐            
376MetagrossMeta-TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐            
377RegirockRock SashPhysical moves are weakened to half their strength on Regirock.⭐⭐⭐            
378RegiceIce SashPhysical moves are weakened to half their strength on Regice.⭐⭐⭐            
379RegisteelSteel SashPhysical moves are weakened to half their strength on Registeel.⭐⭐⭐            
380LatiasHeart BroochMay inflict Latias with an Invisible status condition when attacked.⭐⭐⭐Eon FluteRaises Speed by 10⭐⭐⭐Soul DewRaises Sp. Attack by 7 and Sp. Defense by 7⭐⭐⭐      
381LatiosEon VeilMay increase Latios’ Movement Speed by 1 when attacked.⭐⭐⭐Enigma StoneRaises Max HP by 10⭐⭐⭐Stealth PlateRaises Sp. Attack by 7 and Sp. Defense by 7⭐⭐⭐      
382KyogreSeabed VeilKyogre can attack twice in one turn during the Rain weather condition.⭐⭐⭐Blue OrbActivates Primal Reversion⭐⭐⭐         
383GroudonTerra RingGroudon can attack twice in one turn during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐⭐Red OrbActivates Primal Reversion⭐⭐⭐         
384RayquazaSkyHigh VeilRayquaza can attack twice in one turn during the Clear weather condition.⭐⭐⭐Meteor ShardActivates Megaevolution when using Dragon Ascent⭐⭐⭐Jade OrbNullifies Primal Reversion to any Pokemon in the Dungeon⭐⭐⭐      
385JirachiWish MantleCompletely restores Jirachi’s HP when entering a new floor.⭐⭐⭐Wish StoneSpawns a Treasure item at the final floor of any Dungeon⭐⭐⭐         
386DeoxysRevive RobeIncreases amount of PP foes use; in addition to Deoxys’ Pressure Ability.⭐⭐⭐MeteoriteCounters 1/4 of the damage a foe does back at the foe.⭐⭐⭐         
387TurtwigLucky LeafRaises Defense by 3Turtwig CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Sprout RockRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Leafy HatIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
388GrotleGrotle TwigRaises Defense by 3Grotle ClawRaises Attack by 5Grotle CrestRaises Attack by 5 and Defense by 3⭐⭐Woody ScarfIncreases the amount of HP recovered through HP-draining moves.⭐⭐⭐   
389TorterraTort-ClawRaises Sp. Attack by 5Tort-HornRaises Attack by 5Tort-SealRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Forest TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐⭐   
390ChimcharChim-HairRaises Sp. Defense by 3Chim-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Nimble CharmRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Ember CapMay afflict attacking enemies with a Burn status condition.⭐⭐⭐   
391MonfernoMonfer-HairRaises Sp. Defense by 3Monfer-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Monfer-CrestRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Burst SashBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐⭐   
392InfernapeInfern-HairRaises Sp. Defense by 3Infern-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Infern-SealRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Blazing RuffRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐⭐   
393PiplupPiplup FoamRaises Defense by 3Piplup CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Sea OreRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Water CapeIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
394PrinplupPrin-FoamRaises Defense by 3Prin-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Prin-CrestRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Aqua BladeCounters 1/4 of the damage a foe does back at the foe.⭐⭐⭐   
395EmpoleonEmpol-ClawRaises Sp. Attack by 5Empol-HornRaises Attack by 5Empol-SealRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Marine CrownRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐⭐   
396StarlyStarly BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Confused status condition.⭐⭐            
397StaraviaRegret TorcFoes cannot get a critical hit on this Pokémon.⭐⭐            
398StaraptorGuts SashRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
399BidoofBidoof ToothRaises Attack by 5Bidoof CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Fall CharmRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Stolid ScarfProtects from the Infatuated status condition.⭐⭐⭐   
400BibarelBiba-ToothRaises Attack by 5Biba-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3River CharmRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Dam ScarfRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐⭐   
401KricketotStill BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
402KricketuneKricke-TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Flying move.⭐⭐            
403ShinxShinx ClawRaises Attack by 5Shinx FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Flash TagRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Energy ScarfAdds 2 to base PP of all moves.⭐⭐⭐   
404LuxioLuxio ClawRaises Attack by 5Luxio FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Spark TagRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Spark ScarfMay afflict attacking enemies with a Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐⭐   
405LuxrayLuxray ClawRaises Attack by 5Luxray FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Glare TagRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Glare SashRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐⭐   
406BudewBudew ScarfMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐            
407RoseradeBouquet CapeRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐            
408CranidosHard HelmetIgnores Reflect and Light Screen.⭐⭐            
409RampardosSkull HelmetRecovers HP when hit by a Steel move.⭐⭐            
410ShieldonRebound BowMakes thrown or hurled items bounce off the Pokémon.⭐⭐            
411BastiodonBlock BroochRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
412BurmyStraw CapeIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐            
413WormadamWorma-BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Poisoned; a Paralysis; or a Sleep status condition.⭐⭐            
414MothimMothim BowRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
415CombeeNectar BowFoes are more likely to drop boxes.⭐⭐            
416VespiquenVespi-TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐        ⭐⭐⭐   
417PachirisuPachi-ToothRaises Attack by 5Pachi-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Rouse CharmRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Miracle BowRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐⭐   
418BuizelBuizel FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Buizel CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Swimmer RockRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Screw TorcBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Rain weather condition.⭐⭐⭐   
419FloatzelFloat-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Float-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Rescue RockRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Float AidRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐⭐   
420CherubiCherubi SeedRaises Defense by 3Cherubi CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Cute OreRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Charm BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
421CherrimCherrim DewRaises Defense by 3Cherrim CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Sweet AromaRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Petal DressRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐⭐   
422ShellosAwake BowBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Rainy weather condition.⭐⭐            
423GastrodonGastro-TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
424AmbipomAmbipom BowRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
425DrifloonDrifloo-GaspRaises Sp. Attack by 5Drifloo-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Wind HeartRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Draft RingProtects against thrown items.⭐⭐⭐   
426DrifblimDrifbli-GaspRaises Sp. Attack by 5Drifbli-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Easy CharmRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Breeze ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐⭐   
427BunearyDefrost RuffProtects the Pokemon from a Frozen status.⭐⭐            
428LopunnyAllure CoatRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
429MismagiusMagic HatRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐            
430HonchkrowHonch-CapeRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
431GlameowGlameow BowAttacker may become infatuated.⭐⭐            
432PuruglyScary BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
433ChinglingChing-TorcKecleon Shops appear more often.⭐⭐            
434StunkyStinky ScarfMay afflict attacking enemies with a Cringe status condition.⭐⭐            
435SkuntankStench SashRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐            
436BronzorImage BroochMay afflict attacking enemies with a Blinker status condition.⭐⭐            
437BronzongMirror TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐            
438BonslyBonsly DewRaises Sp. Attack by 5Bonsly CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Arid TagRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Teary CapeFoes cannot get a critical hit on this Pokémon.⭐⭐⭐Guard SandIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐
439Mime Jr.Junior BeamRaises Sp. Attack by 5Junior CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Mimic PebbleRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Copy MaskEarns the Pokémon 5 exp. points each time it is hit.⭐⭐⭐Purple JewelEnables Psychic moves to inflict increased damage on Dark Pokémon.⭐⭐⭐
440HappinyHappiny DewRaises Sp. Attack by 5Happiny CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Play TagRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Nurture CapeEarns the Pokémon 5 exp. points each time it is hit.⭐⭐⭐White JewelRaises the chance of enemies dropping boxes.⭐⭐⭐
441ChatotChatot ScarfMay make the Pokémon bounce received moves back at the attacker.⭐⭐            
442SpiritombShadow VeilPrevents Spiritomb’s moves from being sealed.⭐⭐⭐Odd KeystoneProtects against thrown items.⭐⭐⭐         
443GibleGible FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Gible CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Dragon JewelRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Dragon TieIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
444GabiteGabite ClawRaises Attack by 5Gabite FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Star RockRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Meteor TorcReflect and Light Screen do not affect this Pokémon’s moves.⭐⭐⭐   
445GarchompGar-ClawRaises Attack by 5Gar-FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Speed TagRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Mach ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Dragon move.⭐⭐⭐Old CharmRecovers HP when hit by a Fairy move.⭐⭐⭐
446MunchlaxMunch-DroolRaises Sp. Attack by 5Munch-ClawRaises Attack by 5Tummy CharmRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Glutton CapeIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐   
447RioluRiolu TailRaises Defense by 3Riolu CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Valiant RockRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Emit RingEnables Fighting moves and Normal moves to inflict increased damage on Ghost Pokémon.⭐⭐⭐Brave DustRaises the chance of enemies dropping boxes.⭐⭐⭐
448LucarioLucario FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Lucario CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Pledge RockRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Ravage RingRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐⭐   
449HippopotasThick ScarfBoosts Evasion by 2 during the Sandstorm weather condition.⭐⭐            
450HippowdonGrit VeilRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
451SkorupiSkorupi BowMay afflict attacking enemies with a Shadow Hold status condition.⭐⭐            
452DrapionDust ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐            
453CroagunkCroa-TorcFoes are more likely to drop boxes.⭐⭐            
454ToxicroakToxi-BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Psychic move.⭐⭐            
455CarnivineCarni-BowAny Berry or Apple eaten will recover an extra 10 HP.⭐⭐            
456FinneonSwim BowBoosts Movement Speed by 1 during the Rainy weather condition.⭐⭐            
457LumineonLumi-TorcRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐            
458MantykeMantyke BeamRaises Sp. Attack by 5Mantyke CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Waft RockRaises Sp. Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Ocean BowIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐Heal DewIncreases recovery rate of HP when walking in a dungeon⭐⭐⭐
459SnoverSnowy TorcAttacks twice in one turn during the Hail weather condition.⭐⭐            
460AbomasnowFrozen CapeRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐            
461WeavileWeavile ClawRaises Attack by 5Weavile FangRaises Sp. Attack by 5Vile TagRaises Attack and Sp. Attack by 5 each⭐⭐Ruin ArmletRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐⭐   
462MagnezoneBuilder SashRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐            
463LickilickyFlabby BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
464RhyperiorRhyperi-TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐            
465TangrowthClinging BowRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐            
466ElectivireElecti-ClawRaises Attack by 5Electi-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Voltaic RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Voltaic BandRecovers HP when hit by a Ground move.⭐⭐⭐   
467MagmortarMagmor-ClawRaises Attack by 5Magmor-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Vulcan RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Burning TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐⭐   
468TogekissTogek-WingRaises Attack by 5Togek-CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Ovation RockRaises Attack by 5 and Sp. Defense by 3⭐⭐Glitter RobeRecovers HP when hit by an Electric move.⭐⭐⭐   
469YanmegaYanmega BowRecovers HP when hit by a Rock move.⭐⭐            
470LeafeonVirid CollarMay afflict attacking enemies with a Poisoned; a Paralysis; or a Sleep status condition.⭐⭐⭐            
471GlaceonIcy CollarMay afflict attacking enemies with a Frozen status condition.⭐⭐⭐            
472GliscorGliscor CapeRecovers HP when hit by an Ice move.⭐⭐            
473MamoswineGlacier CapeRecovers HP when hit by a Steel move.⭐⭐            
474Porygon-ZBest ScarfRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
475GalladeGallant TorcRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐            
476ProbopassProbo-HatRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
477DusknoirUnlucky SashRecovers HP when hit by a Ghost move.⭐⭐            
478FroslassFroslass BowRecovers HP when hit by a Dark move.⭐⭐            
479RotomPlasma VeilMay afflict attacking enemies with a Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐⭐Secret KeyShifts Rotom into a random Appliance.⭐⭐⭐         
480UxieEdify RobeIf Uxie is attacked when it has little health; it may warp to a different area on the same floor.⭐⭐⭐            
481MespritCharity RobeIf Mesprit is attacked when it has little health; it may warp to a different area on the same floor.⭐⭐⭐            
482AzelfHope RobeIf Azelf is attacked when it has little health; it may warp to a different area on the same floor.⭐⭐⭐            
483DialgaTime ShieldPhysical moves are weakened to half their strength on Dialga.⭐⭐⭐Adamant OrbActivates Primal Reversion⭐⭐⭐         
484PalkiaAir BladeBoosts damage Palkia inflicts by 1.5 times.⭐⭐⭐Lustrous OrbActivates Primal Reversion⭐⭐⭐         
485HeatranSearing RingCompletely restores Heatran’s HP when entering a new floor.⭐⭐⭐Magma StoneAttacks twice in one turn during the Sunny weather condition.⭐⭐⭐         
486RegigigasAncient RingProtects Regigigas from status conditions.⭐⭐⭐            
487GiratinaNether VeilMay afflict attacking foes with a Constricted status condition.⭐⭐⭐Griseous OrbActivates Origin Forme⭐⭐⭐Red ChainNullifies Primal Reversion to any Pokemon in the Dungeon⭐⭐⭐      
488CresseliaLunar VeilWhen moves that increase stats are used on Cresselia; the rest of the party also gets the effects.⭐⭐⭐Lunar WingImmune to Sleep; Yawn; Napping; and Nightmare⭐⭐⭐         
489PhionePhione SongRaises Defense by 3Phione CardRaises Sp. Defense by 3Wave JewelRaises Defense and Sp. Defense by 3 each⭐⭐Ripple CapeRecovers HP when Phione enters a water terrain.⭐⭐⭐Marine CacheHeals status conditions when Phione enters a water terrain.⭐⭐⭐
490ManaphyTidal CapeRecovers HP when Manaphy enters a water terrain.⭐⭐⭐Wonder GemDoubles maximum HP when a Phione is nearby.⭐⭐⭐         
491DarkraiEclipse RobeMay afflict attacking enemies with a Nightmare status condition.⭐⭐⭐Dark VeilAvoids waking up sleeping Pokemon⭐⭐⭐         
492ShayminPurify VeilCures allies’ poisoned or badly poisoned conditions and restores 10HP to Shaymin.⭐⭐GracideaActivates Sky Forme⭐⭐⭐         
493ArceusAzure FluteProtects Arceus from status conditions.⭐⭐⭐Spacetime GlobeAll damage done by Arceus is doubled.⭐⭐⭐         
523ZebstrikaVolt SaddlePrevents the Pokémon’s moves from being sealed.⭐⭐            
570ZoruaZorua TailRaises Defense by 3      Vision PrismCounters 1/4 of the damage a foe does back at the foe.⭐⭐⭐   
609ChandelureGlass CaseRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐            
625BisharpPhantom ArmorRecovers HP when hit by a Fighting move.⭐⭐            
631HeatmorFlame SiphonFoes are more likely to drop boxes.⭐⭐            
641TornadusWind MirrorAllows Tornadus to transform into Therian Forme.⭐⭐⭐            
642ThundurusStorm MirrorAllows Thundurus to transform into Therian Forme.⭐⭐⭐            
643ReshiramLight StoneIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐            
644ZekromDark StoneIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐            
645LandorusEarth MirrorAllows Landorus to transform into Therian Forme.⭐⭐⭐            
646KyuremGod StoneIncreases maximum HP by 10.⭐⭐⭐DNA SplicersAllows Kyurem to fuse with a Reshiram or Zekrom until the end of the Dungeon.⭐⭐⭐         
649GenesectDouse DriveConverts Techno Blast into a Water Type move.⭐⭐⭐Shock DriveConverts Techno Blast into an Electric Type move.⭐⭐⭐Burn DriveConverts Techno Blast into a Fire Type move.⭐⭐⭐Chill DriveConverts Techno Blast into an Ice Type move.⭐⭐⭐   
718ZygardeZygarde CubeAllows Zygarde to shift between 50% and 10% formes, and unlocks 100% forme when paired with Power Construct.⭐⭐⭐            
720HoopaDjinn BottleAllows Hoopa to become Unbound.             
724Decidueye         Leaf QuiverRecovers HP when hit by a Fire move.⭐⭐⭐   
727Incineroar         Scorching BeltRecovers HP when hit by a Water move.⭐⭐⭐   
730Primarina         Hair BeadsRecovers HP when hit by a Grass move.⭐⭐⭐   
741OricorioRed NectarAllows Oricorio to shift into Baile Style.⭐⭐Yellow NectarAllows Oricorio to shift into Pom Pom Style.⭐⭐Pink NectarAllows Oricorio to shift into Pa’u Style.⭐⭐Purple NectarAllows Oricorio to shift into Sensu Style.⭐⭐   
743RibombeeTiny ScarfMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐            
745Lycanroc         Obsidian ShardMay restore PP of a random move upon taking any kind of damage.⭐⭐⭐   
800NecrozmaSolarizerAllows Necrozma to fuse with a Solgaleo until the end of the Dungeon.⭐⭐⭐LunarizerAllows Necrozma to fuse with a Lunala until the end of the Dungeon.⭐⭐⭐         
807ZeraoraTesla NunchucksCritical hits inflict the Paralysis status condition.⭐⭐⭐